A few of our prominent players have passed away. Please visit the News and Photos page or click here to find the information on their lives.
Due to the low participation and the new rules from the ACBL I have decided to charge only $4 per game and hopefully we will see a larger turnout for our games. We are taking a beating and eating into the reserves of the business. We are still hoping to open at some point. So please stick with us as we work to keep Westside Bridge alive in the near future.
You will no longer just see the Ace's page (or any other local club) but all of the games that are being held within a 2 hour block. If you are looking for the Ace's games just type in ace in the upper right hand corner of the Virtual Club listings. Our games will show up if you are looking in that two hour period of our game on the schedule. Remember that a game with 40 tables isn't going to garner you more points. The results are capped at 2.5 points per game. So, if you find yourself in a game with over 25 tables you are not ensuring that you will get more points. The only thing you will accomplish is more compitition and a chance that you may not place at all.
What Should You Lead
Happy New Year!
Snow and Ice
The Many Faces of 1NT
By Invitation Only
Identifying the Danger Suits in Notrump
Upgrading Your Game
Competing Over Preempts
Keys to Winning Bridge
Defensive Basics
Opening Leads vs Suit Contracts
Attitude Signals
Bidding Game w/Interference
Playing to the First Trick
Get Partner Off an Endplay
Reverse Drury
Active or Passive Defense
Play Problem
Selecting a Strategy
Play of the Hand
Labor Day Make Up Class
Watch the Opponents' Count Cards
Better Thinking As a Defender
Thinking Caps On!
Defense Continued
To Ruff or Not
How Do You Bid This Hand?