We have a USEFUL LINKS section, accessible by the MENU on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the home page.

Currently it is where you can find links to blank EBU CONVENTION CARDS.

Links will be maintained and updated by Andrew Merrison. Please e-mail him ideas of any usefulnesses.

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Pages viewed in 2024
Release 2.19q
Bridge for Beginners

A fast track course to teach Bridge to absolute beginners will commence on Tuesday the 23rd of April with teacher Chris Irvin at York Bridge Club. The aim of the course will be to enable participants to play a session of Bridge at the club after only 12 weeks of two hourly lessons. After this, further lessons will be available to further advance the learning of the participants. Lessons will run from 14:00 to 16:00, and will cost £5 per lesson per student. For further information please contact Chris direct on 01759 388498, or by email at