This is a compressed ACOL Consolidation course running over 6 weeks.
It is aimed at people who are ready to do ACOL Consolidation or may have done ACOL Consolidation and may have done or started Green Book
but who want a refresher of the fundamentals. It will cover:
1. Balanced Hands-Responses and Rebids
2. Unbalanced Hands-Responses and Rebids
3. Strategy and techniques for Declarer Play in NT and Trumps
4. Competitive Auctions
5. Defence Leads and Signals
6. Pre-empts inc Weak 2s
The course dates tbd with attendees
Please use online banking for the course and pay 3 Counties Bridge.
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Address: 3 Counties Bridge, Lothlorien, Barley Mow Hill, Arford ,Hants. GU35 8AB
Bank details: Barclays 3 Counties Bridge Ltd Sort Code 20-11-43 Account Number 63031381