A friendly club for all standards
Release 2.19r
Parked items
Christmas bridge sessions

We will play online on Wednesday 29th December and Monday 3rd Jan. No bridge on 27th December.

"Support the NHS" online bridge

To help support the NHS the Surrey County Bridge Association will be running an online Simultaneous Pairs event during from 27th April to 1st May. Each session will start at 10.00am and will consist of 21 boards. It is open to all EBU affiliated clubs, and all EBU members either individually or as a pair. Caterham Bridge Club have kindly agreed to host sessions for individuals and pairs that do not have access to a club that is participating.

This is a non-profit making activity for the SCBA. The entry fee will be £6 per person per session but after covering our costs all of the balance will go to NHS Charities Together

The sessions will be run on Bridge Base Online (BBO) which is free to join and free to play.

To participate as a club you will need to have a BBO accredited TD/Tournament Organiser. If you are able to call on the services of such a person and wish to participate in this as a club then please contact: tonycherrettbridge@gmail.com.

To participate as a pair or as an individual and not part of a club then please register via the SCBA website where you will also find joining and payment instructions.

This is our first experience of anything like this but we feel the cause cannot be ignored. We have no idea what we are letting ourselves in for, so if we are swamped with entries, as I hope we will be, please bear with us.

Trevor Hobson
Chairman – Surrey County Bridge Association
For any further information please contact me at: trevor_hobson@hotmail.com

Andrew Robson Bridge Day

International  player and inspirational bridge teacher Andrew Robson will be back at the club on Monday February 4th 2019 to host another of his popular bridge days for us.

He will spend the day focussing on three topics, Bidding Bad HandsListening to the Bidding; and  Fourth Suit Forcing


More details here

Summer Parking Arrangements

Parking arrangements are relaxed during the school holidays.
So, from now till the end of August we can park wherever there is a space. 
Our usual arrangements will start again on 4th September

Restarting face to face Bridge after Lockdown

Tim has written a blog post about restarting face to face bridge after lockdown, which is online here:

Restarting face to face bridge after lockdown – EBU Membership Development (ebumemberdevelop.org.uk)

Full text

Dear members,

As you have probably noticed the parking at the club in general has become more difficult in the past year and at certain times in particular.

The management Committee have been concerned for some time and have performed surveys and sent out emails to the membership on numerous occasions asking them to park in Kynegils Road and walk through the passageway to the club.

One of the worst times during the week is Tuesday evenings for about 30-40minutes when members are arriving for bridge and tennis at 7pm, exercise classes are being held, children are being dropped off/picked up for coaching,... 

At the last MC meeting a couple of weeks ago there was a proposal by the Finance Committee that the bridge section move its start time to 7.30pm.

I opposed this and a long discussion followed. I offered to find a way to alleviate the parking issue so that we could maintain our start time of 7pm and I have been given time to do this.

The committee met with Al Taylor, chair of the MC, to put forward our ideas, which have been agreed with Billy Kerr, manager of the club.

There are several ways that we hope to resolve this and the committee are asking if you will help if you possibly can by:

- car sharing whenever possible

- walking to the club if you live close by and are fit enough to do so

- if you play with someone who lives close to the club arrange to park at their house and walk with them if you are fit enough to do so (several members have already suggested this to me)

- park in the area next to the tennis practice wall, which is on the left at the end of the car park.

There will be bollards/tape  in the parking spaces in front of it which you should move to drive in. Please drive straight in parking parallel to the wall in a row across to the right. Once that is full other bridge members should park behind until the whole area is full.

It has been agreed with Billy that this area is ONLY for bridge players because we all leave at the same time and no one will be blocked in.

- parking is also available on Bereweeke Road, the roads off it and on Cheriton Road , marked with the red circle - about a 4/5 minute walk.

- parking in Kynegils Road, marked with a red line on the map, and walking through the short passageway to the club. The lighting in that area is poor at present and Billy is working on improving this. Please feel free to park there in the meantime, if you feel confident enough to do so but do take a torch with you.

There is a gate which I have been assured will be open but the code is 2017 if you find it locked.

The numbers are in 2 rows of five and you need to press them firmly to complete the process as they can stop half way and the lock won't open.

This is closer than walking from the far parking spaces at the entrance and quicker if you are coming down the Stockbridge Road.

If you find you cant get in please ring reception on 01962 854028 and they will come out and open it.

Billy has asked us to start this week, Tuesday February 13th  and has agreed to help in any way he can.

We realise that there may be some problems at first and would appreciate your help and feedback.

At the last MC meeting a couple of weeks ago there was a proposal by the Finance Committee that the bridge section move its start time to 7.30pm.

I opposed this and a long discussion followed. I offered to find a way to alleviate the parking issue so that we could maintain our start time of 7pm and I have been given time to do this.

The committee met with Al Taylor, chair of the MC, to put forward our ideas, which have been agreed with Billy Kerr, manager of the club.

There are several ways that we hope to resolve this and the committee are asking if you will help if you possibly can by:

- car sharing whenever possible

- walking to the club if you live close by and are fit enough to do so

- if you play with someone who lives close to the club arrange to park at their house and walk with them if you are fit enough to do so (several members have already suggested this to me)

- park in the area next to the tennis practice wall, which is on the left at the end of the car park. There will be bollards/tape  in the parking spaces in front of it which you should move to drive in.

  Please drive straight in parking parallel to the wall in a row across to the right. Once that is full other bridge members should park behind until the whole area is full.

 It has been agreed with Billy that this area is ONLY for bridge players because we all leave at the same time and no one will be blocked in.

- parking is also available on Bereweeke Road, the roads off it and on Cheriton Road , marked with the red circle - about a 4/5 minute walk.

 - parking in Kynegils Road, and walking through the short passageway to the club. The lighting in that area is poor at present and Billy is working on improving this.
   Please feel free to park there in the meantime, if you feel confident enough to do so but do take a torch with you.
  There is a gate which I have been assured will be open but the code is 2017 if you find it locked.

  The numbers are in 2 rows of five and you need to press them firmly to complete the process as they can stop half way and the lock won't open.

 This is closer than walking from the far parking spaces at the entrance and quicker if you are coming down the Stockbridge Road.

 If you find you cant get in please ring reception on 01962 854028 and they will come out and open it.

Billy has asked us to start this week, Tuesday February 13th  and has agreed to help in any way he can.

We realise that there may be some problems at first and would appreciate your help and feedback.

Pre-Bridge supper

The next pre-Bridge supper will be on Tuesday 26th September  at 6 o'clock.

The following options are offered at £6.50 per person.
Ham egg and chips
Salmon fishcake on a bed of spinach topped with a poached egg and warm
tartare sauce
Lasagne chips and salad
Chicken bacon and avocado salad

Please  let Louise Toghill  know by Sunday
evening 24th September which option you would like, e-mail to


Andrew Robson

Andrew Robson Bridge today! Please be at the club seated for 9.45am and a prompt start at 10.00am.

Bridge Tuition with Margaret Blewett

Description: Playing Card SuitsDescription: http://www.thisismyblog.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/playing-cards.png BRIDGE FOR BEGINNERS & IMPROVERS


It’s never too early or too late to learn to play the best card game in the world, or improve your bidding and playing techniques.It improves memory, is a lovely way to meet people and great fun.




Book your place early

Enquiries: Margaret Blewett on 01962 734797

Description: EBU LOGOEmail: bridgewisembl@gmail.com

Gentle Duplicate Evening

The next Gentle Duplicate evening is planned for Monday 28th Jan, starting promptly at &7pm.  Please arrive by 6.50 so we can start promptly. Please let Louise Toghill know if you are intending to come. You  do not need a partner and it is primarily for those coming to supervised play or attending Margaret Blewitt's course at the club.

Parked Items