Bridge Lessons
The Bridge Lessons are currently suspended. If there is sufficient demand we may consider re-starting next Autumn.
We are offering online Bridge lessons on RealBridge, which has good facilities for teaching and of course avoids any room charges etc. The lessons are be aimed at players who already have an understanding of the game, so there should be something for most club players.
Each session will concentrate on a particular topic. There is no need to sign up for the whole course, you can just attend any topic which is of interest and there is no need to have a partner. The format will be interactive, including a PowerPoint presentation and some practice hands to play and discuss.
Depending on numbers, you may watch some of the hands as well as play. You'll all be able to participate in the discussions at a table. The sessions are open to players from any club.
Let us know if you are interested; it would be good to have an idea of numbers. It is difficult to find a timeslot which is convenient for everyone so if you prefer a different day/time, please tell us.
Please let us know in advance if you intend to take part in any particular session.