The Bridge Academy
Release 2.19r
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Directors course
Directors course 1 & 8 Feb 2020

Directors course was held on 1 & 8 February 2020.  We had 12 people register on the course - 10 new people who wanted to learn what is required to be a director AND 2 existing directors who need an update of knowledge due to rule changes.

NEW: Damini Shah, Daxa Shah, Dinesh T Shah, Hitesh A Shah, Jitendra Sheth, Mahesh Shah, Mukund Somchand, Niru Shah, Pragna Shah, Surendra Sumaria-Shah
OLD:  Shirish Dodhia & Jitesh Vaid

Gary Conrad ran the course.

Photos courtesy of Mukund Somchand.

Click here for directors rota

Directors02 keen as they were very early
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