Wilton Bridge Club, Somerset
Release 2.19q
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Pages viewed in 2024

Click here to view the help sheet How to use the Find a Partner function

Club Policies


As per Clause 12 in the Constitution (see Website - under Menu click on Constitution) a Visitor/Guest is a non-member who may play at the Club up to four times in a calendar year.  The purpose is to allow members to bring visiting family/friends on an occasional basis. 

To be fair to those on a waiting list who are not yet members, members who are restricted to play on specific day(s) cannot attend as a Visitor/Guest on another day.  If this happened, on even a moderate scale, table numbers would increase considerably.  


The Club has Waiting Lists to keep the table numbers to a reasonable size and the level of play to a certain standard and speed. 

Members and non-members can put their names on a waiting list for any of the sessions. They are invited to play when their name reaches the top assuming their level of play suits the session.
Any experienced director who is willing to join the directors' rota on a regular basis can skip the waiting list on payment of the relevant subscription.


As a result of the September 2022 questionnaire, the membership did not support the continuation of the Spare Partner system.

The Find a Partner function is working well and help is available for those who are not confident in using it.



Open to all members and held annually on alternate Tuesdays and Fridays.  The meeting must be held within 4 months of the end of the financial year.