ACBL Unit 533
Release 2.19r
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Unit Games

2020 Unit Games

Unit Games in Clubs - The unit has designated certain days as "Unit Games in Clubs" in any eligible participating club. All players play for upgraded points while competing at the venue and club of their choice. The Unit pays the difference in ACBL sanction fees for these games as part of our "give back to our members" program. The Unit does not provide lunch for a game identified as "Unit Games In Clubs," but does provide a cake or other dessert at each participating club. 

Unit-Wide Games in Clubs - There is one Unit-Wide Game in Clubs in 2020, in which players compete with all players in all participating clubs (similar to STaC games, but just within our Unit).  The Unit pays the ACBL sanction fees for these games as part of our "give back to our members" program. The Unit does not provide lunch, but does provide a cake or other dessert at each participating club. 

Annual Unit Events and Games - There are three Annual Unit Events, which include a lunch provided by the Unit:  the Annual Meeting and Unit Game in January, the Annual Awards Program and Unit Game in April, and the Annual Holiday Party and Unit Game in December.


Friday, January 17 - Unit-Wide Game (W2001533A)
Sunday, January 26 - Annual Meeting (L2001533B)

Monday, February 3 (L2002533A)
Friday, February 14 (L2002533C)
Saturday, February 15 (L2002533D)
Friday, February 21 (L2002533B)

Saturday, May 23 - Morning (L2005533A)
Saturday, May 23 - Afternoon (L2005533B)

Monday, June 8 (L2006533A)
Wednesday, June 24 (L2006533B)

Tuesday, July 7 (L2007533A)
Thursday, July 30 (L2007533B)

Monday, August 3 (L2008533A)
Friday, August 28 (L2008533B)

Saturday, September 19 (L2009533A)
Tuesday, September 29 (L2009533B)

Wednesday, November 25 (L2011533B)

Sunday, December 7 - Holiday Party (L2012533A)
Saturday, December 26 (L2012533B)