SoCal Bridge News

Latest Edition:


Bridge Supplies

Bridge Supplies


Boards; metal and plastic, Cards; paper and plastic, Bridgemates, Dealing machines, paper supplies, card tables, & computer accessories.


 Do you ever wonder where all the supplies go when a director retires or a club disbands???? Odds are, it’s in my garage! Now it time for me to retire. (And my wife wants her half of the garage back).




text: 661-886-1940

January 8, 2025
Open Pairs
Downey Bridge 10:00 am
January 8, 2025
Open Pairs (NLM on demand)
Long Beach Bridge Center 12:30pm
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BBO - Substitute list
BBO - Substitute list
BBO keeps a substitute list for most games. Subs are used
when ever there is a sitout, a player doesn't show up, or a
player loses connection.
If you fill in for a sitout, you will play the entire event for free
and recieve any points won.
If you fill in for a no-show or dropout, you could be replaced
when they do show up, or reappear.
To be a BBO sub:
1. Log into BBO.
2. The HOME shows several type of games.
    Under the green 'PLAY AND WATCH' title, click COMPETITIVE.
3. Then click ACBL VIRTUAL CLUBS on the next screen.
4a. If you are willing to be a sub in any game. Click on the
      SUBSTITUTES button on the bottom of the screen.
      Wait to be invited into a game. The invite will be in a
      small yellow box in the bottom right corner of you BBO
4b. If you only want to substitute for a particual game.    
5. Scroll down to the game you want play in. Remember,
    You can only do so after the game has started.
5. Click on the game you want and an invite screen appears.
6. Click on the SUBSTITUTES button on the bottom of the
     screen. Add you name to the list. Wait to be invited
     into a game. The invite will be in a small yellow box
     in the bottom right corner of you BBO screen.

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