We have a USEFUL LINKS section, accessible by the MENU on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the home page.

Currently it is where you can find links to blank EBU CONVENTION CARDS.

Links will be maintained and updated by Andrew Merrison. Please e-mail him ideas of any usefulnesses.

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Release 2.19q
FREE: Bridge in a Day
Bridge in a Day
Bridge in a Day

Have you ever wondered about playing Bridge? Or thought of taking up again a game you played a long time ago? On Saturday April 13th there is a special opportunity to dip your toe in the water of this fascinating card game. And all for FREE.

The modern approach to teaching Bridge aims to get people playing hands as soon as possible. Within the first hour Bridge In A Day will show you

  • What tricks are
  • How to evaluate hands (counting points)
  • The basic rules of play

Then you will play some hands using a simplified system called “minibridge”. After a short break we’ll begin “bidding” and playing hands both with and without trumps. You’ll also get an introduction to scoring and how competitive (or duplicate) Bridge is played. There will be lots of help available.

We’ll provide hot drinks and biscuits, please bring your own lunch. We’ll make a start at 1000 and finish by 1600.

To let us know you’re coming or for more details contact John Guest or Tel. 01904  795595.