ACBL District 10
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Grand National Teams
District 10 Grand National Teams


The Grand National Teams (GNT) North American bridge championship is held at the summer ACBL NABC

The Grand National Teams is a team knockout event. The event is broken into four flights (Open, A, B, C). The event is restricted to those who have qualified in their local ACBL district. No player on a flight A team can have more than 6,000 masterpoints. No player on a flight B team can have more than 2,500 masterpoints. No player on a flight C team can have more than 500 masterpoints, or be a Life Master.

The GNT finals will be held at the Summer NABC in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from July 18 to July 28, 2024.

ACBL GNT Conditions of Contest 2023-24.pdf

D10 GNT Conditions of Contest 2023-2024.pdf