The Windsor Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

Round 4 of the Handicap Competition is on 16 September.

Round 3 Handicap Results now showing for 19 September and Overall Positions are in 'Competitions' in Menu.  Only best 3 scores count so you can drop your worst ones!

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1.                  NAME AND OBJECT

The Club shall be called “The Windsor Bridge Club” (the Club) and its object shall be to provide facilities to play and to promote the game of Contract Bridge in a friendly and convivial atmosphere.  The Club shall be owned by the Ordinary Members and administered on their behalf by the duly elected Committee.



2.                  MEMBERS

The members of the Club shall be divided into the following classes:-

(a) Ordinary Members who have been elected as such by the Committee and have paid the joining fee and the current annual membership fee.  Ordinary Members have a full vote at all General Meetings.

(b) Life Members who have been elected as such by the Committee for outstanding service to the Club.  Life Members have a full vote at all General Meetings.

(c) The membership year shall run from April 1st to March 31st.



3.                  GUESTS AND VISITORS

Guests are defined as non-members accompanied by a member.  Visitors are defined as non-members attending unaccompanied.  Members may bring not more than two guests at any one playing session and the members shall make known to a Committee member that a guest is in attendance and shall arrange the signing of the Guest Book.  Ordinary and Life members shall have priority over guests or visitors and during periods of full attendance (15 tables) guests and/or visitors may not be permitted to play, and no playing fee will be charged.  Guests shall have priority over visitors.  Visitors attending shall be signed in by a Committee member and may attend to a maximum of eight times in a twelve month period without applying for membership, for which sponsorship by an existing member is necessary and approval by the Committee.

Guests and visitors may not participate in internal Club Competitions and functions unless specifically invited to do so by the Committee, in which case they will not be eligible to qualify for any trophy or prize.



4.                  MEETINGS

(a) Annual General Meeting

The Club’s financial year shall run from February 1st to January 31st.  As soon as practicable and, in any event not more than one calendar month after the end of the financial year, there shall be a meeting of Ordinary and Life Members, to be known as the Annual General Meeting, for the purpose of transacting the following business:-

(i)                  to receive the Secretary’s Report

(ii)                to receive the Annual Accounts

(iii)               to elect Committee members

(iv)              to consider proposals included on the Agenda.  All proposals must be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting

(v)                to conduct any other business

At least fourteen days notice of the date of the meeting shall be given but the accidental omission to give notice to any member shall not invalidate the business of the meeting.  The notice shall specify the Agenda and should include any member’s proposals under rule 4(a)(iv).



(b) Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting of members may be convened by the Committee or at the request of any ten members, upon them giving notice, in writing, to the Secretary, signed by all of them, clearly stating the purpose of the meeting.  The Secretary shall then arrange for the meeting to be held, within one calendar month of the date of receipt of the request, and shall give members not less than fourteen days notice of the date, time and purpose of the meeting.

(c) Committee meetings

The Committee shall meet on such dates as it may decide but in any event not less than once every three calendar months.  Should any member wish to raise any item for consideration by the Committee, they shall submit their request, in writing to the Secretary.

(d) Quorum

At any General Meeting of members a quorum is defined as a minimum of ten Ordinary or Life members being present.   If no quorum is present, the meeting shall be adjourned to a date not more than fourteen days thence and the members then present may validly transact the business of the meeting.  At any Committee Meeting, a quorum is defined as a majority of Committee members being present in person and if no quorum is present, the meeting shall be adjourned to a date to be agreed upon by the Committee members.  Any decisions made at an inquorate meeting will need to be ratified at a subsequent Committee meeting.

(e) Voting and Proxies

At all meetings each member present shall have one vote only, except that, in the case of an equality of voting, the Chair of the meeting shall be entitled to a second or casting vote.  Any member being unable to be present in person may appoint any other member to vote in their place upon giving notice of their intention, naming their proxy to the Secretary not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting.



5.         THE COMMITTEE

      The Committee shall consist of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and not less than two and not more than five Additional Members; normally committee members will be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).  At the AGM, all members of the Committee shall retire but may stand again for election.  Candidates for election to the Committee must be proposed and seconded by members in writing to the Secretary not less than fourteen days before the AGM.  Nominations must indicate clearly if a candidate is standing for the position of Chair, Secretary, Treasurer or Additional Member.  In the event of there being more than one nominee for any of the posts of Chair, Secretary or Treasurer an election will be held for that post by simple show of hands of those members present; any unsuccessful candidate for the posts of Chair, Secretary or Treasurer will automatically go forward as a candidate for a post as Additional Member.  Should the number of candidates for election as Additional Member exceed five, those candidates with the highest numbers of votes, on a simple show of hands of those members present, shall be deemed elected.  If, at any time, the number of Committee members falls below five in total, further members may be co-opted until the next AGM.




It shall be the duty of the Committee to:

(a)    appoint, from its members, a temporary Chair, Secretary or Treasurer in the event that the existing member resigns or is otherwise unable to continue in the post;

(b)   manage, regulate and generally supervise the affairs of the Club for the benefit of the members;

(c)    prepare and set before the members at the Annual General Meeting an income and expenditure account and balance sheet showing the Club’s financial position;

(d)   arrange for suitable “Directors” to monitor and supervise Club evenings.



The Committee shall be empowered to:

(e)  authorise such expenditure of Club funds as it deems necessary;

(f)   fix the amount of the annual subscription, evening fees, guest and visitor fees, match fees and any other charges it deems necessary;

(g)  propose amendments, alterations and rescind rules for the proper management of the Club and give notice thereof to members in accordance with Rule 14;        

(h)  restrict membership as it deems necessary;

(i)   take whatever disciplinary action over members it may deem necessary  - see rule 11;

(j)   co-opt members to fill casual vacancies;

(k)  in the event of the Committee deciding that it is necessary to wind up the Club, it shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with Rule 4b and Rule 19.



7.         CHAIR

The Chair shall preside at all general meetings of the Club.  In the absence of the Chair, the Committee members present shall appoint a Committee member as Chair for the meeting.  In the event of the Chair resigning or being incapacitated and unable to fulfil the duties of a Chair, the Committee shall appoint a Chair from amongst themselves, for the duration of the Club’s year or until the Chair can return to active duty.



8.         SECRETARY

The Secretary shall be responsible to the Club’s members and, under the direction of the Committee, for all the business of the Club and meetings, and shall keep all members informed of all matters of interest to them.  The Secretary shall maintain and keep at least the following records:

a.   Minutes of all meetings

b.   Files of all correspondence.



9.         TREASURER

The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies paid to the Club and for making all necessary payments, obtaining vouchers as far as is practicable.  The Treasurer shall keep an account of all transactions, shall produce such accounts for inspection, if required, at any Committee meeting and shall deposit all monies received in such bank or building society accounts as the Committee shall authorise.  Access to the bank or building society accounts shall be authorised by the Treasurer, Chair or one other named Committee member.  All account records and books shall be kept by the Treasurer and inspected independently annually.




The Membership Secretary shall keep an up to date register of members which shows full contact details and prepare the renewal of subscription letter.




      Should any member have any cause for complaint against any other member, the complainant shall communicate the complaint, in writing, to the Secretary for submission to the Committee.  After such enquiries as may be necessary, the Committee shall, in accordance with Rule 6, take such action as it may deem proper, provided that a member may be expelled from the Club by a majority of the whole Committee and then only after that member has been given ample opportunity to answer the charges brought against him or her.  Members expelled from the Club shall forfeit any membership fee remaining.




      The Club and the Committee members shall not be held responsible for any damages, loss or injury sustained by any member whilst on Club premises or engaged in any Club activity nor shall any member have any claim against the Club or Committee members for any action taken in accordance with the rules.




The Committee may require any member to make good any damages or loss caused by his or her action or neglect to any property owned by the Club or for which the Club is responsible.




      These Rules may only be altered by a two thirds majority of those members present in a General Meeting and notice of intention to propose an alteration to the Rules at an Annual General Meeting must be in writing and deposited with the Secretary, for inclusion in the Agenda, not later than fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.




      A copy of the Rules and any alterations thereto shall be provided to each member and shall be binding on all members.



16.       SMOKING

No smoking shall be allowed during playing sessions within the playing area.




      The Club shall be affiliated to the English Bridge Union and it shall be the duty of the Committee members to keep all members informed of any information received relating to membership of the Club to the English Bridge Union.




The Club shall be affiliated to the Berks & Bucks Contract Bridge Association and it shall be the duty of the Committee to keep the members informed of any information received relating to membership of the Berks and Bucks Contract Bridge Association.



19.       WINDING UP

      If, at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club, the members agree that it is necessary to wind up the Club, the Committee shall be empowered to take whatever action may be deemed necessary to realise the Assets of the Club.  Any surplus proceeds, after payment of all debts, shall be disposed of in a manner to be agreed at an Extraordinary General Meeting and implemented by the Committee.

Last updated : 22nd May 2018 15:50 GMT