Yateley & Hawley BC
F2F - Beryl Doughty Cup (6/12)
BBO Duplicate
BBO Duplicate
F2F - Championship Teams (3/6)
BBO Duplicate
Wed 2nd Oct 2024
Director: John England
Wed 2nd Oct 2024
Director: Jeff Stone
Thu 3rd Oct 2024
BBO Duplicate
Director: John Gatrell
Wed 9th Oct 2024
Director: John Gatrell
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All time hits
Release 2.19r
16th Aug 2017 (Transfers)
Quick Summary from our Chairman

From Alan Brown......

  1. Lovely misfit all round. N superficially looks good but must beware overbidding.
  2. Nice simple 3N
  3. N must realise he is strong enough to go for game. Hard to bid a slam though.
  4. After the transfer to , will E find the good forcing bid of 3? And will W accept to game?
  5. Fair enough to give N 12HCP. Will N go to 4?
  6. Interesting in that W, after 2 passes will open. However I think he should open 3 not 1 to make life difficult for opposition. Have you taught them about Michaels if W does open 1?
  7. Can N find the best defensive lead of a trump? Assuming the contract is 2 by W.
  8. Nothing to add
  9. Can N/S deal with interference - eg 2 over the 1N.
  10. Nothing to add
  11. Can N resist temptation?
  12. Lovely. Have you taught them about "super accept"? Will E realise that W must have lots of Kings to open. Can we open a book on how many reach 7?
  13. Interesting. Would S go Stayman or do transfer?
  14. Also interesting. Would E, after 1N - 2 - 2 - 3 go on? Want to take bets on how many reach 4?
  15. Have a look at Puppet Stayman.....
  16. Interesting.  Lots of possibilities here.  Does their convention card say anything about opening 1N with a singleton honour?
Hand 3

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 3:

Alan's view:

S 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
W Pass  
N 2 Transfer to ♠s (showing 5♠s)
E Pass  
S 2♠ Completing the Transfer
W Pass  
N 3 Showing at least 5♠ and 4 (9+) - much more descriptive than using stayman as first bid.
E Pass  
S 4 We now know there is an 8 card fit and our weak suit is covered with 5 ♠s in N
Play Assume lead of K♣ (top of a sequence), win A♣ then ruff a ♣.  Finesse a  running the J - we now only have 1♠ to lose.
Hand 5

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 5:

Alan's view:

N 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
E Pass  
S 2 Transfer to ♠ (showing at least 5♠s)
W Pass  
N 2♠ Completing the Transfer
E Pass  
S 3 Showing 5♠s and 4s (at least) with 9+
W Pass  
N 4 Accept the invitation with an 8 card fit and short suit covered by South
Play Likely a ♣ lead here - winning trick 1 or 2 - easy to set up the ♠s and lose 1  to now have ♠s and s to throw cards away making 10 or 11 tricks.
Hand 8

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 8:

Ian's view:

W 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
N Pass  
E 2 Transfer to ♠s (showing 5 ♠s)
S Pass If frisky, bid 3
W 2♠ Completing the transfer (or 3♠ if pushed up)
All Pass  
Play Likely to lose 2♣s, 1, 1 and can catch the Q♠ so should make 9 tricks
Hand 10

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 10:

Ian's view:

E 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
S Pass  
W 2 Transfer to ♠ (showing at least 5♠s)
N Pass  
E 2♠ Completing the Transfer
S Pass  
W 3♠ (Optional but worth asking if the 1NT hand is max with 4♠s)
N Pass  
E Pass  
Play Ensure you play a  up to the K at some point, 9 tricks make without much trouble
Hand 11

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 11:

Ian's view:

S 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
W Pass  
N 2 Transfer to ♠s (Showing at least 5)
E Pass  
S 2♠ Completing the Transfer
W Pass Note - I would now Double as happy to play in any suit and don't want the Ops to play in 2 of a major
Play Lose 1, 1♣ and 2s (may only lose 1  depending on play) making 9 or 10 tricks - who will open the s......
Hand 12

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 12:

Ian's view:

W 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
N Pass  
E 2 Transfer to s (showing at least 5)
S Pass  
W 3 Jump here to show max and 4s
N Pass  
E 4NT We are really interested here - lets have a look....
S Pass  
W 5 Show 1 Ace (varies per slam method)
N Pass  
E 6 This will do here - more sophisticated could get to 7 or 7NT
Play Only tricky part here is finessing the Q♠ correctly, stay in 6 and 12 tricks makes without much fuss, 13 with the Q♠ correct
Hand 13

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 13:

Ian's view:

N 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
E Pass  
S 2 Transfer to s (showing at least 5)
W Pass  
N 2  Completing the Transfer
All Pass  
Play Ensure you finesse the K and play up to the K !
Hand 14

16th Aug 2017 - Hand 14:

Ian's view:

E 1NT Balanced hand, 12-14 (no voids, not 2 doubletons)
S Pass  
W 2 Transfer to ♠ (showing at least 5)
N Pass  
E 2♠  Completing the Transfer
S Pass  
W 4♠  Showing 6+ ♠ and an opening hand
All Pass  
Play Lose 2s and 1♣ - contract made!