Hand of the Week - Friday 4 Sep - Basic Bidding |
Assess the East Hand - Unbalanced with 5 3 3 2 distribution, 5 hearts LTC of 7, points 14. Intend to Open 1♥ and rebid ♥ s. Assess the West Hand - - Balanced 5 3 3 2 distribution, 5 diamonds, points 9. Can't open but has suficient strength to respond at the two level in ♦ s
Suggested Bidding
North East South West
1♥ Pass 2♦
Pass 2♥ Pass ??
My partner assessed the West hand then and said "We have a fit in ♥ s". Shall I pass since I have 9 points and my partner has 12 - 15, which is insufficient for Game, or shall I bid 3♥ since I have a 5 card suit and a doubleton, which provides some trumping potential and therefore use LTC of 8.
After my partner bid 3♥ I reassessed the East hand and said my partner is inviting me to Game, with 12/13 points I would Pass but with 14/15 points, top of the range I comfortably bid 4♥ .
The suggested bidding is a subtle debate about Balanced and Unbalanced as it relates to LTC and points. However, East should not be Opening 1NT and East should not be bidding 1♥ and then rebidding 1NT. It is important to show the 5 card major since having a fit in a major usually scores better.