West Hants Bridge School
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Release 2.19r
Beginner's Course (Steps 1 & 2)

This page has information and news of interest to the members. For a full list of forthcoming events, see "Calendar" on the menu and for a list of results see "Results".

Beginning Bridge Course starting in September 2019
Beginning Bridge Course starting in September 2019


A 26 Week Course to be run by Chris at The West Hants Club, Bournemouth

Beginning Bridge!

This course is designed for people who want to learn the Wonderful Game of Bridge from scratch, and for people who require a “Back to Basics” Refresher

Topics will include:

The Bidding process

Carding skills as “Declarer”

How to defend a contract

Simple Conventions

Bridge Etiquette

Lots of Card-play practice & Lots of Fun!

You will be playing a game of Bridge from week one!

Starts Week Commencing 2 September 2019

You can choose to attend the Class on either Tuesday evenings (7.00 p.m.  to 9.45 p.m.) or Thursday afternoons (1.45 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.).

 If you have to miss some Classes, there will be "Catch-up" Sessions available

There are two 13 week Terms (1st Step & 2nd Step) - Sept to December  /  January to March

Cost:  £12 per lesson if paying for a Term in advance

All Notes included

(£15* per lesson if “pay-as-you-go”)

To secure your place, or to obtain further information, please contact

westhantsbridge@gmail.com or 07805 971829

Over 50 new Players completed this Course in March 2019, and are now enjoying this Wonderful game!

Places are limited  -  First come, first served!

* “pay-as-you-go” places will not be available if the Course is totally sold out

Last updated : 26th Apr 2019 07:38 GMT