ACES Bridge & Chess Academy
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 March bridge tournaments

Sunday 2nd March starting 14h00  

Mondays 3 to 31st March starting 13h30

Tuesdays 4 March to 1st April at 14h00

Thursdays 6 March to 3rd April at 15h00

Sundays 9 March to 6th April at 15h00

NEW contact details for reservations:

(0034) 632 527 631

99 years young

My partner in Paris at the


24 September 2024

15 tables / 26 boards 

A creditable 41%




Madrid 24 August 2024
Madrid 24 August 2024

Two champions at the Vergara

When I finished not far behind the immortal Paul Hackett,

in one of the biggest INDIVIDUAL competitions in the world

it was like winning the prestigious 

Mutton Cup

14 hours of concentration 

playing 88 boards



ranks it my greatest achievement as a player.

albeit that it took 68 years of practice to get there!





2024 - El gran reto

Encontrar y entrenar un equipo de bridge sub 16 para representar a España en el próximo Campeonato de Europa Juvenil.

Apenas unos meses después de que Luis Lantarón y la presidenta de la AEB, Elena Orbegozo, pusieran en marcha el proyecto IMPULSA, ya cuentan con dos fantásticos récords nacionales:

El 2 de septiembre Luis era entrenador del equipo suizo que ganó por primera vez el Bermuda Bowl.

El 9 de diciembre, Elena y Luis estaban jugando un torneo en Lanzarote donde Vincent, de 10 años, batió el récord del jugador más joven en un gran torneo en España.



It is only a few months since the Spanish Impulsa project was launched by Luis Lantaron and Elena Orbegozo, but they already have two wonderful records to celebrate:

On 2 September 2023 Luis was coach of the Swiss team that won the Bermuda Bowl for the first time. 

On 9 December 2023, Elena and Luis were both playing in a 3 day tournament in Lanzarote where 10 year old Vincent shattered the record for the youngest player to ever complete a major tournament in Spain.

The news does not get any better than that. 



Viva España

Los Cristianos, Arona, Tenerife


clases / lecciones


para niños españoles de 7 a 10 años

Todos los sábados

desde principios de julio de 2024.

Las lecciones también estarán disponibles durante la semana después de la escuela.

Consulte la página de información para conocer los horarios.



Good news travels Fast

Look who has sent her congratulations:

The world's highest ranked bridge play

From: Kathrine Bertheau 
Date: Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 5:55 PM
Subject: Re: Vincent and Markus
To: Trevor Wilson 

Hi Trevor,

Nice to hear about your project.

Regards Kathrine

WBF Women's Ranking 

WBF Masterpoints to November 2023 

 Rank    Name    NBO  MPs  PPs  
 1    Kathrine  Bertheau  Sweden  2538  27  
 2    Emma  Övelius  Sweden  2151  15  
 3    Jessika  Larsson  Sweden  2043  20  
 4    Sanna  Clementsson  Sweden  1848  10.5  
 5    Wen Fei  Wang  China  1726  48.5  
 6    Janice  Seamon  USA  1718  49  
 7    Nevena  Senior  England  1624  31.5  
 8    Kerri  Sanborn  USA  1609  57  
 9    Ida  Gronkvist  Sweden  1600  11.5  
 10    Yan  Liu  China  1597  14.5  
More than a bridge club


where members can chat with friends over

morning coffee, afternoon tea or evening meal

and also play

chess, scrabble, rummicub, cribbage, canasta  

Opening hours from 1st October 2024:

Monday  08h30 to 18h00

Tuesday  11h00 to 21h00 

Wednesday  08h30 to 19h00 

Thursday   16h00 to 21h00

Friday  08h30 to 18h00

Saturday   08h30 to 18h00 

Sunday   10h00 to 21h00

These opening hours may be extended for functions such as evening birthday parties and dinners booked in advance. Sample menus available on request.


Well played DAMON

Roger, a Bristolian, gets beaten by the Cornish champion at the Tenerife backgammon final in Los Cristianos 28 December 2024.


More than a bridge club

Félicitations à Régine, Jean Marc, Patrick et Michel du Club Stéphanois pour avoir organisé un si bel événement.

Une chance pour moi de retrouver mes amis français de l'époque où j'enseignais le bridge dans les écoles françaises. 15 ans après le début de ce projet, il existe un nombre incroyable de 560 clubs de bridge enregistrés dans les écoles en France.

Le superbe dîner dansant m'a donné l'occasion de discuter avec Luc, le directeur du tournoi,  comment atteindre en Espagne le succès que nous avons tous deux connu : Luc était entraineur de l'équipe française des moins de 13 ans en même temps que moi. j'étais le coach de l'équipe thaïlandaise des moins de 13 ans!


Latest News from FRANCE


Date: 23/9/23

Venue: Ste Esteve, South West France

Event: Tournoi du Roussillon

71 Tables - 284 players

Latest News from FRANCE
Club Stéphanois

A few days after the tournament ended, I visited the local club's premises where I was able to personally thank them for their organisation. I was told that, for the 2024 edition of the Tournoi de Roussillon end September, the number of tables will be limited to 80 = 320 players. You therefore need to book your place well in advance if you want to join the party. 

What a great day that was!

Club Stéphanois
Winning Chang Rai under 16 team
Winning Chang Rai under 16 team

At the end of the Thai National under 16 championships, the winners invited some of my (slightly shorter) youngsters competing in the same event to join them for the photo call.

Chang Rai was where the 12 cave boys and their teacher were dramatically rescued in 2018. Some of those boys trapped underground for a week in a flooded cave were bridge players!   

Schools bridge projects
It`s SERIOUS STUFF at SCHOOL Regional Finals
It`s SERIOUS STUFF at SCHOOL Regional Finals

How to get STARTED


This extract from a discussion taking place on the BRIDGEWINNERS site nicely highlights a frustrating common problem: 

"...Getting bridge included in the curriculum, however, is an entirely different undertaking. I think California's requirements are quite similar to what Peg describes for Minnesota. We have a few people involved who might qualify, but very few.

The problem with after-school programs is that the kids don't play often enough to retain what they learn. (My high school bridge club meets at most every two weeks, often only once every three weeks.) Thus, they don't progress, and they eventually lose interest.

No solutions seem obvious to me. We have managed to introduce quite a large number of kids to bridge, through after-school bridge classes and monthly pizza parties. The number who are still playing the game three or four years later, though, is fairly small."

And here is what I was prompted to post in response:

"Lynn hit the nail right on the head. Not enough children or qualified teachers to keep the practise sessions regular - and often miles from a bridge club or from each other. But there is in fact a solution which I tried successfully in a community of only 70,000. An island where not one of the locals had ever heard of the game of bridge, let alone played it. 

I started by persuading a friendly headmaster to let me give a demonstration for ALL children 5 to 11 (in turns) at school. The school then sent out a mail to all the parents of those students to expound the academic benefits of bridge. Meanwhile, I had picked out the mathematically minded (which requires only a five minute test with a pack of cards and a bidding box!) during the initial taster sessions, and gave them a voluntary four week crash course in the lunchbreaks. Never more than 30 minutes per session. A total of no more than 5 hours bridge tuition each. Their rapid progress in that short time was monitored by the school and gained more publicity than I had bargained for. Word got round the entire island that bridge is better than maths in school. To the extent that two other schools asked me to do the same for them. I was ovrwhelmed with young students.

All the ones who started playing bridge saw dramatic improvements in their exam results. Particularly in Maths, but in most other subjects as well. Mainly due to the fact that they are forced to concentrate to retain a competitive edge at the bridge table. In turn, improved concentration, discipline and powers of logic gives them more time to successfully complete their exam papers. 

Where possible, I make sure all new pupils (both young and old) have at least four lessons within two weeks of being introduced to the sport of bridge. Enough time to fully outline the entire game. If the kiddies are very young, I show the parents at the same time. Get them through that critical first fortnight, and then you shouldn't lose any students thereafter" 


In the second phase of the project – after the cream of the kids were invited to the World Schools Championships in France – I decided to change tack. I taught less at the schools because the popularity of the game meant there was no  longer the risk of talented youngsters giving up the game

The ones that were able to, could come to the new ACES club to practise and play competitions alongside the adults in the newly established club. For the others who were isolated, I spent a few hours a day travelling to different parts of the island to teach pupils in their own homes after school. In groups of three or four in the same neighbourhood. This particular routine was effectively a


MOBILE bridge school


It was worth the effort. Because it meant that the parents took an active interest in the game and appreciated its educational benefits.


They would help their kiddies practise at home after I left


And that is where school projects usually fail. i.e. where parents are not invoved or don`t want to be involved. Needless to say,


the mums and dads enjoyed playing the game with their children so much,

they often then joined the club as well




TIPS for TEACHERS and their helpers


1. Do not assume that a helper who is an experienced bridge player will be able to empathise with youngsters. Do not assume either that helpers can be relied on to attend! 

2. You cannot have two teachers giving children different advice that confuses them. Keep an ear and eye on what they are being told at the other tables.

3. Show humility. If  you are one of those superhuman players who never makes a bidding or playing error, then it is time you did. Make a mistake to prove that you are human. Thereby reinforcing the theory that your novices should be patient - and wait for their opponents to give an early Christmas present.

4. Do NOT give them any instruction sheets until they - or their parents - ask for them. After all, you can't reprimand them for not studying non curricular lessons. So what's the point. In any event, they learn far quicker by making errors at the bridge table. Instil in them the philosophy that noone makes the same mistake twice.

5. Do NOT use a blackboard. Sports teachers don't very often use blackboards and bridge is a...SPORT. It is the competitive (sporting) side of bridge that attracts youngsters, so get them out of classroom mode. 

6. Get them warmed up like you would any sports stars at a training session. Start the lesson with a 5 minute CONCENTRATION and MEMORY test in the form of a fun competition. To get their brains tuned in to bridge - and to take their minds off mobile phones, cartoons and pizzas! My usual routine is to throw cards on the table and ask them to add up the points. The first child to get the correct number is given a card. Then they can earn more cards quicker as I name three, four or five bidding cards which they must take out the bidding boxes. But they cannot start taking them out till I have repeated the denominations twice. If your students are of different ages or academic standards, put them into teams to even up the odds of victory. 

7. As soon as they are capable, get them to score the results of a board on the traveller. Explain the vagaries of the scoring system to give them a head start over the adults. Given the prevalence of team events, it baffles me that so few regular bridge players know that 2 spades plus 4 doubled (12 tricks) scores more than 4 spades plus 3 doubled (despite making all 13 tricks). 

8. Build up their CONFIDENCE early in the lesson. And simultaneously silence the (rare) one who thinks he or she is better than the rest of the group. The bidding box test above can be used for that purpose: Give a less confident pupil four cards in sequence to take out (1C, 2D, 3H, 4S) and then give the overconfident child four cards to remember which are out of sequence (e.g. 2S, 1D, 5H and 3NT). Then ask them to put their bids back in the box as quickly as possible for a bonus card! Tricky when they are out of sequence!

9. When the time comes to be able to introduce one of the very few essential conventions, make sure the pupil understands exactly why he is being asked to make a non natural bid. To reinforce my philosophy that all bridge bids should be logical. The best example is the Jacoby transfer. So often club players tell adult beginners that they must use it simply so that the weaker hand goes on the table. That explanation won't hold water when your 8 year old partner has more points than opener! Give the whole story. Explain that it allows you to stop the bidding at the 2 level. Demonstrate also how you can invariably make two more tricks by bidding one level higher - even with zero points. 

10. Don't complicate a simple game for the little ones. Minimal conventions = no misunderstandings = ZERO ZEROES

11. Finally a suggestion that you teach them before they reach the ripe old age of eleven. There are too many other distractions later on. Girlfriends, extra homework, and other sports etc. In my experience, an intelligent and enthusiastic 8 year old is just as capable of getting to grips with all the bridge basics as an 13 year old anyway. Teaching bridge to receptive youngsters is actually mentally rewarding - and great fun for the tutor as well.