Windermere Duplicate Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

Westmorland/ Cumbria 2024 Swiss Weekend

Saturday 21st September Teams

Sunday 22nd September Pairs

Kendal Bridge Club.  Enter through the Westmorland Web site. (Click)

Current Trophy Holders
Club Competition Rules

The club competitions are:




Babs Matthews Trophy


Best partnership average score over the calendar year with a minimum 12 results to count. 

Peter Ford Trophy


Best 4 scores of the identified 12 Peter Ford evenings during Jan to March with same partner

Handicap Salver


Best partnership average adjusted by handicap over the calendar year, minimum 12 to qualify. Min 12 with same partner on Wednesdays in previous year to obtain handicap.

Individual Trophy



Claude Nicholson Trophy



Monday Cup

Best partnership average adjusted by handicap with a minimum 8 results to qualify. Min 8 with same partner on Fridays in previous year to obtain handicap.

For the 5 best averages over a season for players on a Monday night, below the rank of Master

2017 Friday Champs
2017 Friday Champs

Russell and Carolyn take the Claude Nicholson

Babs Matthews Trophy 2015

1st -  John MacLachlan & Robin Rose      57.88%

2nd - David Strawbridge & John Farmer 56.45%

3rd - John Morrell & Mark Marshall        56.01%


Peter Ford Trophy 2015

1st-  John MacLachlan & Robin Rose        64.91%

2nd- Jeremy & Kathie Harris                   60.22%

3rd- David Strawbridge & John Farmer   58.84%  

Wednesday Salver 2019
Wednesday Salver 2019
2017 Individual
2017 Individual
Handicap Salver 2015

1st- June & Norman Buckley                      52.97% 

2nd- John MacLachlan & Robin Rose          51.81%

3rd- Barbara Jeffrey & Mary Anne Peden 51.56%

Friday Average 2015

1st- Jeremy Harris & John Ellwood    58.70%

2nd- Jean & Mike Patefield                57.66%

3rd- John & Wendy Ellwood               57.24%

Claude Nicholson Trophy 2015

1st- Janice Hornby & Janice Mitchell  52.17%

2nd- Irene & Ray Gregory                   51.27%

3rd- John & Wendy Ellwood                51.26%

Individual Trophy 2015

1st- Jeremy Harris    68.03%

2nd- Ina Gray            56.46%

3rd- Eric Ibbotson    56.21%