The Bridge Academy
Release 2.19r
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TBA Torquay 26-29 July 2019
TBA @ Torquay 26-29 July 2019

The Bridge Academy holiday in Torquay was a big success with the members who went on it.  This was a holiday organised by Bridge Overseas and as we could not muster enough members, general public was invited.  In the end there were 19 people from The Bridge Academy and 9 from other bridge playing public. 

The two morning seminars were enjoyable and we all found them useful.  There was three duplicate sessions (Friday, Saturday & Sunday evenings) with prizes for the winners.  Our club did well in terms of prizes.  Daxa and Satish were the winners for the second session.  And Jayashree and Mitin were the winners of the final session.  (see the photos)  There were two lucky dip prizes for people with scores less than 50%.  Our members (Shantibhai & Damini) also won those!!

3rd & Final session

Besides bridge we had walks on the beach.  However nobody was brave enough to go for a swim in the sea.  And a visit to a contemplative garden (Tessier Gardens).  We also learnt American Rummy and Diminishing Whist ("kachuful" or "judgement" are other two names that were given to it).


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The original FLYER