Release 2.19q
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How is your Defence?
How would you defend this hand?

How would you defend as WEST on the hand above?

Opening lead K♣ (asks for count) and partners card shows an Odd number of cards in clubs.

a. If partner plays the 5♣ and declarer follows with the 3♣ at trick 1?

b. If partner plays the 5♣ and declarer follows with the J♣ at trick 1?


You need to switch to a Heart at trick 2.

You need 4 tricks to beat this contract 1 Heart, 1 Diamond and 2 Clubs.  If you make the mistake of cashing your Club tricks first and then switching to a Heart, declarer will win with the  A.   After drawing trumps, ending in hand, he will cash his remaining top Club trick, throwing the losing 3 from dummy and make cackling noises as he clocks up +620 instead of -100. 

TIP - Think WHERE are you tricks coming from to beat a contract before just trying to cash them off the top.
