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Next Improvers bridge session

(competition with tuition)

Sunday 19th January



next tournaments

Sunday 19th January starting 16h00

Monday 20th January starting 13h30

Tuesday 21st January starting 14h00


NEW contact details for reservations:

(0034) 632 527 631

99 years young

My partner in Paris at the


24 September 2024

15 tables / 26 boards 

A creditable 41%




Madrid 24 August 2024
Madrid 24 August 2024

Two champions at the Vergara

When I finished not far behind the immortal Paul Hackett,

in one of the biggest INDIVIDUAL competitions in the world

it was like winning the prestigious 

Mutton Cup

14 hours of concentration 

playing 88 boards



ranks it my greatest achievement as a player.

albeit that it took 68 years of practice to get there!





2024 - El gran reto

Encontrar y entrenar un equipo de bridge sub 16 para representar a España en el próximo Campeonato de Europa Juvenil.

Apenas unos meses después de que Luis Lantarón y la presidenta de la AEB, Elena Orbegozo, pusieran en marcha el proyecto IMPULSA, ya cuentan con dos fantásticos récords nacionales:

El 2 de septiembre Luis era entrenador del equipo suizo que ganó por primera vez el Bermuda Bowl.

El 9 de diciembre, Elena y Luis estaban jugando un torneo en Lanzarote donde Vincent, de 10 años, batió el récord del jugador más joven en un gran torneo en España.



It is only a few months since the Spanish Impulsa project was launched by Luis Lantaron and Elena Orbegozo, but they already have two wonderful records to celebrate:

On 2 September 2023 Luis was coach of the Swiss team that won the Bermuda Bowl for the first time. 

On 9 December 2023, Elena and Luis were both playing in a 3 day tournament in Lanzarote where 10 year old Vincent shattered the record for the youngest player to ever complete a major tournament in Spain.

The news does not get any better than that. 



Viva España

Los Cristianos, Arona, Tenerife


clases / lecciones


para niños españoles de 7 a 10 años

Todos los sábados

desde principios de julio de 2024.

Las lecciones también estarán disponibles durante la semana después de la escuela.

Consulte la página de información para conocer los horarios.



Good news travels Fast

Look who has sent her congratulations:

The world's highest ranked bridge play

From: Kathrine Bertheau 
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Vincent and Markus
To: Trevor Wilson 

Hi Trevor,

Nice to hear about your project.

Regards Kathrine

WBF Women's Ranking 

WBF Masterpoints to November 2023 

 Rank    Name    NBO  MPs  PPs  
 1    Kathrine  Bertheau  Sweden  2538  27  
 2    Emma  Övelius  Sweden  2151  15  
 3    Jessika  Larsson  Sweden  2043  20  
 4    Sanna  Clementsson  Sweden  1848  10.5  
 5    Wen Fei  Wang  China  1726  48.5  
 6    Janice  Seamon  USA  1718  49  
 7    Nevena  Senior  England  1624  31.5  
 8    Kerri  Sanborn  USA  1609  57  
 9    Ida  Gronkvist  Sweden  1600  11.5  
 10    Yan  Liu  China  1597  14.5  
More than a bridge club


where members can chat with friends over

morning coffee, afternoon tea or evening meal

and also play

chess, scrabble, rummicub, cribbage, canasta  

Opening hours from 1st October 2024:

Monday  08h30 to 18h00

Tuesday  11h00 to 21h00 

Wednesday  08h30 to 19h00 

Thursday   16h00 to 21h00

Friday  08h30 to 18h00

Saturday   08h30 to 18h00 

Sunday   10h00 to 21h00

These opening hours may be extended for functions such as evening birthday parties and dinners booked in advance. Sample menus available on request.


Well played DAMON

Roger, a Bristolian, gets beaten by the Cornish champion at the Tenerife backgammon final in Los Cristianos 28 December 2024.


More than a bridge club

Félicitations à Régine, Jean Marc, Patrick et Michel du Club Stéphanois pour avoir organisé un si bel événement.

Une chance pour moi de retrouver mes amis français de l'époque où j'enseignais le bridge dans les écoles françaises. 15 ans après le début de ce projet, il existe un nombre incroyable de 560 clubs de bridge enregistrés dans les écoles en France.

Le superbe dîner dansant m'a donné l'occasion de discuter avec Luc, le directeur du tournoi,  comment atteindre en Espagne le succès que nous avons tous deux connu : Luc était entraineur de l'équipe française des moins de 13 ans en même temps que moi. j'étais le coach de l'équipe thaïlandaise des moins de 13 ans!


Latest News from FRANCE


Date: 23/9/23

Venue: Ste Esteve, South West France

Event: Tournoi du Roussillon

71 Tables - 284 players

Latest News from FRANCE
Club Stéphanois

A few days after the tournament ended, I visited the local club's premises where I was able to personally thank them for their organisation. I was told that, for the 2024 edition of the Tournoi de Roussillon end September, the number of tables will be limited to 80 = 320 players. You therefore need to book your place well in advance if you want to join the party. 

What a great day that was!

Club Stéphanois
Winning Chang Rai under 16 team
Winning Chang Rai under 16 team

At the end of the Thai National under 16 championships, the winners invited some of my (slightly shorter) youngsters competing in the same event to join them for the photo call.

Chang Rai was where the 12 cave boys and their teacher were dramatically rescued in 2018. Some of those boys trapped underground for a week in a flooded cave were bridge players!   

Bridge and Parkinsons

There are many, many Parkinsons and Stroke victims playing in clubs.

All capable of playing to a very high standard.

If given the chance.


Hopefully the article below will, in the future, save me a lot of time explaining - and my opponents a lot of embarrassment

Because, from now on, I will be able to refer them to the incidents recorded below about ...

players who call the Director to insist I pass after partner "hesitated"  




I happened to be in Chapel Allerton visiting a non playing friend when I decided to try the local Bridge Club in Moortown for the first time. A more welcoming and progressive club you could not find. It is also the biggest club I have visited in the UK. With tournaments for all levels. Including sessions regularly attended by one of the very best in the world, Fiona Brown**.  

A partner was found for me. Colin hgis name. An 82 year old suffering from Parkinsons which had been diagnosed 10 years earlier. We ended up playing together every time I popped back from Spain to my UK base in Leeds. But our results never matched the standard we were capable of achieving and which our playing skills deserved. Not, that is, until a year after our first game when I decided it was time to do something about the obvious problem.

Here are copy mails we exchanged after what must have been about our 4th game together. The messages reveal a lot that bridge players ought to know about Parkinsons.

On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 10:47 my partner Colin  wrote:
"We could have come third with 52%. The others must have played badly too"

On 11 August, yours truly replied
"I think our result was a fair one for the way we played. Especially when we got off to such a terrible start. I probably won`t be back in Leeds for 5 months, but I will look forward to playing with you again on my next visit.
In case you wonder why I enjoy playing with you Colin, it is your joie de vivre. You do your best, never panic or get overawed despite your physical limitations. You never dwell on mistakes  - and always enjoy your game. Exactly the same philosophy as me. And, yes, I made a couple of big mistakes Thursday, so it would indeed have been 52% without those errors of mine.

Your score should regularly be much higher than it is. Why do I say that, you may ask. Because, if I were directing at Leeds (and I have been asked to do so by Leslie and two others), I would not uphold the right of the person who insisted I pass. That was after you deliberated two minutes before passing yourself. I won`t go into all the reasons why he was wrong to say what he did. But I will write a letter to your President on the subject if you find it happens again to you. In brief, your physical handicap means you should be exceptionally allowed extra time to make even a pass. 

The fact that you passed in no way could have led me to the conclusion that you might have as many as 14 points. Which is what our opponent claimed. Had I thought that, I would have bid 4 spades (rather than 2S) over opponent`s opening two heart bid. In a club which promotes friendly bridge sessions, that complainant deserves a reprimand for taking advantage of an opponent`s physical handicap to gain an advantage for his side.
Not to mention the incident a year ago during our first game together where the director conveniently forgot to change our score from a zero to 100% in the knowledge that neither you or I would make a complaint.

Enough said. Except to say that it all means that you are without doubt a much better player than your scores suggest!!!
Hasta luego"

Colin then signed off our exchanges thus:
"Thanks for your lovely words, you old shmoozer. Thanks for playing with me
All the same, I get the score I deserve"


Fast forward another 6 months:


There was another Parkinsons sufferer plus a Stroke victim in a group of 52 on the bridge break I had in Nerja, southern Spain. Fantastic holiday and mentally stimulating. Being on a mini holiday, I had the chance to talk to those sufferers privately about their problems which they appreciated greatly. My understanding of Parkinsons was by then quite comprehensive because there were at least another four Parkinsons sufferers in the Fuengirola club where I directed regularly. One of them was Malcolm Harris, a former Essex county player. Despite his impediment, he still came top in in almost every tournament he played at that club in 2017/18 which I found remarkable given his handicap and the quality of his opponents. The proof that Parkinsons sufferers can continue playing to a very high standard.

But not many club players appreciate that fact. Especially when they see they have "the shakes". Normally the "P" word is as taboo as the "S" word for most non-sufferers at the bridge table. Both the sufferers and the fit are generally frightened to bring the topics up. So the sufferers` difficulties - needing more time to bid and play to achieve their potential - never get aired. For understandable reasons. If you are one of those who does not yet appreciate their special needs, please read on.

The day I left Nerja I flew to Leeds again. Colin was hospitalized and forced to cancel the game I had booked with him. That gave me plenty of time to put pen to paper and wish him a speedy recovery. With the Nerja experience still in my mind, I took the opportunity to ask Colin how he felt about me telling his story on my website. To help other Parkinsons victims like those in Nerja and Fuengirola. He agreed to do so. And it was Colin himself who helped me write that account above.

Let me sign off with the rest of that message to Colin in hospital:
"Knowing all about Parkinsons thanks to you, I have been able to fight your corner to stop opponents actually profiting from your illness. B
ut I am sure you can express it in more tactful terms. Then perhaps we can make people realise that us winning the comp last time by a clear 5% against so many good players was not a flash in the pan. In fact, if there was a handicap prize that gives a fair allowance for disability, you would have a chance of winning every week at Leeds.

I look forward to having the opportunity to win another tournament together on my next visit to the Club.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. See you soon. Trevor" 

**The uplifting sequel to that message was that Colin was invited to go on the "host" roster the next time we played together 3 months later. His immediate reaction was to say no. I told him to look upon it as an honour. This is what I actually said to cause him to quickly change his mind:

 "It is recognition from the club hierarchy that your improved results and playing skills mean you are still good enough to be able to partner anyone. Including, perhaps, a World Champion who is a very nice lady and... 50 years younger than you"

End of story.
Trevor  3/3/19 

Footnote: Despite the earlier regrettable incidents at LBC referred to above, I know the people involved very well and should add that the actions were out of character. The Leeds Club remains one of the best run and friendliest clubs I have ever come across. For those reasons I intend remaining a member to support the club despite living in Spain.

Trevor - Updated 15/8/21

Playing with ALZHEIMERS


The purpose of this article is to encourage and enable bridge playing victims and their carers to play as long as possible with their friends at clubs in their twilight years. An undeniable and, often, an undiminished pleasure for the sufferer in the early stages of development of the disease. There are, however, situations where it can do more harm than good to encourage victims to continue playing in clubs.

Both my parents suffered from the disease. The both loved playing cards. Since they passed away, I have played with over a  thousand different partners and have watched thousands of others as a non playing director. Because my parents suffered, I have made a point of learning how to spot the earlier stages of Alzheimers in bridge players before even their nearest and dearest become aware of their partner´s affliction. The biggest giveaway is the failure of players to remember a relatively simple new convention they are asked to try when they play with a new partner.

It has been a fascinating learning curve for me playing in recent years with friends on a regular basis as their Alzheimer condition worsened. Far from being a chore, each game has been an enjoyable and mentally rewarding experience, albeit a very very tiring one. Admittedly, I have a lot of patience and am able to empathise with victims. Here a few tips to help other sympathetic friends of sufferers to develop those essential qualities whilst avoiding the pitfalls:


  1. Never disagree when partner suggests you have made a mistake. Just say firmly that they must get on with playing the next hand. Otherwise they end up getting increasingly angry out of frustration. And you, of course, get more frustrated as well.

  2. Never never suggest they made an error. Paradoxically, the more clear cut and obvious the fundamental mistake, the more important it is to avoid an inquest. They tend to become even more confused. Whereas saying nothing allows them to reboot their memory box and more easily remember all the other basics embedded in their brains years ago. A good example occurred whilst I was partnering a Polish sufferer just a few weeks ago. He correctly opened the weak two hearts with six hearts and 8 points. Yet only two hands previously, our Danish opponent had asked him what my opening bid of two spades meant – and then how many points I held. He had replied “five spades” and “at least 12 points” respectively to those questions. Causing great confusion to our opponents who were unaware of his condition.

That brings me on to the question of whether it is advisable to allow a sufferer to continue playing in a reputable club at that advanced stage of Alzheimers. The answer in this instance was NO. Because it affected the fairness of competition for others in that expat club in Fuengirola where players are transient and the standard high.

My answer was different four years ago when I was asked to play at a Dutch club with a victim at a very advanced stage of the infirmity. That day I was determined to do well for this long standing English friend. The concentration level and menta energy needed to achieve that objectve was enormous. Trying to work out the consistently inconsistent bids of my opponent was nigh impossible. It was wothout doubt the most exhausting game I have ever played.

But, to this day, it also remains the most exhilirating performance of my entire bridge career. At the end of the session, Max and I had just pipped his Spanish wife Maruxa (playing with their close Belgian friend, Jane) to win. I was so thrilled for them, that I bought all the other 35 players dinner and drinks at the venue. To extend the celebrations for this lovely man and his wife and friends.

The heart-warming lessons to be learned from that event which took place at the Polo Club in Benalmadena in 2019 are twofold:

  1. Bridge players afflicted with Alzheimers can still play the cards well even when their bidding skills are non existent.

  2. Some of the greatest and most memorable days in a bridge player´s career can be when they are suffering from Alzheimers – or playing in a friendly club with a family atmosphere where everyone will rally round a carer who needs a break from looking after their beloved.


A nice positive way to end this article.


04h45 on 31/8/23