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Feel free to contact Tom Olsson with any suggestions or updates.

August 24th, 2017 Minutes

Present:  Eric Hill, Barb Maas, Bonni Newton, Kate Reynolds, Penny Rittgers, Gregg Walsh, and Dee Wilson.  Absent were Margie Brennan, Carolyn Miler, Craig Nelsen, Carolyn Sabroske, and Bill Wallace. 

President Bonni Newton called the meeting to order.  Roll call was taken.  Dee Wilson moved to accept the minutes from May 18 and Kate Reynolds seconded it.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  Carolyn Miller was absent but she had the treasurer’s report available on paper. We made $2,180.34 hosting the Regional.  Eric Hill moved to accept the treasurer’s report with Dee Wilson seconding it.  Motion passed.  We have $32,443.04 on hand as of today.

Education:  Penny reported that 6 classes will be held at the Bridge Center.  Three classes will be beginning bridge, one on Conventions, one on Play of the Hand, and one on How to Think Bridge.  Exact information regarding these classes is posted on the bulletin board and on our website.    

Old Business:  The purchase of a defibrillator remains an issue.  Barb was asked to prepare a document to be signed by our club owner directors and Craig Nelsen accepting training so the Corporation will uphold their agreement to pay for half.  Eric Hill said the Department of Health will provide free training at the Bridge Center.  It will be on OUR defibrillator.     

Craig Nelsen with the help of Bill Wallace is working on our By-Laws revisions.  They were absent so no report was given.  They must be filed with the State of Iowa with an attorney’s approval.

Regional:  Kate Reynolds gave a wrap up of our Regional highlighting  how lectures and classes for beginners added to our success.  Both were well attended.  She stressed the need for more am games.  Knockouts were a challenge because we are a small regional.  Some concerns with the Sheraton were discussed but overall this venue met our needs. 

Our old website will stay available for one year.  As soon as the Hawkeyer comes out our new website will be live.  The address for the new website can be found on the board at the Bridge Center, our facebook page, and the old website.   

The attendance at the Stars of Tomorrow tournament was down.  Possible reasons were discussed. 

New Business:  We will not use Subway but provide pulled pork, chicken salad, cookies, and chips at the Cornbelt to keep expenses down. 

Bonni replaced 4 tables of bidding cards for the Ames site.  She also gave them one table set of older cards. 

Dee Wilson stated he had been contacted by the Sheraton to host our 2019 regional.  They noted another party has shown interest in the venue for the week of July 4, 2019.  After discussion it was decided to give Dee permission to give a verbal commitment to the Sheraton for our 2019 Regional Tournament.  This agreement can be cancelled within one year.  A committee to select the venue has been determined and will continue to investigate the best possible choice.   

Motion:  Dee Wilson will give verbal intent to the Sheraton to use it for our 2019 tournament.  Barb moved to accept motion, Kate seconded it, board approved unanimously.        

A nomination committee consisting of Eric, Penny, and Carolyn S has been established to set expectations for board members and to come up with a slate of candidates to replace board members whose terms are up.

Our election party will be held in October.  Date will be determined by the Nomination Committee.  Gregg Walsh volunteered to be chairman of the Holiday Tournament.  Events need to be sent to the ACBL right after the Cornbelt.

Gregg is looking into our responsibility for having a Grass Roots tournament in conjunction with our April tournament.

Bonni is looking into the possibility of holding a Non-Life Master Regional in conjunction with our Spring Sectional or replacing our Stars of Tomorrow tournament.  We will need ACBL approval.  She will report back. 

Barb Maas moved to adjourn the meeting.  Eric Hill seconded.    Submitted by Barb Maas for Penny   

(Click on Title or here to view or download minutes in Word format document.)