This website covers only the Baton Rouge Bridge Center..
This version introduces a full function interactive Game Resuts Module that will show results immediately after the session ends (unless it is a national game and must be delayed). It shows the optimum contract for each hand with the best lead and an accurate defense, -
It details every board, lets you actually play every hand multiple times, lets you compare your contract with the session winning pair or whoever you choose, It also will let you choose play options that can color code the cards to play: for taking the maximum number of tricks (green), or cost you a trick (yellow) or several other combinations. Links will bring you to sections of the help documentation. . This module is powered by Bridgewebs - A Content Management Web Site Builder for Bridge Clubs '.
It also has page configuations for desktops ,laptops or a downloadable APP for smartphone or tablet devices.
Some instructions to get you started using the Game Results module follow. Trouble???. Call Jack 409 351-4214.
The development to date has been aimed at providing core information about the Baton Rouge Bridge Center,
It will be expanded to present more capability when warranted
(Print this if want a hard copy and have a suitable printer)
1). Open your browser; Chrome, Firefox, EDGE, Internet Explorer or Safari
and type (or copy {CTRL+C} and paste {CTRL+V) ) the following in the URL Window
Then bookmark the home page of the website so you won't have to type the URL in the future. You might want to pin the Bookmark on the Browser favorites bar.
2). From the Home Page - click on Game Result which shows a listing of past games and, if the results are posted ,will show a small hand icon to the left of the Game description/ Click on the underlined game. ( the right sidebar on the Home Page also has links to open the last three games , for your convenience.)
3).This will open the Rankings Report showing the highest to lowest Percent scores for the event and the associated pair.
4) Click on a Pair of your choosing. This will bring up a score card for the chosen pair which has the competitive score results of all boards in ascending order.
5). The scorecard also has BOARD 1 in pbn format showing the 4 Hands, Vulnerability, Dealer Opening Lead ( when it is Available) a Deep Finesse analysis of the board showing the number of tricks that can be made in each suit and NT by both N/S, and E/W WITH best LEAD and Accurate Defense. It also show the high card points for all the players in the shown hand. There is also a block of numbers used to select any board, and a traveller for the hand shown. However it does not show what the hand should make with the actual lead that was made.
6} Under the hand dsiplay is a button that allows you to "Play it Again" Pressing this button brings up the selected hand in a player of your choice- and some options.
7) Setting the options to color, and number offers the greatest help in play of the hand and to best defend, while setting both to off is normal unassisted play. Other features can be explored as well.
8) When you play the hand , you set the contract and enter the opening lead. at the beginning of play If the actual opening lead is not the optimum, the number of tricks you should take is adjusted and it is shown on the cards duriing play and at the end of play, depending on the options chosen.
( I checked these features out casually, and read what I think they are supposed to do. If you are having trouble, I would be glad to walk you through the process. It would help me learn how to use them and understand the reason for your difficulty.)