Yateley & Hawley BC
BBO Duplicate
BBO Duplicate
F2F - Championship Teams (3/6)
BBO Duplicate
Wed 25th Sep 2024
F2F - Beryl Doughty Cup (6/12)
Director: June Booty
Wed 25th Sep 2024
Director: Vivek Radhakrishnan
Thu 26th Sep 2024
BBO Duplicate
Director: John Gatrell
Wed 2nd Oct 2024
Director: John England
0 0 0 0 0 0
All time hits
Release 2.19r
Hand of the Month
Hand of the Month

How to lose a loser:


The bidding is straightforward, tinged with a touch of optimism – just as you would do – of course !


On the ♦Q lead, how would you make this hand? East plays the KD.



East’s play of the KD is interesting.


Surely it can mean only one thing. That E has just a doubleton in diamonds and W has (probably) the DJ & D10.


So we could throw W in with a diamond and hopefully get a favourable return.


But we have to eliminate West’s other spare cards.


So we draw trumps and cash the AK of spades, discarding a diamond from hand.


Now we cash the AK of hearts and lead a diamond.


Yippee. W has only got diamonds left and must give a ruff & discard.