The Baton Rouge Bridge Center (BRBC) is a non-profit entity incorporated in the state of LA. The BRBC operates under an agreement with ACBL to promote the game of bridge, and host tournaments run by supported by ACBL directors. This agreement can be viewed by clicikng.on the lefenu bar Club Management/Bylaws.
Tbe BRBC. Is governed by the Board of Directors and Operations are managed by a Club Manager. The Board and Officers are elected by the Club membership annually. Minutes of the Board of Directors are open to members and visitors and published on this website.
The Bylaws describe the why and hows of our club - ie its agreement with ACBL The Bylawsare detailed in 8 pages and posted on the Bulletin Board at the Bridge Center. The Board of Directors meets at least bi -monthly.
Club officers and board members for 2024 are:
President - Vivki Kellum
Vice-president - Priscilla Carleton
Treasurer - Jan Galey
Secretary - Barbara Rourke
Club Manager - Betty Mandeville
House Person - Dana Merrill
Membership/Publicity - Jessica Keich
Returning Members at Large --Sheila Boyne, and Debra Falcon
Mrmbers at Large - Jayne Anderson and KathrymTillson
Appointed Member - TBD