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25/01/24 Board 24
North has 11 points but a good distribution in the majors so opens 1♠ . East overcalls with 1 NT (16-18) and ends up in a 2 NT contract.
Although E-W have 24 points this is a tricky contract.
At our table, South leads ♣ Q, rather than the more obvious spade.
The bidding helps you locate the key cards but how would you set about playing this hand?
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With 24 points and at least 11 in North's hand, that leaves 5 points max with South. It looks like he has a good club suit headed by Q J. That leaves only, at most, 2 points and everything else is with North.
East decided to start with ♦10, South covers (should he?) and declarer played the Queen from dummy (better to just play low?).
As the play progressed North struggled for discards and let go a couple of low hearts.
East was able to concede two heart tricks to North but cleverly retain his ♥2 to access dummy's hearts and last diamond.
There are other ways to tackle this contract, give it a go and see how you do! |