All Seminars take place from 2-4pm
Places cost £20pp. This covers both the seminar and comprehensive notes to keep!
Places are limited so book early!
Each session will focus in detail on one subject, with the aim of cementing your understanding of how and WHY we do things. The online platform I use allows me to make it so that you are always bidding or playing the most interesting hand. This means we can go through examples in great detail. As a result these are quite intensive sessions for the brain, but very productive!
If the timings for seminars do not work for you then please get in touch anyway. I would be happy to repeat seminars at alternative times if enough people show interest!
To join the seminar please click HERE first to join zoom.
Then click HERE to join Shark Bridge. Just enter your name and click ok.
Upcoming Seminars
20th Nov - Trumping in the short suit
You are always being told 'you only make extra tricks by trumping in the short suit'. What does this actually mean? Why is this the case? What does it mean for drawing trumps? This step by step guide to trumping in the short suit will help you to understand the answers to these questions!
4th Dec - Opening Leads
Defence is a hugely important (and I think fun!) part of bridge. Unfortunately it is often neglected when we work on our game. This seminar kicks off our series on defence.
You defence begins with the opening lead. It is often your first chance to start describing your hand to partner. This seminar will teach you to understand the goals of an opening lead. Once you can see WHY defence might lead a certain card we will cement the standard leads from various holdings. This will give you a good starting point for building a killer defence!