We have a USEFUL LINKS section, accessible by the MENU on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the home page.

Currently it is where you can find links to blank EBU CONVENTION CARDS.

Links will be maintained and updated by Andrew Merrison. Please e-mail him ideas of any usefulnesses.

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Release 2.19q
Sessions for Improvers
Monday Evening Improvers

This is an opportunity for less experienced players to come along on a Monday evening and play in a relaxed environment, open to those who have recently or not so recently completed a beginners course.

Players with an NGS rating of 9 or greater should only come if playing with an inexperienced player.

A mentoring scheme is operated for this session to encourage inexperienced players to play duplicate bridge.

If you would like a partner to act as a mentor to help you find your feet in club play, please e-mail Mark Dunkley at

Any other queries, please contact John Guest on 01904 795595 or



start at
10.00 am and end about 12.00 pm

start at
7.00 pm and end about 9pm


They cost £5.25 per session for members or £6.25 for non-members (all the money goes to the club). 

The assisted sessions are aimed at people who have had a few lessons and are intended to provide practice with help where needed.

There are no “lessons” as such. Players don’t need a partner, but you can come with a partner if you’d prefer.

The sessions are not scored and it’s fine to use crib sheets etc.

Please contact David Moore ( if you would like further information.  

Friday Morning Gentle Duplicate

ARRIVAL: 09.50 am

START: 10.00 am

FINISH: circa 12.50 pm


This session is aimed at those who have less experience or who are new to duplicate bridge.

The format allows players time to discuss boards and ask questions between sets of boards.

Only simple systems are allowed so that all are singing from the same hymn sheet.

The session will be run as a match-pointed duplicate session and results will be uploaded to the EBU and club website.

If eligible, player’s results will contribute to the 6-high club competition.

Normal session prices £5.25 for members and £6.25 for visitors.

Please contact Piers Percival ( if interested or if you need a partner.