Release 2.19r
Comittee Meetings Minutes
12 March 2020

Woodborough Bridge Club

Minutes of Committee Meeting 12 Mar 2020

1. In attendance   Phil Dale, Ray Furlonger, Jane Hall, Paul Morris, Keith Spencer, Julia Furlonger.

2. Apologies  HelenFrankland/Smith, Tony Trevethick, Steve Fordham.

3. Minutes of Meeting   held 9 Jan 2020. 

Re 6 b) –the suggestion for beginners to play amongst themselves was to apply to the open evening only.

Re 6 c) Mervyn Jones’s beginners course is at Keyworth, not E Bridgford.

The chairman is to make these changes to the minutes and sign a copy for the record.

4. Matters arising.

 Minutes of 28 Nov meeting are still to be signed.

5. Coronavirus . It is thought that many people will choose to not attend bridge club nights. Ray had circulated his calculation that showed that Woodborough is not the only club that seen a drop in numbers.  It is thus assumed that the drop in numbers is due to the coronavirus threat rather than players choosing to go to other clubs. If numbers continue to drop it may be that we will change to requiring positive indication of attendance.  With less than 4 tables it is not possible to run a duplicate evening.  We can cancel the hall booking and not have to pay for it.

Ray will write a message to be sent to all members regarding the precautions that members should take when attending club nights.

We will only offer wrapped biscuits.

6. Committee Reports

a) Treasurer (PD). Bank account balance is £4,400.  If a similar low number of tables continues to the end of the year (end of Mar) we will be just £50 up on the year.  There were some exceptional expenditures:  Part payment for a directors course, hall fee paid for the charity event and also there was no table fee for the Xmas party. 

The break even takings is for 7.5 / 8 tables.

b) Membership Secretary (JH).   There has been an inquiry  from a good player who may like to play at the club for half the year. He spends the other half of the year in New Zealand.

c) IT (KS) A change has been made to the website re directors. Now each director is assigned the same Thursday each month eg 1st Thurs etc.

Keith will make a positive effort to train another person on the computer scoring  eg John Edwards.

d) Website.  There is still not another person to look after the club website.

e) Teams (PM).   It looks as if the A team will get promotion to Div 1.  The B team need 15 points out of their last 2 matches to avoid relegation from Div 2. All being well we will have a team in each of the 3 divisions. It would also help the A team if the B v Nottm match gave few points to the opposition.

f) Directors (KS).  There has been a request for KS to call a separate directors meeting.

g) Publicity. JH showed a new “glossy” publication: Calverton & Burton Joyce Local News.  There is a section in this for “Woodborough Community News” which we should make use of.

It was agreed that the planned Open Evening will be postponed due to the coronavirus threat so no advertising needed for this.

7. Future Club Development

a)New officers and committee members. RF, JF and TT are standing down.  PM agreed to stand as Chairman. PD would be deputy when required.  JF offered to continue as fixture secretary i.e. to make the initial match and venue bookings. After this the team captains deal with selection and any amendments.

PM pointed out 2 new possible venues: Epperstone village Hall and Lowdham Bowls Club.

b)/c)  Toni Smith’s beginners class is continuing. There is no other teaching/ training planned.

d) Cooperation with other clubs.  No comments.

e) Variations to regular duplicate evenings.  It was agreed that this is not popular with many members.

f) Safeguarding. We should have up to date contact details for use in emergency. We should all have an ICE number in our mobile phone.

We do not at present have a “safeguarding policy”.  KS will seek information from the EBU.

g) Next open evening.  We will set a date later in the year when the coronavirus threat has subsided.

8. Preparations for the AGM on 25th June.

Proposed officers:

PM  Chair

JH Membership Secretary + HF minutes secretary

PD Treasurer

Proposed Committee:

KS, SF .  One, two or more members needed.

9. Any Other business. Contrary to what has been suggested recently PM suggested that the match fee should be a set amount (currently £2.50) no matter what the hall venue is.  This was agreed.

10. Date of next Meeting  .  As agreed previously 14th May.

9 January 2020

Woodborough Bridge Club

Minutes of Committee meeting 9 Jan 2020


1.Attendance:  Ray Furlonger, Tony Trevethick, Jane Hall, Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger


2. Apologies: Helen Frankland/Smith. Other non- attendees Paul Morris and Keith Spencer


3 / 4. Minutes of meeting held 29th Nov 2019

The committee were reminded that we had agreed not to publish the names of people where the content was deemed to be sensitive. 


It was agreed to minimise the reporting of the emails re selection of C and B teams.


The bank balance should be net £4,700 and not as was given. The figure given was gross.


5. Committee reports:

a) Treasurer (PD). The bank balance stands as a bit over £4,600 net. We are getting average number of tables at the moment.  We have been told by the caretaker that we should only pay for 3hrs (7-10pm) not for 3.5 hours as we have been.

b) Membership. JH produced an analysis of individual attendance over the last 3year.  It showed the number of members remains good, but many play less often.

c) IT – Keith Spencer had not arrived.

d) Website. SF said that he not yet had any further training as to how to operate the website.

e) Teams:  Paul Morris not arrived.

f) Directors: It was reported that Richard Lightfoot has moved back to Spain so we have 1 fewer director.

g) Publicity:  TT reported that an article about our charity event in aid of Headway was published in the monthly Woodborough Web. He has a shorter article to place elsewhere.

h) Liaison with the Notts County Committee: JH informed us that the idea of a liaison rep has probably been dropped as there is member of each club, except Sunday Tigers), on the county committee.

There is to be another County Club Conference. SF said that he would be prepared to attend if the date is OK.

6 Future Club Development:

  1. At present there are no plans for teaching.


  1. Toni Smith currently has a beginners class but they are they are not up to the standard to take part in Thursday duplicate.  She has suggested that some, say 2 tables, come on our Open Evening and play amongst themselves to give them a feeling for the atmosphere of a club evening. It was thought that this was a feasible idea.


  1. Cooperation with other clubs: The Monday afternoon Club are willing to have Toni’s beginners, unfortunately they all work so are not free to attend. Burton Joyce bridge club are planning to teach bridge to Scouts.

The South Notts Group have arranged a course of beginners lessons given by Mervyn Jones in E Bridgford. The course is 12 lessons on Thursday mornings starting Mar 5.


  1. Variation to regular club duplicate evenings: The Butler Imps evening had a very low turn out so perhaps it was not a good idea. The individual comp at the Xmas Party went all right with considerable input from KS.


There was an Open Evening planned for 30th Jan but JH suggested that it should be delayed and 2nd April was agreed as the new date.   TT will do flyers to advertise this


7.              The chairman announced that he would not be standing for the committee at the next AGM. Because they travel together some distance to get to WBC it means that JF would also not be standing. This information was given early so that committee members could seek new members in time for the AGM



8.            Date of next AGM: Agreed as 25th June.


9.            Date of next meeting:  not decided.

28 November 2019

Woodborough Bridge Club

Minutes of Committee Meeting 28/11/19

1.In Attendance

Phil Dale; Ray Furlonger; Julia Furlonger; Jane Hall; Paul Morris; Helen Frankland/Smith.

2. Apologies
Steve Fordham; Keith Spencer; Tony Trevethick

3. Minutes of Meeting held on 19th October 2019 were signed as correct by the Chair.  (Ray, I'm assuming this did happen before my arrival but it wasn't minuted and a reminder that I haven't yet received copy of signed minutes from Ray for the file).
4. Matters arising from previous minutes:- PD confirmed he had paid the fee for use of Oxton Hall on 12/12/19.

5.  Committee Reports
a) Treasurer (PD)
Reported that bank account balance is currently £5,400 nett as £700 is allocated to Headway Charity.

£100 has been given to Richard Page towards his Director's Course expenses.

There are 69 paid up members, plus one honorary - John Glass.

Average table numbers down to 8.8 after two low turnouts.
Fee has been paid for use of Oxton Hall on 12 December.

b) Membership (JH)
JH reported Club doing OK on membership numbers, but the frequency of attendance was decreasing.

c) IT (KS)
d) Website (SF)* Please note AOB item re Boxing Day

f) Directors (KS)    No reports available for any of these due to absence of all responsible.

g) Publicity (TT)

d) Teams

A discussion was held concerning an exchange of emails between the B and C captains and the Committee. Both captains attended the meeting to express their views to the Committee, a way forward was agreed and the issue resolved.

6. Future Club Development

a)Training/Teaching for both duplicate and teams.  Nothing reported. 

b) Teaching beginners TS has started teaching more beginners - JH has names/details of these.

c) Education in Schools HS attended meeting at Louise Skull's in late September, which focused on recent experience teaching Bridge within Maths curriculum at Keyworth School (Mo Logan); lessons from the v positive Stamford experience (Louise Skull); support available from the EBED (Giles Imp) and the proposed way ahead.  HS checked recently with LS and there will be a further update in early 2020. At recent Woodborough Charity event Paul Sweet and another (?) said that a Steering Committee meeting was to be held before Xmas with this on agenda.

7. AOB

Significant Events 

Charity Date 27th November  2019 (JH)

Charity Event was the Club's one 'free' event.  It was agreed £55 Hall Hire charge to be paid in full.  TT to be asked re preferred method of payment to Headway.

26th December Boxing Day Duplicate session listed on website should be removed asap*

Xmas Party 19th December 2019

Agreed by those in attendance that no table fee to be charged for this event, however, there is an understanding that members attending will contribute either an item of food or drink, itemised on la comprehensive selection list to be drawn up by JH in advance (noted that JH unable to attend party in person), which PM volunteered to circulate among members and place on Club noticeboard, together with taking list to Oxton on 12/12/19.  The list of attendees at the party will then be drawn up from the contributions list.

An Individuals' competition is planned for the party event and PM believes KS has software available* to implement this and PM has worked out that it will work best with a multiple of four players, so, if, the numbers don't compute, committee members will step down accordingly.  PM also pointed out that any individuals knocked out along the way would be free to leave.

RF reminded committee of the invitation to John & Judith Glass, to commemorate John having founded the Club, with a presentation of a gift of champagne/whisky and bouquet of flowers, (to be organised by HF), and presented to them by RF.  John & Judith would be invited to attend by JH.  and Refreshments would be served on arrival from 7pm.

JH suggested that a 'Glass' Competition should be included in the Club's special annual activities, in tribute to the couple's contribution to it.

8) Date of Next Meeting:-17.30 9th January 2020 Woodborough Village Hall.

The meeting finished at approximately 18.45 (Minutes taken by JF until 17.45 and continued by HF/S)

12 September 2019


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 12 September 2019 

1. In Attendance

Phil Dale; Ray Furlonger; Julia Furlonger; Steve Fordham; Jane Hall; Paul Morris;

Helen Smith; Tony Trevethick.

2. Apologies
Keith Spencer

3. Minutes of Meeting held on 12th September 2019 were signed as correct by the Chair.

4. No Matters arising from previous minutes.

5.  Committee Reports
a) Treasurer (PD)
Reported that bank account stands pretty much as at previous meeting.
There are 60 paid up members, plus one honorary - John Glass.
NB Paul, Ruth Hooper and Joan Brook haven’t yet joined.
Average table numbers down over summer months to 9.2.
On 3/10 and 31/10 session would be at Oxton Village Hall due to non availability of Woodborough.

b) Membership (JH)
It was noted there had been extensive prior discussion of this matter and JH had nothing further to report.

c) IT (KS)
Website- SF has not yet managed to get together with KS to determine boundaries for tasks. SF only happy to be 100% responsible if in driving seat - the matter to be sorted post Antwerp.


- Those players in need of a partner should contact JH.
- Both current and previous committee plus list of directors are ALL out of date.
JF suggests SF cross referencing with Phoenix Club website to manage effectively.

d) Teams 
1st Team selected by PM.
All other teams to be selected by individual team captain in conjunction with PM. (NB JF always involved in process).
B Team Captain to be decided between either - RF/JF; unless not playing, otherwise someone else to be appointed.  C Team TB.
JF pointed out that John Edwards electronic spreadsheet idea is redundant due to people failing to complete it in response. 

PM only interested in top players and that area is well populated - it’s the bottom sections that are a problem.
NB the committee decided that team captains should pick the best teams.
PM stated that the A’ Team should not have too cushy a ride against its ‘B’ (First A v B match is on 30/9). Team. ‘A’ Team to be as strong as possible.  The best teams should be picked to avoid county complaints.

e) Directors (KS) Not in attendance - no report.

f) Publicity- Event at Arnold Library not well received, at least not on that particular date and generated zero take up.
What results did TS experience at Southwell?

- Any Club run Charity event will require advance publicity.

- TT wonders if local press might be interested in publishing Club Team results - especially if anything outstanding happens, given that players choose clubs with successful teams.

6. Future Club Development

a)Training/Teaching for both duplicate and teams.  HS to coordinate and attend meeting re Youth Bridge at Louise Skull's 

b) Teaching beginners TS (Chairperson of County) has offered to teach more beginners.

TT asked if there exists an identified group of prospective beginners that could be targeted?
- A couple of TS’s Burton Joyce Beginners
- Someone needs to be tasked to hunt for Adult Beginners
- Perhaps Woodborough would benefit from teaming up with Burton Joyce for this purpose ?
- Articles in Local Press

RF to proceed with more Intermediate training stuff, along with Lloyd, but actually recruiting beginners is a bigger challenge and until TS can be more proactive from beginning October Club is unable to move forward on this.

c) Entering County Competitions

We are being encouraged as a club by County to get involved in competitions such as 'Big Bang Bridge', where experts stayed behind after play to discuss hands.  Also Woodborough has entered a number of Pairs in the Blue Pointed Swiss Pairs on 20/10/19.  PM not available to play any additional Bridge.

d) Teams fixtures

JF has circulated spreadsheet of all Teams fixtures and potential players should indicate where they are not available.  This will go to all members who have expressed interest in playing for teams.  NB most B Team players we've pinpointed haven't actually confirmed in writing their availability to play.

The Fixture List was to be posted on the Club website under 'Future Events'

Team members should note that some fixtures will be at Lowdham.  Also that Retford wish to commence play at 6pm and don't want to play in afternoon.  PM to contact all eleven As after meeting to confirm their availability.

e) Variations to Regular Duplicate Evenings

Bultler IMPS evening - RF to fix date for one of these outside the meeting as half a dozen Woodborough players have expressed interest in trying.  PM says it is interesting to give results for Duplicate alongside Butler IMPS system and the system is set up to cope with both. The idea is to give players who are new to teams an idea of the scoring difference between teams and pairs. NB there is plenty of stuff published to educate on this.

Individual Events - Phoenix recently ran one - PM suggests implementing Individual for our Xmas Party event and presenting a Cup/Award to the best improved player.

f) Significant Events

BBC Children in Need Sims Event National Competition  - Date to be clarified.

Charity Date 27th November (JH to take on leadership).  Has list of those who enjoy coming and will produce tickets @ £10.  There will be a list of helpers to produce refreshments.  A scorer and director will be required.

Chosen Charity 'Headway' - all profits to go to it.

Xmas Party 19th December

It was suggested that a presentation be made to John Glass at the party in recognition of his being the club founder many years ago.

Open Eve - to be advised - considered better held in Jan/Feb rather than as previously in November - with refreshments/drink - and to be well advertised in advance.

7) AOB - None

8) Date of Next Meeting:- 14th November 2019

The meeting finished at 18.41 (HS)

25 July 2019


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 25th July 2019

1. In attendance:  Ray Furlonger, Julia Furlonger, Steve Fordham, Jane Hall, Helen Smith, Tony Trevethick.

2. Apologies:  Phil Dale, Paul Morris, Keith Spencer

3. Minutes: Minutes of meetings held on 13th June 2019 were signed as correct by the Chair.

4. Matters arising

a) It was noted that Ruth Hooper is happy to continue with doing refreshments, with Julia as back-up.
b) Ongoing issues with the website were attended to on an as and when basis and rectified by Keith.
Jane reminded the committee that we had previously discussed the need for two poeple to be responsible for the website. Technical support,  which Keith does very exeprtly.  But also a publisher to keep an overall eye on the content and keep it up to date: SF volunteered to oblige on this front and promised to be proactive.  It was noted that the list of Committee members required updating.


5. Committee reports

  1. Treasurer (PD) -  had been circulated:  “We have received 33 subs to date, plus one honorary member.  Pravin Tailor is a new member.  Just over 9.5 tables average so far this year.  The bank account stands at just over £4,700 including the ring-fenced £2,200.  I am still paying Ruth for the refreshments.”
  2. Membership Secretary (JH) – numbers as stated at the AGM.   Since then one new member, Pravin Tailor.  Others have visited, but not joined.
  3. IT (KS) – See under matters arising.
  4. Teams (PM) - Brief report from Paul Morris outlining his approach had previously been circulated.  Phil has pointed out the lack of information re teams of four on website; it was mentoined that this was not a club team per se and the results were on the NCBA website.
  5. Directors (KS) - Keith is the lead director of the Club. He manages the rota which is publicised on the website.  It was felt that the scorer should always be named to make sure both activites were covered for every evening and there was a contingency in place in case of absenses. The time delay following the end of each Woodborough session in getting the results up electronically is due to the poor Wifi signal strength at the venue;  so this is often being done at the pub later on..
  6. Publicity (TT) -is happy to continue in lead role

 6. Future Club development.

a) Teaching.  It was reported that a number of our members were helping at the Arnold Library promotional event organised for Saturday 27th July. It is a NCBA initiative and was viewed as a potential recruitment ground for members, or for possible contenders for Beginners’ Learning Programs.  A similar event held last year at West Bridgford had been highly successful.
Ray pointed out that any genuinely potential newcomers to the game or new members would need to be followed up, either by pointing them in the direction of beginners’ courses, or inviting them along to one of the clubs.  There was much happening in other clubs and eslewhere but we need to decide what WBC could offer.
Toni had offered to hold beginner classes and was waiting to hear from Ray.

Helen had circulated an email about youth bridge and schemes operating elsewhere.   It was felt that WBC could not help with this solely as a club, and it would be best for Helen to discuss with Toni  (NCBA chair) possible initiatives.  The question was posed:- Is a Bridge organisation equipped to put in the effort required to recruit this sector? JH pointed out that EBU does have a good Junior Scheme.  HF agreed (with JH as back-up) to act as Club Coordinator of Teaching Program and it was decided that a Plan was required for implementation of both County & EBU Initiatives.
HF to liaise with TS on other possible avenues and to gain an overview of what is currently happening.

b) County competitions.It was expressed by some that these were somewhat off-putting to the weaker and middle ranking players, as the outcomes were always predictable.   A suggestion for an handicapping system was discounted as other clubs had tried this and it was fraught with disagreements.

c) Variations to regular duplicate evenings.  SF asked if a Butler Imp event could be run, if we wanted more competitions with team scoring;. The committee  felt that people generally wanted to just turn up and play duplicate. Ray thought one of the team captains should engage in further investigation of the possibilities.

d) Teams  It was noted that Tony Brooke ran an excellent C team.  Jane asked for a named B team captain as the League Directory would be published veyr soon and it looked bad if there was no named captain.  It was agreed that JF’s name would be published for the time being.

(18.25 SF lef the meeting)

e) Monday club.  Jane reported on the current situation with Peter Butler now managing the club.  It was hoped that attendance would increase over the next few months. Jane had spoken to some regular attendees and the feedback was that they were a very happy group, they enjoy not been an affiliated club, have no interest in classes and those that do already attend elsewhere.  Importantly they would not welcome interference from WBC. 

7. Award to John Glass
Both John and Judith Glass had now resigned from the club and it was thought that some form of acknowledgment should be held to thank them for founding the club over 30 years ago, and their contribution over very many years..  It was thought that this could take place at the Christmas Party.

8. Any other business
Following some delays in getting entry to the Hall Jane advised that the following had the key pad code: JH, DT, JE, PD, CW, RF, TS, RL, KS & RP .  Jane would also get more cupboard keys cut. These would be given to John Edwards, Paul Morris, Phil Dale and Dave Tillcock.  Ray, Keith, Jane and Toni Smith currently had keys.

9. Date of next meeting   - Thursday 12th September  2019, 5.30pm.

Meeting closed at 18.40

13 June 2019

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 13th June 2019

1. In attendance: Ray Furlonger (Chair), Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Anick Spence, Andrew Spence, Tony Trevethick, Keith Spencer

2. Apologies:  There were none. Full house. 

3. Minutes: Minutes of meetings held on 25th April 2019 were signed, with corrections as listed below, by the Chair. 

4. Matters arising: Tony Trevethick corrected his names - both were wrong in the minutes. Humble apologies were proffered and were accepted.

Keith Spencer is away in July and not June. 

5. Committee reports

  1. Treasurer (PD) - Sheet for year-end accounts prepared for presentation to AGM. Healthy. Some Clubs are increasing their table fees, but not necessary for WBC.
  2. Membership Secretary (JH) Has updated the current list of members - anticipates losing 11 due to house moves, health, or playing with other clubs. But we have welcomed 11 new players.
  3. Directors/IT (KS) - Timer is working better than he expected. RF observed that they had had a late start the previous Thursday. Suggested asking people to be seated by 18:55 in order to give the director time to set the system. Use of the timer should be encouraged, or an alternative system. It would be useful if it was audible. RF to remind everybody that all four players at the table should check the timer, and not deal another hand when it has turned red.
  4. Publicity (TT) - TT was congratulated on the contributions he has made to local journals describing his experience of joining WBC.

6. Teaching and training: (RF) Lloyd enthusiastic about teaching. He and RF shared the burden and are likely to start again in the new year. The sessions have attracted about a dozen to each session. 

7. Future events and inclusion on the website

Sim pairs - Monday 22nd July. The hall is available if we decided to participate. But it would need pushing among affiliated and non-affiliated clubs to achieve 15 tables - KS opined that an even number of tables is easier. £2.50 a table would cover our costs, possibly only £2.  JH agreed to take this on.

Also doing a Children in Need SIM pair event (automatic enrolment) but nothing else booked at the moment.

Charity event - last Wednesday in November, 27th if the club decides to proceed. 

8. New committee Minuting secretary: AS, is standing down. Helen Frankland has offered to join. Various names were discussed who might appreciate being invited to join the committee.

Various people to take on team captaincy were discussed. 

9. Plans for AGM: (27th June) Start time 6.30pm, agenda to be generated from last year’s minutes. 

10. Any other business

JF agreed to take on refreshments - an offer much appreciated. 

11. DONM: AGM Thursday 27th June 2019, 6.30pm.

Committee - Thursday 25th July, 5.30pm.

25 April 2019


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 25th April 2019

1. In attendance:
Ray Furlonger (Chair), Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Anick Spence, Andrew Spence, Tony Trevethick, Keith Spencer (arrived 18:10hrs)

2. Apologies:  
There were none.

3. Minutes:
Minutes of meetings held on 17th January 2019 were signed as correct by the Chair.

4. Matters arising - There were none.

5. Committee reports

  1. Treasurer (PD) -  the end of another successful year. 77 members, including 1 honorary. Average table 9.77, profit £611.97, Club worth just over £4,371. If £2,200 is ring fenced to replace Bridgemates, there is over £2,000 available. John Edwards approved accounts. Proposed that subs and table fees remain unchanged. Club year and financial year changed to match EBU. Lost £8 on match fees.
  2. Membership Secretary (JH) - 9 new members over the year. Some have been lost. Judith Glass reluctantly resigned because of illness, shortly after John decided to finish. 20 members are “infrequent” for a number of reasons - some live abroad for part of the time. Attendance is variable and slightly down on average, in common with many Clubs. Some suggestion that WBC was a little “too serious .... stand offish .... intense .... unfriendly”. General awareness of this problem on committee. New members join after seeing the publicity articles, website, and word of mouth. Ray feels that recruitment and retention needs to be a priority, together with the encouragement of a more welcoming atmosphere. All committee members have a responsibility here, as do all members. To be mentioned at the AGM. Codes of behaviour for the tables will be re-emphasised.
  3. IT (KS) - Things are running OK. Laptop fine - no Office suite but can manage. Short of 2 Bridgemates but can borrow if necessary.
  4. Teams (SF) - deferred.
  5. Directors (KS) - The evening’s director is a key person in establishing the tone of the evening. Consistency is an issue. Some discussion ensued about how unplayed hands should be recorded in the software. An urgent meeting of directors is necessary to have a set of written procedures agreed to achieve consistency. A prompt start is important, and it has been agreed that play can continue to 22:15hrs if necessary. Some discussion took place about whether some sort of timing method should be used to speed up play. Recirculate time-saving hints that have already been agreed.
  6. Publicity (TT) - deferred. 

6. Future Club development and County conference.

  1. Training/teaching for both teams and duplicate - there is a need to explore what other clubs are doing and identify our Club’s needs. It would also be good to have a representative at County’s courses for teachers.
  2. Teaching beginners for future recruitment (see Chair’s newsletter) - see (a) above.
  3. Entering County competitions - deferred.
  4. Variations to regular duplicate evenings - deferred.
  5. Officers and committee members for next year. A minuting secretary will be required. Nobody else said that they were not prepared to stand again.

7. Plans for AGM: (27th June) Deferred.

8. Any other business

1. KS - will not be around in July but will brief people re the IT, v good feedback from Lloyd’s sessions.
2. Ruth will stop doing refreshments in June.
3. We should still encourage new committee members to join up and do so before the AGM.

9. Date Of Next Meeting - Thursday 13th June 2019, 5.30pm.

17 January 2019


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 17th January 2019

1. In attendance:
Ray Furlonger (Chair), Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Anick Spence, Andrew Spence, Keith Spencer, Tony Trevethick

2. Apologies:  
There were none. 

3. Minutes:
Minutes of meetings held on 27th September 2018 and 1st November 2018 (special) were approved and signed by the Chair. 

4. Matters arising:
September minutes - “charity day” not an “open day”. Charity day raised £1,121 for Air Ambulance who were delighted and amazed. A very successful event. 

5. Committee reports

  1. Treasurer (PD) -  £4,500 approx in hand, 76 paid up members plus one honorary. Ring fencing for Bridgemates II would cost £2,200. Tables average 10.3 over last year. Break even is about 7.5 tables. Must bear in mind that subs have been halved. £2 a head is good value compared with some Clubs. Dealing machine will not last for ever and will cost £3,000. Just paid £224 for 200 packs of cards.
  2. IT (KS) - Missed a few Thursdays but there have been no issues which is good. Some connection issues in the hall. WiFi owned by playgroup who sometimes turn it off. Additional columns are needed in the calendar to show director and scorer - KS will attend to this. Website needs to be up to date and Steve and Toni have access. KS must be informed of material that needs to be put on the website - he cannot do it by divine inspiration.
  3. Directors (KS) - Richard Lloyd and Paul Sweet achieved distinction in their Director course. Useful to have two Directors available on a night - sometimes it can become very busy.
  4. Publicity (TT) - Most recent publicity was for the charity event, articles placed in a number of local publications. This followed a number of other articles, including TT’s experience of joining as new member. TT plans further contributions on the same theme with a view to attracting new members. Details of competition results would probably not be of great interest to the general populace.
  5. Membership (JH) - 77 members, more than last year. 7 new members during the year. Have lost some. Some members are attending less regularly. Nottingham Bridge Club is proving to be very popular with Thursday afternoons and evening teaching sessions, as well as relaxed Friday evenings. Mansfield Mechanics is also proving to be a draw. If one member leaves, often the Club loses the partner. One member left the Club because she thought that there was too much emphasis on teams; there was also an issue of being blamed for slow play when it wasn’t her fault. It would be helpful if people could keep to 7.5 minutes per board. Various strategies for avoiding slow play were discussed with there being no firm conclusions drawn.

6. Fixtures & teams (SF & JF) “A” team has two fixtures with Keyworth and Gambit. The team for 29th January will be sorted this weekend. All matches are on the Woodborough calendar. SF is well informed of player availability. 

7. Teaching:
(RF) RF delivered a couple of sessions and Lloyd also did two which were well received. Lloyd has the wherewithal, unlike RF.  Lloyd books the Institute and costs are covered. RF will consult Lloyd to see if he is prepared to continue, perhaps once a month. A big commitment for whoever is delivering it. Various strategies were discussed. 

8. Event expansion:
RF observed that other Clubs are offering more than one session a week which is proving to be popular. The Monday session is no longer being run by John Glass but by Peter Butler from Burton Joyce. It used to be Woodborough’s “sister” Club and John owned the equipment.  A number of our members play there. There is a danger that the Monday session will cease to be associated with Woodborough. Need to be established if there is a demand for additional sessions. If so, a venue would need to be decided. Most importantly, an organiser would need to be sought. RF to begin by gauging interest among members. 

9. Any other business There have been some complaints about the state in which we leave the kitchen. Be alert. 

10. Date Of Next Meeting: Thursday 25th April 2019, 5.30pm. 

11. Date of 2019 AGM - 27th June 2019

1 November 2018


Minutes of  Special Committee Meeting held on 1 November 2018

1. In attendance:
Ray Furlonger (Chair), Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Andrew Spence, Anick Spence, Keith Spencer, Tony Trevithick

2. Apologies:
Phil Dale

WBN Charity event Wednesday 28th November 2018

This is the fourth such event and Jane, who helped to start the event, is unable to help this year because of medical reasons.
Andrew and Anick are happy to help with the organisation of the event.
Keith will have a key role to play in setting up the computer in advance and direct on the night,assisted by Steve Fordham and Paul Morris. Keith will not be playing. Ray will be stand-by director. The only difficulty in the past were a few cases of people who were not used to Bridgemates, but surmountable. Keith and Steve will arrange for two more Bridgemates and bidding boxes. Whereabouts of additional tables and cloths were identified.
38 tickets sold to date, so event is viable. Discussions took place about where the event could be advertised. Tony T offered to raise awareness in Lowdham BC and Burton Joyce, also Sherwood and Norwood golf clubs. East Bridgford BC covered. Mansfield Clubs are covered. Linby/Papplewick is covered. Hollinwell will be contacted by Jane. Keith will cover Nottingham BC.
Charity has been contacted, all previous attendees have been contacted.
The seating plan to be be done on this occasion by Ray on information received from Jane and Tony T.
Raffle to be done by Tony B -  will have to recruit help if he needs it. He will organise prizes.He will organise prizes.
Four prizes will be required for the two winning pairs. AS to and purchase unless there are suitable donations to the raffle which could be diverted. Prizes to be modest as this is a charity event.will have to recruit help if he needs it. He will organise prizes.
Jean McKee - good on cakes
Jane H - fruit cake. Not is a fruit cake, will make fruit cake.
Sandwiches - Anick and Jane will organise.
Margaret B - egg
Julia F - smoked salmon
Will have to buy in sausage rolls or pork pies.
David Burgess from the Church and the Institute - 72 mugs, 18 big trays, plates/knives from village hall.
Food to be set out in committee room by Anick & Andrew. At the end of the session, one person from each table is asked to come and collect the tray for the table.
8 cloths from church, 5/6 from the WI.
Dishwasher - Andrew i/c.
Phil Dale plus helper  will met & greet people as they arrive and tick them off list. He will also collect and record any unpaid ticket money
Phil/Jane will make sure Tony T is aware of how payments work in case he received any applications.
Ray will host charity speaker - limited to 10 minutes.
Jean and Ann-Marie - usherettes, helping visitors to seats etc
Running order in documentation already sent out by Jane.
Raffle to be drawn by Anick & Andrew in second session, winning tickets stuck on prizes.
Tony T will hover to turn his hand to anything.
Urn from David Burgess, tea pots in village hall cupboard.
Start setting up at 10am.

Ray wrapped up the meeting in the full and certain knowledge that everything will be perfect, unlike these minutes.

19 July 2018


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 19 July 2018

1. In attendance: Ray Furlonger (Chair), Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Andrew Spence, Keith Spencer, Tony Trevethick. Toni Smith’s resignation from the committee was noted.

2. Apologies: There were none.

3. Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 7 June were approved and signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters arising

Minutes of May meeting - Jane noted that home match venues and dates may often have to be selected before the team.  

The Privacy Statement is on the website and we will look at how data is collected and stored - AS will recirculate his document for the next meeting.

Access to the Club website was explained by KS. There are various levels of access. Anybody can read it; write access to various parts of the website is set for individual members by KS. KS to change the passwords now that Toni is no longer on the committee

5. Allocation of committee roles

RY - chair.
PD - treasurer.
AS - committee secretary.
JH - membership secretary.
KS - IT.
KS - lead director.
TT volunteered to take over publicity in local newsletters.
SF - liaison with County.
TS will be running a beginners’ group in Lowdham for the County.

RF was of the view that WBC needs to establish a beginners’/improvers’ group. KS will approach Graham Brindley to see if he would be interested in helping.

RF will ask the Club whether there is an interest in an improvers’ group.

6. Committee reports

  1.          Treasurer (PD) - 25 members paid so far, deadline 1st Oct.
  2.          Membership (JH) - nothing to add.
  3.          IT (KS) - equipment is OK. Will continue with training.
  4.          Directors - this role has been taken on by KS. Richard Page has agreed to train as director.
  5.          Publicity (AS) - the role now taken on by TT who asked for clarification as to the purpose of the articles. Largely to maintain the Club’s profile and publicise its activities and achievements.

7. Future Club Developments:

a) Nobody has offered to take on a captain’s role. After discussion, SF volunteered to captain the first team. JH commented that the reputation of the Club in County is not good because of the way in which we managed our teams last year. There may be only enough players to run two teams - PD opined that this is much less complicated than running three. RF will pursue those who may be interested and will liaise with JH. JF will be the fixture secretary.

  1.          Training/teaching for both teams and duplicate. Referred to above - RF to investigate.
  2.          Recruitment and retention of members. We set no targets but have several members in their nineties. Current membership is satisfactory but we must be alert to any losses.
  3.          County competitions. RF of the view that we should support county competitions when they run; this is not always the case.

8. Any other business

KS - Charity SIM pairs must be planned. There is a WBC date on 11th October.


27th September 2018. Possibly 5.30pm, time to be confirmed.

7 June 2018


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 7 June 2018

1. In attendance: Ray Furlonger (Chairman) Tony Brook, Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Toni Smith,  Andrew Spence, Keith Spencer.

2. Apologies: Phil Dale apologised for his late arrival (part way through Item 5). Apologies were received from Steve Fordham

3. Minutes: Minutes of the meeting held on 19 April were approved and signed by the Chairman

Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 10 May were deferred until all issues regarding team arrangements had been finalised as part of this meeting.

4. New Club Constitution and Disciplinary Procedures:

Further discussion took place regarding the insertion of the specific sentence agreed at the meeting of 19 April (2nd paragraph of Note 3b refers) in the draft Disciplinary Procedures.  After due consideration it was decided that the final Disciplinary Procedures should be agreed without the insertion of this sentence.

It was acknowledged that all members should be made aware that the club would adopt a policy whereby any verbal complaints made to a committee member would, in the first instance, be informally discussed with that committee member, who would then explain the procedure of the formal written complaint needed before the complaint could be referred to the Disciplinary Committee. The member would then be allowed to choose whether or not to take their complaint further. It was agreed that an explanation of this informal stage should be available on the club website.

The New Club Constitution incorporating Disciplinary Procedures was approved for submission for member approval at the forthcoming AGM.

5. Team Management and Organisation:

Further discussion was held on the outstanding issues from the meeting on 10 May and the following outstanding policies were agreed:-

a) team selection would be the responsibility of the 3 team Captains acting in accordance with the objectives outlined in item 2F) of the minutes of the meeting of 10 May;

b) all members would be encouraged to put themselves forward for consideration as Team Captains and/or Vice Captains; a final decision and appointments would be made at the first committee meeting following the AGM;

c) a decision as to how the arrangement of fixtures and venues, together with maintenance of player availability, was to be handled would be delayed until team captains had been appointed so that their views could be taken into consideration. It would be important to ensure that the Team Captains were made fully aware of the difficulties and complications associated with this operation prior to finalising how the function should be operated.

6. New Privacy Laws:

Further discussion on internal operating procedures was deferred to a future meeting

7. Committee Reports:

a) Treasurer: PD reported that the club’s finances continued in a healthy state with funds now standing at c£4000 with a profit for the year to date of c£2000.

It was agreed that the club did not need to continue generating profits at the current level.

The treasurer recommended that the following proposals be put to members at the forthcoming AGM:-

a) Table Fees should remain at the current level - £2 per member and £3 per non-member; 

b) Annual subscriptions should be reduced to £5 per annum (from £10 currently).

b) Membership: JH reported that there were currently 3 visitors who had indicated they would be interested in becoming members in the new membership year.

c) IT: KS reported that training of Paul Morris, Steve Fordham and Toni Smith was continuing, but at a slower pace than ideal. Training of Andrew Spence had not yet started.

It was agreed that the Website Password should be changes asap and that AS be trained on all aspects relating to the club’s website.

Action: Keith Spencer

d) Directors: TS reported that Richard Page had indicated he wished to undertake the Directors Course.

It was agreed that all members should be given the opportunity to train through the Directors Course.

It was also agreed that a sum of £300 be set aside in the budget to 31March 2019 to be dispensed as the committee thought fit to partially defray the costs for those members completing all or part of the Directors Course

e) Publicity: AS advised that general publicity activities were continuing. He asked all members to provide possible subjects (and articles) for future use and circulation.

8. Future Club Developments:

This subject was deferred to a future meeting.

9. Arrangements for AGM – 5 July 2018:

10 May 2018


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 10 May 2018

1. In attendance: Ray Furlonger (Chairman) Tony Brook, Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Toni Smith,  Andrew Spence, Keith Spencer.

2. Team Arrangements for 2018-19

The meeting had been called specifically to determine the arrangements under which Teams of 8 would be organised and managed for the forthcoming season.

A comprehensive discussion took place and the following items were agreed:-

A) To resolve the To8 strategy as soon as possible;

B) To have designated team captains and vice captains, or deputies, for each team;

C) To ensure the captain and deputy were not bridge or life partners, and although not obligatory, with one or other preferably present at each match:

D) That the sole objective of the To8 strategy for the coming year was for all teams to compete to the best of their ability by fielding the strongest teams at all times;

E) The “C” team would not be used specifically to “bring on” or “initiate” inexperienced players to match play, although this could be a result through the selection processes;

F) The “A” team would have precedence in selection of players for each match, followed by the “B” team and lastly the “C” team;

G) That greater precedence should be given to team selection over the fixing of match dates, specifically that the availability of key players should be of significant importance when fixing matches against other teams;

H) The choosing of venues and dates should not be done until teams have been selected

  That match refreshments should be sourced by the team captains and not from normal club supplies;

Discussion also took place on the following issues, but final decisions were deferred to a future meeting, during which time RF would have further consultations with other committee members:-

a) There was a recognition that a system, and possibly an individual, needed to be in place to deal with arranging match dates and venues and to maintain availabilities of all potential players;

b) The composition of the selection committee and selection procedures;

c) How team captains and vice captains should be appointed, with consideration being given to asking those members who may be interested to put their names forward

11 January 2018



Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 11 January 2018


1. In attendance: Ray Furlonger (Chairman) Tony Brook, Phil Dale , Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Toni Smith, Andrew Spence, Keith Spencer.


2. Apologies: Phil Dale apologised for his late arrival (after item 5a) due to serious traffic problems


3. Minutes of meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman. The approved minutes of would now be loaded onto the Club Web Site.


Action: Keith Spencer


4. Matters Arising:


a) Teaching: TS informed the meeting that no training was currently taking place, but that this was not an ideal situation.


She referred to a circular she produced in July setting out a range of thoughts regarding training, but that nothing had yet developed from this.


It was agreed to look at training further under discussions regarding item 6 on the agenda.


b) Disciplinary Policy: RF informed the meeting that he had just received some proposals from David Tillcock. He also stated that prior to receiving these proposals he had anticipated recommending that the club adapt the policies set out in the EBU website.


It was agreed that committee members should review both the EBU policy statement and the proposals put forward by David Tillcock (RF to circulate). It was further agreed that a specific policy statement be finalised for submission for member approval at the AGM to be held in July 2018.


Action:Ray Furlonger


c) Open Evening: JH reported that the Open Evening was held on 12 October but that only 2 guests were present and they had not returned to any subsequent club events.


d) Charity Event: JH reported that the Charity Event was held on 29 November. This was a very successful event with 72 people playing bridge. A decision had been taken that all the proceeds should go to charity and that a very satisfactory £1100 had now been donated to Headway. TB advised that raffle tickets had, in fact, been sold at 2 club evenings prior to the event



5. Committee Reports:


a) Membership: JH stated that the club now had 68 members (including 1 honorary). During 2017 9 members had left and 9 new members had joined.


(Phil Date now joined the meeting.)

b) Treasurer: PD reported that the club’s funds were in a very healthy state standing currently in excess of £3400.


c) IT: It was noted that a complete IT manual had still not been completed; KS advised that he had circulated a limited crib sheet to those involved with IT issues.


It was agreed that the number of competent scorers should be increased as quickly as possible and that the following should become fully trained in priority order:-


            Paul Morris; Steve Fordham; Toni Smith; Andrew Spence.


(It had been reported at the October meeting that Paul Morris was trained up on all IT aspects.)


Including Keith Spencer the club would then have 5 fully trained scorers. It was recognised that it would not be possible for everyone to become aware of every problem that could possibly arise, as it was impossible to envisage every circumstance. KS advised, however, that the incidences of problems were very limited.


It was agreed that a rota of scorers be drawn up for club nights to ensure that all nominated scorers had sufficient training and experience.


TS advised she had not yet received the Scorer’s Guidance Notes. RF asked that these be circulated to all concerned


Action: Keith Spencer


It was noted that access to the web site was currently restricted to KS, TS and SF. It was agreed this arrangement was satisfactory.


d) Teams: TS advised that playing results to date were very disappointing, with the likelihood being that the “A” team would not be promoted; that the “B”team was likely to be relegated to the 3rd division; the “C” team would remain in division 3. She commented that the overall league standard this year was quite high and that there was a shortage of good players at WBC.


TB reported that a number of players, not just those who had played in the “A” v “B” match, had expressed concerns about how team matters were now operating. These covered a lack of explanation for the selection strategy being employed, and the lack of a “team spirit”. TS stated that her system had expected team players not to associate with a particular team, but see themselves as being team members of WBC. TB did not agree with this philosophy and JH said she supported TB’s view that players do generally like to be able to identify with a team and that having a team captain helped to provide a focus


TB was asked who had raised concerns with him, but, with the exception of the e-mail already known to committee members, he was not prepared to say, requesting that his comments be accepted at face value. He said that those who were not happy were often loathe to put their head over the parapet, but just ended by “walking”. He stated that action should be taken to address the concerns in order to ensure that all members remained positive about being part of the overall future club team structure.

TS expressed surprise at the reported extent of the concerns. She accepts that there have to be teething problems with such a fundamental change but that nobody she had spoken to had expressed any concerns. She reminded the committee that a new system became necessary because of the problems arising from having permanent captains. She suggested that her system, which had been generally approved by the committee, be allowed to continue until the end of the season when there could be a thorough review.

AS suggested that a meeting be held with team members at which people would be encouraged to discuss how to improve matters. The suggestion received general support but no specific decision was made regarding this.


e) Directors: TS advised that the club now only had 3 directors (Phil Meats had left the area). It was agreed that more members should be encouraged to undertake the necessary training to qualify as directors. It was agreed that TS would mention this at that evening’s bridge night.


Action Toni Smith


TS to arrange meeting of directors to co-ordinate club night procedures and management.


Action: Toni Smith



f) Publicity: AS advised that all necessary publicity issues had or were being progressed.



6. Future Club Development: RF stated that the committee should give thought to how they considered the club should develop to ensure it’s continuing success and that this be a matter for serious discussion at a future meeting. Matters to be considered would include recruitment of new members; additional club sessions; new competitions; training/teaching.


JH advised that the Village Hall was currently not available on other evenings and that as it was seen very much as the club’s home, it was agreed that an additional evening session was not currently a practical proposition. JH also stated that there was a danger that additional evening sessions could water down existing attendance levels, not least, as many members also played regularly at other clubs; it was important to ensure all current members continued to enjoy the club.


KS reported that he had recently attended the bridge development programme seminar organised jointly by the 4 clubs located south of the river Trent, which was designed to promote EBU clubs and encourage more people to develop their bridge skills and become active members of bridge clubs. He stated that there had been significant public interest in terms of numbers of attendees; long term success would only be seen by future increase in club membership.


TS stated that a key issue in developing the club and potentially increasing membership was the issue of training, particularly at “improver” level; with the ending of George Ripley’s training sessions there was now a substantial gap; TS undertook to organise a programme of training, particularly directed at the “improver” level, from April onwards.


JH raised the question of the timing of when training should be undertaken stating that the seminar group wanted day time lessons, with mornings being popular.


Action: Toni Smith





7. Any Other Business


a) Noise on Bridge Evenings: It was agreed that noise was a regular problem during club nights, particularly when members were clearing table and chairs at the end of the evening prior to some players completing their hands.


It was agreed that directors should take action during the evening to ask members to be quieter and only allow table and chair clearing when sufficient people had completed play of their last hand.


TS to advise all members prior to commencing play this evening and, as director, to control the clearing away of tables and chairs at the end of the evening.


Action: Toni Smith


b) Sim Pairs Events: It was agreed to review the range of Sim Pairs Events and identify 3 to be included in the 2018 calendar. KS to circulate list of potential EBU events. It was agreed that we should definitely do the Children in Need competition

Action: Keith Spencer



8. Future Dates: The following dates were agreed:-


            Annual General Meeting                     5 July 2018


            Open Evening                                     11 October 2018


            Charity Event                                      28 November 2018



9. Date of next meetings:                              19 April 2018 and 7 June 2018


12 October 2017

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 12 October 2017


1. In attendance: Ray Furlonger (Chairman) Tony Brook, Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall, Andrew Spence, Keith Spencer.

2. Apologies: Toni Smith

3. Minutes of meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 August were approved and signed by the Chairman

4. Matters Arising:

a) Club Sessions – Directors: The meeting to discuss and resolve problems with the rota and differences in approach had now been held and the varying matters had been clarified.

John Edwards and Dave Thompson were now OK with the Scorer role; Paul Morris had also received training.

b) Teaching: George Ripley was only prepared to provide training up to Christmas:

Graham Brindley had been approached but would only provide training under his existing arrangements at Nottingham Bridge Club

Further discussion on Teaching was deferred in the absence of Toni Smith.

c) Disciplinary Issues: RF to progress alongside David Tillcock

d) Publication of Minutes on Website: The approved minutes of 10 August would now be loaded onto the Club Web Site; future minutes to be loaded after approval at the subsequent meeting.

e) Committee Roles - Teaching: Deferred to the next meeting.

f) Committee Roles – Lead Director: It was noted that Toni Smith had taken over the role subsequent to the meeting on 10 August

5. Committee Reports:

a) Treasurer: PD reported that the club’s funds were in a very healthy state and that a surplus of £1100 had been made in the year to date.

b) Membership: JH stated that the club now had 67 members.

c) IT: KS stated that Paul Morris was now trained up on all IT aspects; it was agreed that Steve Fordham would be trained as the back-up and assistant IT named member.

KS and SF were requested to work on the written manual so it could be completed and be available for future reference.

Action: Keith Spencer & Steve Fordham

d) Teams: It was agreed that the fee per home match would be £2.50p.p; the Captain would be entitled to £6 for providing refreshments; the hall rental costs would be £10 at the Institute and £18 at Lowdham; the balance of £4 gain or loss would be given to or collected from the Treasurer.

JF to forward e-mail detailing precise match venue arrangements to all necessary members.

Tony Brook advised the meeting that some of the “C” Stream players had expressed concern about being asked to play in the recent “A” versus “B” match, as they felt uncomfortable at being asked to play against members who were vastly more experienced. He stated that many members did not fully understand the strategy the club was trying to apply as there had been no attempt to properly communicate with them what the club was trying to achieve and how they fitted into this, no training was currently being provided, and there was a general feeling of being “set up” to fail.

Action needed to be taken to address the concerns that had been expressed in order to ensure that these members remained positive about being part of the overall future club team structure.

e) Directors: No report was available in the absence of TS.

f) Publicity: AS advised that he and JH were liaising well and that all necessary publicity issues had or were being progressed.

6. Events

a) Open Evening: It was noted that this was being held later that evening and that everything was in place to provide an enjoyable event for members and any visiting guests.

b) Charity Event: This was scheduled for 29 November. JH stated that tickets would shortly go on sale at £10 per head (an increase from £7.50 Last year) and would be restricted to a maximum of 72 on a first come first served basis.

AS and TB to take responsibility for the raffle, tickets only being sold on the night.

The Director and Scorer for the evening to be drawn from a panel of TS, KS and SF.

JH requested help in organising and preparing food for the evening (providers to be reimbursed).

Although the event was being advertised to raise funds for charity and club funds, it was agreed that the substantial part of any surplus should be donated to charity, as club funds were now in a much more healthy state. It was agreed that “Headway” would be the designated charity.

It was noted that the club only had 17 “Bridgemates”. It was agreed that JH would approach Phoenix to request that they try and purchase one on Woodborough’s behalf.

Action: Jane Hall

c) Christmas Party: This was scheduled for 21 December. It was agreed that club members be asked to complete a sheet stating what type of refreshments they would provide; the sheet to be available in the weeks running up to the event.

Action: Jane Hall

7. Any Other Business

a) NCBA Forum: It was noted that NCBA were holding a forum on 14 November at Ramsdale Golf Centre to discuss how they support and develop bridge through local clubs in the interests of a wide range of playing abilities. SF advised that he would be unable to attend on the club’s behalf and requested another member to attend alongside the RF; it was noted that this representative should not be an NCBA committee member; TB agreed to go to the meeting.

8. Date of next meeting: 11 January 2018 at 5 p.m.



10 August 2017

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 10 August 2017

In attendance: Ray Furlonger (Chairman) Tony Brook, Phil Dale, Steve Fordham, Julia Furlonger, Jane Hall,  Andrew Spence, Keith Spencer, David Tillcock 
Apologies:  Toni Smith  

Minutes of meeting held on 29 June 2017: Approved as a true record.  

Matters Arising:


Meeting of all Directors to discuss and resolve problems with the rota and differences in approach still to be held.
Action: Toni Smith

John Edwards and Dave Thompson still to be approached re training for Scorer role
Action: Keith Spencer

George Ripley to be asked if he would continue to provide training by running a repeat programme of the original courses.
Action: Jane Hall

Graham Brindley to be approached to establish whether he would be able to provide some teaching and training.
Action: Keith Spencer

Treasurer’s Report:

Phil Dale reported that to set up a deposit account for the sinking fund would entail 3 signatories being present together and would yield negligible interest. It was agreed that there would be no tangible benefits and that the existing banking arrangements should therefore remain in force for the foreseeable future.

Publication of Minutes:
It was agreed that future minutes would be loaded onto the club website, immediately following their approval at the next meeting. It was also agreed that any sensitive information, for instance relating to any disciplinary issues, would be deleted from the published version.
Action: Tony Brook and Keith Spencer

Disciplinary Issues:
A general discussion took place regarding appropriate arrangements for disciplinary issues. David Tillcock advised that although the vast majority of potential issues could be dealt with in a relatively low key manner, there was always a risk, however slight, that a matter could escalate to a point that may involve legal actions. To avoid this possibility he recommended that the procedures set out on the EBU website should form the basis for an up to date restatement of the clubs rules. It was agreed that a new Disciplinary Procedure should be drawn up for incorporation into the clubs Articles and Rules of Management.
Action: Ray Furlonger assisted by David Tillcock

It was also agreed that it would be advisable to have both male and female representatives on any future disciplinary panel.


It was agreed that every effort should be made to continue the provision of teaching programmes for club members. This matter to be progressed once a “Teaching manager” had been appointed as part of the role definition referred to below.

Roles of Committee Members:

A general discussion took place as to the roles required to be undertaken by members of the committee (and potentially other club members) in order to ensure the smooth running of the club.

Attached is a list of those roles and the person nominated to undertake them as agreed by the meeting;

In the absence of Toni Smith, no final decision was made in relation to the proposed Teaching Manager.

Club Teams:
It was agreed that Club teams would in future be referred as the “A”, “B”, and “C” teams, rather than as Red, White and Blue.

A general discussion was held regarding the whole issue of club teams for the 2017/18 season. Although there was not sufficient time to agree everything, the basic concepts were discussed and agreed. This involved Toni Smith as Team Manager working in a subcommittee of three persons. How this is to work is expanded in the attached list of roles. This will of course be subject to the ongoing supervision of the committee

Next meeting:  To be arranged.

Action: Ray Furlonger and Tony Brook