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Current Schedule of Games

Rick Giles Sunday Swiss (Once a month) - 1:30PM

Monday (Open & <500) - 12:30PM

Tuesday (Open & <75) - 12:30PM

Wednesday (<750) - 12:30PM

Thursday (Over/Under) - 12:30PM (2nd and 4th Thursday)

Thursday (Open) - 12:30PM (3rd Thursday)

Friday (Open & 0-99) - 12:30PM

Saturday Swiss (Once a month) - 12:30PM

For director info, please click here.

News Page
  70% Winners - 2025

2025 - 70% Winners

Most recent winners listed first

1/12 - David Giles, Bev Stenger, Neil Stenger, & Nancy Tiller - 75%

1/8 - Susan Cohen & Peggy Dwyer - 73%


  Minutes of Board of Governors meeting

SWMO Bridge Center, Unit 101 of ACBL, District 15

1675 E. Seminole Suite F, Springfield, MO



The annual business meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club for the entire membership as stipulated by the by-laws and an elected Board of Governors was called to order by President Connie White on December 8, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the bridge center.

Connie White gave a welcome to all.  Minutes and financial report are posted on the front bulletin board.

The minutes from the last meeting were approved by the board members via email.

Treasurer’s Report: Revenues are in the positive column. The table counts through November are 1909. Our lease is through next June. Thanks to all who have donated to the club and who support the club. The report was approved on a motion made by Larry Halverson, seconded by Dan Goodwin. Motion passed.

The Jim McKinney trophy for volunteer of the year was awarded to Neil Stenger for all of his service to the club.

Education Report:  Free bridge lessons are offered twice a year at the library. The next set of lessons start January 16 at the Brentwood library. There will also be lessons in September. Steve Olson will be teaching these lessons.  Thank you Steve.

Thanks to Connie White for her time and effort in keeping the mentor game going on Tuesday afternoons. Also thanks to Joanne Howell for helping with this.

Thanks to the directors: Steve Olson, David Rasmussen and David Giles and to Mary Giles for dealing cards.  Thanks to Jennifer Giles for cleaning.

Thanks to David Giles for teaching defense class and chalk talks. Potential spring classes will be overcalls, play of the hand, and useful conventions.  There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.

Club Manager Report: There will be a tournament April 10-12.

A moment of silence for lost members.

Election of Board Members: Thanks to nominating committee of Larry Halverson, Susan Cohen, and Becky Cooper.

President: Connie White    Vice-President: Jeanne Lins Treasurer: Al Hunter Secretary: Joan Hunter

Board members: (1 year term, Dec. 2024 to Dec. 2025): Glenda Barnard, Larry Halverson, Cal Hawkins and Marilyn Sexton (2 year term, Dec. 2024 to Dec. 2026): Rena Coller, Charles Coller, Carol Baron, Eric Merritt, and Alan O’Neal.

On a motion made by Ray Salois, seconded by Al Hunter, the board was approved.

Next board meeting will be on Monday, February 3, 2025 after the game.

On a motion made by Ray Salois, seconded by David Giles the meeting was adjourned.

SWMO Bridge Center, Unit 101 of ACBL, District 15

1675 E. Seminole Suite F, Springfield, MO



The annual business meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club for the entire membership as stipulated by the by-laws and an elected Board of Governors was called to order by President Connie White on December 8, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the bridge center.

Connie White gave a welcome to all.  Minutes and financial report are posted on the front bulletin board.

The minutes from the last meeting were approved by the board members via email.

Treasurer’s Report: Revenues are in the positive column. The table counts through November are 1909. Our lease is through next June. Thanks to all who have donated to the club and who support the club. The report was approved on a motion made by Larry Halverson, seconded by Dan Goodwin. Motion passed.

The Jim McKinney trophy for volunteer of the year was awarded to Neil Stenger for all of his service to the club.

Education Report:  Free bridge lessons are offered twice a year at the library. The next set of lessons start January 16 at the Brentwood library. There will also be lessons in September. Steve Olson will be teaching these lessons.  Thank you Steve.

Thanks to Connie White for her time and effort in keeping the mentor game going on Tuesday afternoons. Also thanks to Joanne Howell for helping with this.

Thanks to the directors: Steve Olson, David Rasmussen and David Giles and to Mary Giles for dealing cards.  Thanks to Jennifer Giles for cleaning.

Thanks to David Giles for teaching defense class and chalk talks. Potential spring classes will be overcalls, play of the hand, and useful conventions.  There will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board.

Club Manager Report: There will be a tournament April 10-12.

A moment of silence for lost members.

Election of Board Members: Thanks to nominating committee of Larry Halverson, Susan Cohen, and Becky Cooper.

President: Connie White    Vice-President: Jeanne Lins Treasurer: Al Hunter Secretary: Joan Hunter

Board members: (1 year term, Dec. 2024 to Dec. 2025): Glenda Barnard, Larry Halverson, Cal Hawkins and Marilyn Sexton (2 year term, Dec. 2024 to Dec. 2026): Rena Coller, Charles Coller, Carol Baron, Eric Merritt, and Alan O’Neal.

On a motion made by Ray Salois, seconded by Al Hunter, the board was approved.

Next board meeting will be on Monday, February 3, 2025 after the game.

On a motion made by Ray Salois, seconded by David Giles the meeting was adjourned.



Board Minutes

Most recent listed first

September 11.2023




SWMO Bridge Center, Unit 101 of ACBL, District 15

1675 E. Seminole Suite F, Springfield, MO



The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by President Connie White on September 11, 2023 at 4:35 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were President Connie White, vice president Joanne Howell, treasurer Al Hunter, secretary Joan Hunter and past president Rod Smith.  Board members: (1 year term, 2023 to 2024): Larry Halverson, Cal Hawkins, Bill Archambo, Kathy Davis, and Sylvia Neff. (2 year term. 2023 to 2025): Jeanne Lins, Janet Bell(absent), and Dan Goodwin.

On a motion made by Sylvia Neff, seconded by Jeanne Lins the minutes from the June 5th meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Revenues and expenses are above last year. We have $1,200 positive income for the year so far. $10,000 was transferred into an interest bearing account.  Our interest income is helping to offset some of our increased costs. Table counts for the year are slightly higher than at this time last year. We are in the top 100 clubs in the USA.  On a motion made by Cal Hawkins seconded by Joanne Howell the report was approved.

Carpet cleaning was done last month. The stains along the seams are caused by the glue used to place them.

Locks on front door can be locked and we don’t need a crash bar because of the number of exits in the building. A lock was replaced on front door so that it unlocks easily. 

Manager’s Report: The computer has a battery backup so that if the electricity goes out it does not affect its performance.  Another computer was purchased. The old computer will be used as a backup and for use if we have a sectional. 8 bridge pads were sent to get refurbished. Others will be sent as needed. ACBL has a course for directors to take to run a local sectional tournament. David Giles took the course and passed it.  We need to apply for a date and have it approved if we want to have one. Two weekends in May are open and September. David suggested that we choose a date in May. 33% of revenues has to be spent on amenities for the players. Kathy Davis made the motion that we apply to ACBL for the dates following Mother’s Day seconded by Al Hunter. Motion passed. David will apply for the dates.

Education Report:  Classes are underway. 14 people signed up for classes at the Brentwood Library. There will be further classes at Brentwood due to closure at the main branch.  Lessons are being well attended at the bridge club. 

Larry Halverson will be in charge of the selection of new officers and board members and will post the proposed new officers according to the bylaws. 

The next board meeting is the annual meeting in December. It will be held on Sunday, December 10th at 1 p.m. and play at 2 p.m. Jeanne Lins will be in charge of refreshments. 

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 5:20.



June 5, 2023


SWMO Bridge Center, Unit 101 of ACBL, District 15

1675 E. Seminole Suite F, Springfield, MO



The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by President Connie White on June 5, 2023 at 4:25 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were President Connie White, vice president Joanne Howell, treasurer Al Hunter and past president Rod Smith.  Board members: (1 year term, 2023 to 2024): Larry Halverson (absent), Cal Hawkins, Bill Archambo, Kathy Davis (absent), and Sylvia Neff. (2 year term. 2023 to 2025): Jeanne Lins, Janet Bell (absent), and Dan Goodwin.

On a motion made by Cal Hawkins, seconded by Jeanne Lins the minutes from the March 13th meeting were approved.

The rental agreement will have no increase for two more years.

The treasurer reported that a $10,000 T-Bill was purchased with a one year maturity with an interest rate close to 5%. It was also recommended that an additional $10,000 be placed in a money market fund with a present yield of over 4%. On a motion made by Cal Hawkins, seconded by Sylvia Neff the motion was approved. For now, there will be no increase in game fees, but this will be reevaluated in December. On a motion made by Jeanne Lins, seconded by Dan Goodwin the treasurer’s report was approved.

Manager’s Report: David Giles said that clubs might be able to run their own sectional if it is under 25 tables. David is taking the exam to be approved as a sectional director. He will check with ACBL for dates and regulations and requirements.  From his survey on class subjects he reported that a defense class is of interest. Classes will be determined at a later date.

Education Report: There will be free lessons at Brentwood Library for four Wednesdays in August. There will be free lessons for four Thursdays in September at the Library Center.

The over/under games are successful.

There is a concern on the wear and tear of the hand held computers and David is looking into refurbishment.

The cost of putting a crash bar on the door is being investigated.

$100 monthly increase for the manager will become effective immediately.  On a motion made by Dan Goodwin, seconded by Jeanne Lins, motion passed.

The next board meeting is on September 11 after the game.

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 5:05.





January 9, 2023

SWMO Bridge Center, Unit 101 of ACBL, District 15

1675 E. Seminole Suite F, Springfield, MO


The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by President Connie White on January 9, 2023 at 4:20 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were President Connie White, vice president Joanne Howell, secretary Joan Hunter, and treasurer Al Hunter.  Board members: (1 year term, 2023 to 2024): Larry Halverson, Cal Hawkins, Bill Archambo (absent), Kathy Davis, and Sylvia Neff. (2 year term. 2023 to 2025): Jeanne Lins (absent), Janet Bell, and Dan Goodwin.

On a motion made by Kathy Davis, seconded by Sylvia Neff the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.  

On a motion made by Patsy Burton, seconded by Larry Halverson the treasurer’s report was read and approved. 

Considering the past financial difficulties a discussion was had on a possible new location.  Connie White suggested the Presbyterian Church on Grant and Atlantic.  She and Mary Giles will visit the location to see if it might be suitable.

More compensation for the club manager and directors need to be considered. 

Kathy Davis volunteered to chair the Valentine’s gift bags and decorations.

The president asked for a volunteer to organize the annual meeting in December 2023. No one has volunteered yet.

There was a discussion about having snacks returned to the club.  The club manger submitted guidelines for having snacks. It will be posted on the website. On a motion made by Carol Haynes, seconded by Kathy Davis, it was decided to reinstate snacks for three months and revisit the issue in three months.

By acclamation the Sunday Swiss game will be named “Rick Giles Sunday Swiss” to honor him.

The next board meeting is on March 13 after the game.

There being no other business on a motion made by Al Hunter, seconded by Larry Halverson, the meeting was adjourned.

September 12, 2022

The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by President Connie White on September 12, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were President Connie White, vice president Joanne Howell, secretary Joan Hunter, and treasurer Al Hunter. In attendance were board members:  (2 year term, 2022 and 2023): Bill Archambo (absent), Kathy Davis (absent), Larry Halverson, Cal Hawkins, and Sylvia Neff. (1 year term, 2021 and 2022): Mary Giles, Zola Harper, and Jeanne Lins. Also in attendance were Rod Smith past president, and member Anne Hawkins, director Rick Giles and Club Manager David Giles.

Minutes were sent to all board members by secretary, Joan Hunter.  On a motion made by Cal Hawkins and seconded by Joanne Howell the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s report was made by Al Hunter. The club is showing a positive balance for the year even without donations. Rent is projected to go up in the next year by at least 3% each year. The motion to approve the report was made by Cal Hawkins, seconded by Zola Harper.  Motion passed.

Education report:  Tuesday night mentor game has good attendance, 4-5 tables. Some are taking the “Play of the Hand” class. Some are also playing twice a week. Steve Olson had 18 at the first free lesson at the library. The library advertises for the club. 

End of the year meeting will be on December 4. It will begin at 1 p.m. and the game will begin at 2 p.m. The by-laws require that it is a general meeting for the club. It will be held here in the bridge center with cheese and crackers, cookies and drinks provided by the club and served after the meeting, then we will play bridge. Sign up no later than November 18 so we know how much to get. Joanne Howell will get the food and drinks, Connie White will get plates, napkins and decorations. There will be a charge of $10.

Nominating committee: We need to replace or re-nominate Mary Giles, Jeanne Lins and Zola Harper. Mary Giles will head the committee. 

Manager’s report: There are two members that are interested in becoming directors; Jeff Snyder and David Rasmussen. The current custodian has given notice to end her employment here. Jennifer Giles will be starting in October as the new custodian. A motion was made by Larry Halverson to approve the new staff, seconded by Cal Hawkins. Approved by acclamation. 

A person was chosen as outstanding volunteer for the year and approved by acclamation. 

A motion was made by Joanne Howell, seconded by Jeanne Lins that we do not have snacks at the club for these reasons: it makes a mess, gets on cards, slows play, pay for more cleaning, expense of supplies. Motion passed and approved by acclamation.

There was discussion on having tournaments. No decision was made.

Al Hunter volunteered to take on recycling. 

The defibrillator’s battery is checked by Connie White and Nora Burgess. There will be a training for those who wish to learn how to use it.  Larry Halverson will arrange a time to do it.

The emergency contact list needs to be updated. Jeanne Lins volunteered to update the birthday list and emergency contact list. 

Board meetings will be announced in the club news and on the white board.

Motion made by Sylvia Neff for the meeting to be adjourned, seconded by Larry Halverson.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50.



March 21, 2022

The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by president Connie White on March 21, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were president Connie White, vice president Joanne Howell, secretary Joan Hunter, and treasurer Al Hunter. In attendance were board members:  (2 year term, 2022 and 2023): Bill Archambo (absent), Kathy Davis (absent), Larry Halverson, Cal Hawkins, and Sylvia Neff (absent). (1 year term, 2021 and 2022): Mary Giles, Zola Harper, and Jeanne Lins. Also in attendance were Rod Smith past president, and members Anne Hawkins, Nora Burgess, and director Rick Giles.

Minutes were read by secretary Joan Hunter.  On a motion made by Larry Halverson and seconded by Cal Hawkins the minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s report was made by Al Hunter. The rent was not increased for this year. Common area maintenance could fluctuate. The motion to approve the report was made by Mary Giles, seconded by Zola Harper.  Motion passed.

On approval by the board, President Connie White will be signing the lease tomorrow. The lease is for one year. A motion was made by Jeanne Lins to approve the signing of the lease.  Seconded by Cal Hawkins.  Motion passed. 

Connie White reported that she had discussed with club manager David Giles about changing the start of games from 1 to 12:30 due to complaints of traffic when the games ended.  If David sends out a survey and the majority of players agree to change the time to start the games, the club manager can change the start time. 

Education report:  Steve is doing a wonderful job of teaching. 11 of 13 people from September class have continued and play on Tuesday night. 7 of 9 students from the next class are also still playing. He has a wonderful retention rate. David Giles has also requested that if anyone else wants a class just let him know.  There was a discussion of different ideas for having more games. 

Connie White discussed the importance of having transparency and having club duties covered by others. By-laws and minutes are kept in the club and accessible to all members.

Desserts and snack foods can only be brought on special occasions, with manager and presidential approval.  

Issues of how to raise money.  Bidding boxes, tables, extra chairs could be sold. 

Larry asked how to get a partner at the last minute.  Connie said she would talk to David about a way to match up players. Meanwhile, call the directors and let them know if a player is available. 

Zola Harper suggested that we call some people that we know and see if we can get them back. Zola, Connie, and Mary will make a list of members to contact.  Discussion of other means to get more players. Zola will try to contact some media outlets for ways to publicize. 

A motion was made by Larry Halverson to adjourn. Seconded by Al Hunter.  Meeting adjourned.    Next meeting: Monday, June 6

Respectfully submitted,

Joan Hunter, secretary


December 30, 2021

SWMO Bridge Center, Unit 101 of ACBL, District 15

1675 E. Seminole Suite F, Springfield, MO



A Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by president Connie White at 4:45 p.m. on December 30, 2021, at the bridge center. In attendance were president Connie White, secretary Joan Hunter, treasurer Al Hunter, and board members: Jeannie Lins, Bill Archambo, Kathy Davis, Larry Halverson, Mary Giles, and Sylvia Neff. Also in attendance was past president Rod Smith and director Rick Giles.The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint the new board members regarding the covid policies used by the club and to discuss them.

David Giles, club manager, suggested changes in the mask policy. He handed out a chart evaluating the table counts from August through December 2021. After discussion about implementing the optional use of masking, Jeanne Lins made a motion to have the club adopt an optional masking policy.  The motion was seconded by Sylvia Neff.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15.


December 5, 2021

A Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by president Connie White at 4:45 p.m. on December 30, 2021, at the bridge center. In attendance were president Connie White, secretary Joan Hunter, treasurer Al Hunter, and board members: Jeannie Lins, Bill Archambo, Kathy Davis, Larry Halverson, Mary Giles, and Sylvia Neff. Also in attendance was past president Rod Smith and director Rick Giles.The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint the new board members regarding the covid policies used by the club and to discuss them.

David Giles, club manager, suggested changes in the mask policy. He handed out a chart evaluating the table counts from August through December 2021. After discussion about implementing the optional use of masking, Jeanne Lins made a motion to have the club adopt an optional masking policy.  The motion was seconded by Sylvia Neff.  Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 5:15.


October 21, 2021

The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by president Rod Smith on October 21, 2021 at 4:45 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were president Rod Smith, vice president Connie White, secretary Joan Hunter, and treasurer Al Hunter. In attendance were board members: (1 year) Nora Burgess, Joanne Howell, Joan Hunter, Teresa Russell (2 year term): Mary Giles, Al Hunter, Jeanne Lins. Also in attendance was club manager was David Giles.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Al Hunter. Earnings are still negative and projected to remain that way through the rest of the year. The club needs 200 tables a month to break even at an increased rate for play. Al made the motion that the rate for play is increased by $1 effective January 1, 2022.  Seconded by Connie White.  Motion passed. 

Club Manager’s report:  Mentor game needed for Thursday night if there are enough players and a director. 

Connie White reported that the lessons at the library was successful.  11 people are taking lessons and want a night game. Steve Olson has agreed to have an evening game for the new players. Classes are being outlined for next year.

Mary Giles asked Zola Harper and Peggy Dwyer to serve on the nominating committee.  Their proposed slate of board members for 2022: President, Connie White. Vice-president, Joanne Howell. Treasurer, Al Hunter. Secretary, Joan Hunter. 

Returning board members: (1 more year) Mary Giles, Zola Harper, Jeanne Lins

Proposed 2 year term board members: Bill Archambo, Kathy Davis, Larry Halverson, Cal Hawkins, Sylvia Neff. 

Joanne Howell reported on the annual business meeting.  Dessert will be served starting at one, then business meeting, then bridge play at two.  This will be the first Sunday in December.

Connie White made a motion the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Joanne Howell. Meeting adjourned.


August 5, 2021

The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by president Rod Smith on August 5, 2021 at 4:45 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were president Rod Smith, vice president Connie White, secretary Joan Hunter, and treasurer Al Hunter. Introduced and in attendance were board members: (1 year) Nora Burgess, Diane Davis, Joanne Howell, Joan Hunter, Teresa Russell: (2 year term) Mary Giles, Al Hunter, Jeanne Lins, and Zola Harper. Also in attendance was club manager David Giles.

Financial report was given by Al Hunter. He presented different scenarios of cost for table play as the lease is ending in July of 2022. Rent went up $50 per month as of July 1, 2021 as well as combinary maintenance. Connie White made a motion to approve the report.  Seconded by Teresa Russell. Motion passed.

David Giles recommended that the club purchase a new computer and a new printer. Currently he is using his personal printer. He is recommending a Canon Printer. Joan Hunter made a motion that David buys a new printer as needed. Seconded by Connie White. Motion passed. David is going to research the problems with the computer rebooting on its own. He will have a computer expert diagnose the problem. Nora Burgess made a motion to have the expert in. Seconded by Connie White. Motion passed.

David Giles wants to have a Unit Final on October 2 and have two sessions that day. That way members could get gold points. It would be stratified. No meal would be served. 

There was discussion on changing the games to include more people depending on points.  David was given the discretion to solicit member’s input and also to try different games in September.

The Board decided that snacks will still not be served. 

Joann Howell suggested that if we can have the Christmas Party that we just have dessert. December 5 would be the date. 

The board needs to decide whether to carry on the tradition of presenting the trophy for the outstanding club volunteer. Think about it and make some recommendations to Rod Smith. 

Continue to follow city guidelines concerning Covid protocols.

Mary Giles is heading the nominating committee. She will submit the new nominees to the board in October and follow the guidelines per the by-laws. 

Connie White made the motion to cancel the contract with the Oasis for all tournaments. Motion seconded by Jeanne Lins.  Motion passed.

Discussion was held about raising the salary of David Giles, club manager.  A motion was made by Zola Harper to raise his salary to $500 a month.  Seconded by Nora Burgess.  Motion passed unanimously.

Motion was made to adjourn by Al Hunter.  Seconded by Connie White.  Meeting adjourned.


May 6, 2021

The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by president Rod Smith on May 6, 2021 at 4:40 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were president Rod Smith, vice president Connie White, secretary Joan Hunter, board members (1 year term): Diane Davis, Joanne Howell, Joan Hunter; (2 year term): Nora Burgess, Mary Giles, Jeanne Lins, and Teresa Russell. Zola Harper and Al Hunter were not able to attend. Also in attendance was director Rick Giles.

The financial report was presented by Rod Smith. The motion was made by Connie White to accept the report, 2nd by Mary Giles. Motion passed.

Old business: Minutes were read from our last meeting on October 22, 2020. The motion was made by Connie White to accept the report, 2nd by Teresa Russell. Motion passed.

Rod reported that the Oasis rental was cancelled for the tournament per recommendations of last board meeting. He also explained the relationship between ACBL and local clubs and tournaments.

The board discussed current issues with Covid. It was decided that it will no longer be necessary to continue taking temperatures and having the sign-up sheet, but the club will continue to observe city, state, and applicable requirements regarding all Covid protocols.

There was discussion about kibbutzing and that it is not always comfortable for all players. David Giles will be asked to put out a statement that each table has the right to say no. Mary Giles will discuss this with the club manager.  Discussions of hands should not be done between games and the directors will be asked to remind the club of these protocols.

End of year business meeting/election of officers/Christmas party.  Discussion of party and ideas.  Box lunch, suggested, or bring your own. Waiting to see what regulations are at that time. December 5, 2021will be the date of the party. Eating, then meeting, then bridge. Joanne volunteered to be in charge of organizing this. 

All board members should recommend to Rod their choice of nominee for the Jim McKinney outstanding volunteer trophy.  At the next board meeting we will vote on the recipient.

The chairperson for recruiting nominations for new board members will be appointed by the president. Following the by-laws this should be done by August.

The next board meeting will be Thursday, August 5, following the game. 

Motion made by Nora Burgess to adjourn. 2nd by Joanne Howell.

Meeting adjourned.





July 15. 2020

SWMO Bridge Center, Unit 101 of ACBL, District 15

1675 E. Seminole Suite F, Springfield, MO



The regular Board of Governor’s meeting of the Unit 101 ACBL bridge club was called to order by president Rod Smith on May 6, 2021 at 4:40 p.m. at the bridge center. In attendance were president Rod Smith, vice president Connie White, secretary Joan Hunter, board members (1 year term): Nora Burgess, Diane Davis, Joanne Howell, Joan Hunter; (2 year term): Mary Giles, Jeanne Lins, and Teresa Russell. Zola Harper and Al Hunter were not able to attend. Also in attendance was director Rick Giles.


The financial report was presented by Rod Smith. The motion was made by Connie White to accept the report, 2nd by Mary Giles. Motion passed.


Old business: Minutes were read from our last meeting on October 22, 2020. The motion was made by Connie White to accept the report, 2nd by Teresa Russell. Motion passed.


Rod reported that the Oasis rental was cancelled for the tournament per recommendations of last board meeting. He also explained the relationship between ACBL and local clubs and tournaments.


The board discussed current issues with Covid. It was decided that it will no longer be necessary to continue taking temperatures and having the sign-up sheet, but the club will continue to observe city, state, and applicable requirements regarding all Covid protocols.


There was discussion about kibitzing and that it is not always comfortable for all players. David Giles will be asked to put out a statement that each table has the right to say no. Mary Giles will discuss this with the club manager. Discussions of hands should not be done between games and the directors will be asked to remind the club of these protocols.


End of year business meeting/election of officers/Christmas party.  Discussion of party and ideas.  Box lunch, suggested, or bring your own. Waiting to see what regulations are at that time. December 5, 2021will be the date of the party. Eating, then meeting, then bridge. Joanne volunteered to be in charge of organizing this.


All board members should recommend to Rod their choice of nominee for the Jim McKinney outstanding volunteer trophy.  At the next board meeting we will vote on the recipient.


The chairperson for recruiting nominations for new board members will be appointed by the president. Following the by-laws this should be done by August.

The next board meeting will be Thursday, August 5, following the game.

Motion made by Nora Burgess to adjourn. 2nd by Joanne Howell.

Meeting adjourned.


  70% Club - 2024

70% Club - 2024

Most recent winners listed first

12/2 - Bill Archambo & Becky Cooper - 71%

11/26 - David Giles & Steve Olson - 76%

11/22 - Doug Bloch & Nancy Tiller - 72%

10/22 - Michele Risdal-Barnes & Dave Running - 71%

10/4 - Jon Nance & Paul Ross - 71%

9/13 - Charlotte Bayliff & Jerry Proctor - 80%

8/27 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 79%

7/31 - Ira Edelman & Jack Laufer - 73%

7/16 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 76%

6/9 - Becky Cooper, Larry Halverson, Alan O’Neal, & Florene Williamson - 75%

5/24- David Giles & Timothy Luce - 70%

5/21 - Lisa Ovens & Nola Schrum - 75%

5/8 - Janet Bell & Judy Nortridge - 71%

4/24 - Beverly Stenger & Neil Stenger - 71%

4/16 - Sue Chappell & Michele Risdal-Barnes - 75%

2/27 - Michele Risdal-Barnes & Kathy Risdal - 71%

2/19 - Bill Archambo & Peggy Dwyer - 72%1/27 - David Giles, Mary Giles, Tim Luce, Steve Olson - 76%

  70% Club - 2023

2023 Winners with a 70% or higher score 

(most recent listed first)

12/26 - Evelyn Hammon & Fred Palmerston - 78%

11/14 - Betty Gooden & Dave Running - 78%

11/12 - Becky Cooper, Florene Williamson, JD Pilkenton, Carol Pinegar - 73%

11/2 - Jon Nance & Paul Ross - 74%

11/1 - Carol Baron & Janet Bell - 73%

10/31 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 71%

10/19 - Jon Nance & Paul Ross - 76%

10/17 - Jeff Snyder & Mimi Snyder - 76%

10/13 - Gary Cunningham & Larry Pitts - 72%

10/9 - David Giles, Mary Giles, Neil Stenger, Bev Stenger - 74%

9/26 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 70%

8/4 - Tim Luce & Steve Olson - 72%

8/1 - Evelyn Hammon & Fred Palmerton - 78%

7/17 - David Rasmussen & Paul Ross - 72%

6/13 - Sue Chappell & Michele Risdal-Barnes - 73%

6/6 - Sue Chappell & Michele Risdal-Barnes - 72%

6/6 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 77%

5/30 - Shaundell Hall & Michael Mihalik - 72%

5/2 - Sue Chappell & Michele Risdal-Barnes - 72%

5/1 - David Rasmussen & Mel Volmert - 72%

4/25 - Tim Luce & Steve Olson - 74%

4/4 - Natalie Moon & Dave Running - 71%

4/3 - Susan Cohen & Marilyn Sexton - 72%

3/12 - John Door, Tim Luce, Jim O’Brien, Steve Olson - 74%

3/8 - Peggy Dwyer & Connie White - 72%

3/8 - Bev Stenger & Neil Stenger - 72%

2/21 - Fred Palmerston & Dave Running - 73%

2/17 - Sharon Beth & Joyce Kassner - 75%

2/6 - Michael Huston & Jon Nance - 70%

2/3 - Alan O’Neal & Judy Voris - 73%

1/17 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 70%

1/8 - David Giles, Tim Luce, Ann Hawking, Cal Hawkins - 71%

1/6 - Mary Ann Cloyd & Carol Holt - 71%

  Fall 2023 Bridge Classes

Fall 2023 Bridge Classes

Class Bidding in the 21st Century

Description This class is designed to help players build on the foundational concepts covered in the Beginning Bridge Classes.

Teacher Connie White

Location Springfield Bridge Center

Cost $80

Day/Time Wednesdays from 6:30-8:30PM (8 weeks beginning August 30)

Register Please sign up at the bridge center.


Class Progressive Bidding

Description This class is designed to help players continue to develop their bidding skills.  It reviews and expands on concepts taught in Bidding in the 21st Century,

Teacher Doug Bloch

Location Springfield Bridge Center

Cost $80 for the class for first time students, $40 for 2nd time students, and free for those taking it for the 3rd or more time. 

Day/Time Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30AM (8 weeks beginning September 6)

Register Sign up at the bridge center or click here.


Class Beginning Bridge Classes

Description This class is designed to help players begin to learn how to play bridge.

Teacher Connie White

Location Library Center (4653 South Campbell)

Cost Free

Day/Time Thursdays from 6:30-8:30PM (4 weeks beginning September 7)

Register 417-882-0714


Class Chalk Talks

Description These weekly “talks” will cover a variety of topics over 8 weeks, beginning September 8. Participants may sign up for any or all weeks.  Scheduled topics include Forcing and Non-forcing bids, When to Pull Trump (and When Not To), Roman Key Card (a Pursuit of Slam), Jacoby 2NT, Bidding Over Opponents 1NT opening (2 sessions), Defensive Signals, When to Duck a Trick (as declarer or defender)

Teacher David Giles

Location Springfield Bridge Center

Cost $5 per week

Day/Time Fridays from 10:30-11:30AM (8 weeks beginning September 8)

Register Sign up at the bridge center or click here.


Class Defense

Description This class is designed to help players become better defenders and communicators with their partner.

Teacher David Giles

Location Springfield Bridge Center

Cost $90 ($80 for the class and $10 for materials)

Day/Time Mondays from 9:30-11:30AM (8 weeks beginning September 11)

Register Sign up at the bridge center or click here.


Class Bidding in the 21st Century

Description This class is designed to help players build on the foundational concepts covered in the Beginning Bridge Classes.

Teacher Steve Olson

Location Springfield Bridge Center

Cost $80 for the class for first time students, $40 for 2nd time students, and free for those taking it for the 3rd or more time.  The cost of the book is $20.

Day/Time Thursdays from 6:30-8:30PM (8 weeks beginning October 5)

Register Sign up at the bridge center or click here.


  70% Club - 2022

2022 70% Club (most recent listed first)

12/6 - Charlotte Bayliff & Bunny Bridger - 71%

11/18 - Tim Luce & Michael Huston - 72%

11/18 - Joyce Kassner & Sharon Beth - 71%

11/13 - Carol Haynes, Sylvia Neff, Nancy Tiller, Bernie Webster - 71%

10/25 - Carol Holt & Walter Holt - 71%

10/9 Rick Giles, Mary Giles, David Giles, Tim Luce 0 77%

8/10 - Bev Stenger & Neil Stenger - 71%

8/2 - Jeff Snyder & Mimi Snyder 72%

8/2 - Charlotte Bayliff & Bonnie Bridger - 72%

8/2 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 73%

7/28 - Jon Nance & Paul Ross - 76%

7/26 - Bunny Bridger & Jeff Snyder - 72%

7/26 - Natalie Moon & Lisa Ovens - 71%

7/12 - Jeff Snyder & Mimi Snyder - 72%

7/8 - Sharon Gilden & Jerry Proctor - 71%

6/20 - Ev Beguin & Jerry Proctor - 70%

6/16 - Bev Stenger & Neil Stenger - 74%

6/10 - David Giles & Rick Giles - 72%

5/16 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 71%

5/10 - Joann Hyde & Lisa Ovens - 71%

3/18 - Richard Cameron & Larry Halverson - 72%

3/15 - Natalie Moon & Dave Running - 75%

2/4 - Dan Goodwin & Larry Halveron - 71%

1/25 - Charlotte Bayliff & Bonnie Bridger - 78%

1/13 - Arlie Rotenberry & Bobbie Bridger - 75%

1/9 - Rick Giles, Mary Giles, David Giles, Tim Luce - 78%

  Fall 2022 Bridge Classes

Fall 2022 Bridge Classes

What:     Beginning Bridge Lessons

Where:    Library Center (4653 South Campbell)

When:    Thursdays 6:30-8:30 PM (Sept 8, 15, 22, 29)

Cost:        Free

Contact:    Call the Library Center to register - 417-882-0714

What:    Play of the Hand

Where:    Bridge Center

When:    Wednesdays 6:30-8:30PM (Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, Oct 19, 26, Nov 2, 9)

Cost:        $80 for the first-time students, $40 for        second time

Contact:    Connie White - 417-830-1591

What:    Bidding in the 21st Century

Where:    Bridge Center

When:    Thursdays time TBD (Oct 6, 13. 20, 27, Nov 3, 10. 17, Dec 1)

Cost:        $80 for the first-time students, $40 for        second time

Contact:    Steve Olson - 417-379-3125



  70% Club - 2021

70% (or higher) Scores - 2021 (most recent listed first)

12/28 - Jim McKinney & Lloyd McKinney - 73%

12/20 - Neil Stenger & Bev Stenger - 70%

12/16 - Martha Odom & Janet Simmons - 78%

10/14 - Ev Beguin - 71% (Individual Game)

10/14 - Jon Nance & Paul Ross - 71%

10/12 Carolyn Ahart & Sherrill Luckie - 71%

9/7 Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 76%

7/27 Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 74%

7/19 Nora Burgess & David Giles - 83%

7/11 John Door, Bill Goetze, Tim Luce, and Steve Olson - 81%

7/5 - Tim Luce & Steve Olson - 72%

6/27 Rick Giles, Mary Giles, David Giles, and Tim Luce - 75%

6/12 John Door, Tim Luce, Becky Cooper, Jane McKinney - 82%

6/1 Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 70%

5/29 Nancy Tiller, Bernie Webster, Jane McKinney, Carol Pinegar - 78%

5/21 Doug Bloch & Nancy Tiller - 74%

4/22 Jon Nance & Paul Ross - 72% 

3/30 Jim McKinney and Jon Nance - 77%

3/14 Bill Archambo, Peggy Dwyer, Alan O'Neal, Judy Voris - 70%

2/24 Doug Bloch & Jan Bloch - 73%

2/11 Don Bates & Frank Washburn - 75%

2/9 Gary Cunningham & Rod Smith - 71%

1/30 Rick Giles, Mary Giles, David Giles, Tim Luce - 76%

1/26 Mary Giles & Rick Giles - 70%

1/10 Rick Giles, Mary Giles, David Giles, Tim Luce - 74%

1/4 - Mary Giles & Rick Giles - 72%


  70% Club - 2020

2020 Winners with a 70% or higher score (most recent listed first)

12/27 - Don Bates & Frank Washburn - 70%

11/16 - Bill Archambo & Peggy Dwyer - 73%

11/6 - Rick Giles & Jeanne Lins - 72%

11/3 - Mary Giles & Rick Giles - 73%

11/3 - Carol Haynes & Bernie Webster - 78%

10/20 - Mary Giles & Rick Giles - 73%

10/16 - Doug Bloch & Nancy Tiller - 79%

10/5 - Bev Stenger & Neil Stenger - 73%

10/1 - Jill Hannum & Sylvia Neff - 70%

9/28 - Mary Giles & Rick Giles - 70%

9/18 - Mary Giles & Rick Giles - 71%

8/25 - Nancy Tiller & Bernie Webster - 70%

8/11 - Carol Haynes & Bernie Webster - 70%

7/21 - David Giles & Rick Giles - 70%

7/14 - Mary Giles & Rick Giles - 71%

7/1 - Rod Smith &Nancy Yancey - 70%

3/10 - Bill Archambo & Larry Pitts - 70%

3/4 - Peggy Dwyer & Dan Goodwin - 72%

2/28 - Sylvia Neff & Florence Williamson - 70%

2/20 - Charles Coller & Rena Coller - 72%

2/17 - Gary Cunningham & Eric Merritt - 71%

2/10 - Virginia Chace & Bobbie Chartier - 71%

2/7 - Vinay Garg & Rick Giles - 70%

2/7 - Jim McKinney & Jon Nance - 73%

2/3 - Richard Bender & Jon Nance - 71%

1/15 - Susan Cohen & Theresa Russell - 70%

1/10 - Richard Cameron & Larry Halverson - 71%