ACBL Unit 146
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News from the Past
Unit Survey

Many of you have received an email from the Unit with a link to a survey.  I want to reassure you that this is legitimate.  The Unit and Bridge Center boards are interested in your inputs to help increase participation in face-to-face bridge, with an emphasis on the Bridge Center that serves most of our Unit members.  It's obvious that our in-person attendance is still greatly reduced from pre-pandemic levels.  We want to learn why that is and what we might be able to do to improve the situation.  While the focus is the Bridge Center, many of the opinions that you have are applicable to all forms of face-to-face play.

One of our club owners has sent an email to many of you titled "Survey Fallout".  I personally would not have chosen the loaded term "Fallout" but it's not my email.  As she stipulated, this is a personal communication from her and was not reviewed by either board.  That being said, if you want to provide us with your opinion regarding the issues that she raised in the email, there are several ways that you can do so.  You can add comments in the survey.  You can also contact me via "Contact Us" on this website, email, phone, or carrier pigeon.  We do want to hear from you.

May you enjoy your game and may your finesses all work, 

Peter Haglich, Unit 146 President

Bridge Center Generous Support

As we all are painfully aware, our income is inadequate to support the ongoing Bridge Center overhead. Many members have generously given of time and resources to prolong our use of the Center. Robb Cobb is so generously offering to sell his gorgeous wooden bowls on the first day of the sectional and donate 35% of proceeds to the Center. So come to the Center on October 21st (even if you are unable to play in the sectional) and support this effort and take home a truly amazing work of art. Rob will not be playing on this day of the sectional and will be available all day to explain his process of creating each bowl and handle sales.  So don’t worry about being an interruption.  Just come when convenient for you.  Bring cash or your checkbook.

See you Friday the 21st!

Norfolk/Virginia Beach Locally Directed Fall Sectional with Free NLM Lessons Each Day

October 21-23, 2022
Unit 146 Bridge Center
4966 Euclid Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Menu (may be subject to change):
October 21:  Chicken salad croissants, chips, and cookies
October 22:  Turkey or ham and turkey subs, chips, and cookies
October 23:  Ham, turkey, or roast beef croissants, chips, and cookies

The sectional will start at 10:00 am each day.  Carolyn Riegle will provide a free lesson each day at 9:15 AM, geared towards intermediate and novice players.  Friday's topic will be No-Trump bidding, Saturday's will be Doubles, and Sunday's lesson will be a recap that will address player questions.

Please come join us!

Click on this item to download



Special Games at the Unit Game

Special Games on Sundays in September and October

This is a great time to get some extra master points at the Sunday Unit Game! 


Unit Championship Games

Unit championships award 3-4 times as many master points as a regular club game.  We strive to do one of these each month in the Unit Game.  The schedule for the next few months is:

  • September 18th
  • October 16th


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Joys of Playing Virtual Bridge

Peter Haglich mentioned in George Jacobs’s article , Bridge Bulletin, March 2021, page 65.


1) How did you get involved with the event?


The event was an annual charity auction for Homeward Bound of Marin County, California. ..........

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Virtual Club News Jan , 12th 2021 (Copy)

Silver Linings Week is back.  January 18th through the 24th – double points – all silver.  Treat this like a Sectional and come play in a Virtual club game even if you do not normally.  We would love to see you and isn’t that one of the wonderful things about a Sectional.  Contact the director if you would like a partner, or there are always robots available.


The ACBL is hosting GNT District qualifying online this year (2021).  This is a great opportunity to play without dedicating the time or money.  The GNT’s are for all levels of players.  I know some of the lower ranked players would do very very well.  You can get more information for the link below or by asking me.  I strongly suggest you take this opportunity.  We are always at a disadvantage when we have to travel and the competition does not.    

Charity –

The ACBL distributed funds to District 6 for us to donate to charity.  The District decided to give it to food banks and each Unit got to choose which one. Our board approved the choice of the Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore.  I was supposed to go to Hampton (rigmarole regarding funds distribution) for a photo op but the weather interfered.  At any rate the Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore will receive $3,500 from us before Christmas.  We could only choose one recipient.  I could get two of our three areas with this one.  Sorry Outer Banks we will keep you in mind next time.  This year this charity seems most appropriate.

I love seeing those of you who play in the Virtual games online and hope some of you who do not will give it a try.

Virtual Club News Nov 30

Unit 146 had one team in the Week-long Knockouts. Howard Miller, Tracy Brines,   Muh-sha Crawford, and non-146 team member Joyce Goldstein made it to day 3, defeating the #4 seed on day two.  Unfortunately they were knocked out on day 3.  Congratulations on getting to day 3!!

Virtual Club Games after resumption of F2F Bridge
Many of you who play in our pool of games – Unit 146 - have expressed concern about what happens when F2F bridge resumes.  Unit 146 covers a wide expanse of real estate and many of you live where there will be few options for F2F play.  Those games not in direct conflict with F2F games will continue until there are not enough to support them.  Some games even with direct conflict have enough outlying players to continue.  You will decide how long you have those options.


A team of ACBL Tournament Directors are continuing their drop-in sessions to assist players with all facets of how to play online.  These sessions are currently scheduled to run until late December, the ACBL will decide at that time whether to continue them into the New Year

Link to schedule:

Recent Rank Advancement for October 2002

Junior Master - Ronald L Persky

Bronze Life Master - George W Holliday

Congratulations to Marssan Bridge Club Players who advanced in rank in October

Regional Master Fran Duman Suffolk VA
Regional Master Michael Fairbanks Virginia Beach VA
NABC Master Karen Waterval Virginia Beach VA
Rank advancements in November 2020

Congratulations to Marssan Bridge Club Players who advanced in rank in November

Club Master Jerry Baker Chesapeake VA
Club Master Dean Osborne Norfolk VA
Sectional Master Patricia Skelton Virginia Beach VA
Regional Master Margaret Spagnuolo Painter VA
Life Master JoAnn Olson Suffolk VA
Bridge Center Reopening Status from Bridge Center Board
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     The Bridge Center(BC) will not be opening in November as hoped. While the BC remains confident that the policies, procedures, and responsibilities it has in place can provide a safe and healthy environment for F2F bridge playing, the recent increase in negative news about coronavirus makes it unlikely that many players will give it a try. ..........

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Annual Meeting & other Unit 146 Board News
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Unit 146’s Board of Directors met via Zoom on Thursday July 9th.

The major topic of business w ..........

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New Chances to Play Bridge and Win Points at Home
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ACBL has partnered with Bridge Base Online (BBO) and The Common Game to give you chances each day to earn black masterpoints online. Additionally, the majority of the game fees you pay will be given to your local club to support them during this difficult time. ..........

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Unit 146 KO Challenge - Final Results
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Congratulations to the Brines' team (comprised of Tracy Brines, Maureen Brines, Muh-Sha Crawford and Brian Schoenfeld) who defeated the Hendricks' team (comprised of Bob Hendricks, Jennifer Christman, Howard Miller and Richard DePaulo)!  Thank you to all the teams who participated and a special thank you to Tracy Brines for coordinating the challenge. ..........

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Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Buíochas le Nancy Dempsey as fleasc Lá Fhéile Pádraig. Táimid go léir ag baint taitnimh as!  Or for those that do not know Gaelic… 
Thank you to Nancy Dempsey for the Saint Patrick's Day wreath.  We are all enjoying it!

Bermuda Regional Tournament


The Bermuda Regional was held Jan 25 – Feb 1, 2020.  It was a fun and well-run tournament held in a beautiful location.  


Congratulations to Unit 146 members who attended:
Pete Haglich      12.93   (7.13 gold)
Kathy Haglich      9.56   (7.13 gold)
Lou Kollar            9.56   (7.13 gold)
June Cartledge    9.56   (7.13 gold)

The 2021 tournament is scheduled for Jan 23 – 29.   If you are interested in attending, please contact Pete or Kathy Haglich to see if a group can be formed.

Norfolk/Virginia Beach Winter Sectional Jan 10-12 2020

Joe Siqueira/Tom Smith Qualify for NAP Competition

Joe Siqueira and Tom Smith qualified to represent our District (District 6) in the North American Pairs (NAP), Flight B.  The qualification rounds were held in Richmond and Northern Virginia.  Three other pairs qualified, two from the Northern Virginia area and one other pair from Richmond.  The NAP Flight B will be held at the Nationals at the end of March in Columbus Ohio.  District 6 will give $200 to each qualifier to help defray costs.

Joe encourages other players to participate in next year’s qualifying rounds.  There is a Flight C for Non-Life Masters.  Please contact Joe if you are interested in participating next year.

Holiday Party Dec 1 2019

Unit 146 Annual Meeting/Game Oct 5 2019

Norfolk/Virginia Beach Fall Sectional September 13-15 2019

Norfolk/Virginia Beach Non-Life Master Sectional August 24-25 2019

KO Challenge - Final Results
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KO Challenge – Final Results

Congratulations to the Fox team (comprised of Jim Fox, Judy Fox, Alan Schwartz and Annie Schwartz) who defeated the Brines' team (comprised of Tracy Brines, Maureen Brines, Muh-Sha Crawford and Andy Godfree) in the 7th and final round of the KO Challenge!  Thank you to all the teams who participated and a special thank you to Tracy Brines for coordinating the challenge. ..........

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Norfolk/Virginia Beach Summer Sectional June 21-23 2019

NLM Team Game Mar 2019

An NLM team game, directed by Anne Duty, was held on March 29.  It provided an opportunity for new bridge players to become familiar with the format.  Thank you to the 12 teams who participated and made the day enjoyable. 

Norfolk/Virginia Beach Spring Sectional 2019