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Non-member enquiries to:

Keith Thompson 07483 807 527 















1.  Name.  The Club shall be called "Westbury Bridge Club" and affilliated to the English Bridge Union and the Essex Contract Bridge Association.

2.  Aims.  The aims of the Club shall be to promote and encourage the playing of duplicate bridge.

3.  Membership.  Membership shall be open to all and shall be obtained by written application proposed and seconded by two members.  Applications for membership shall be considered by the Committee whose decision shall be absolute.  Membership shall be limited to 65, subject to committee discretion depending on circumstances.  The Committee shall have power to grant honorary memberships subject to the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

4.  Subscriptions.  The annual subscription shall be payable on 1st January.  The Committee shall have the power to suspend from membership any member whose subscription is more than three months in arrears.

5.  Officers and Committee.  The officers of the Club shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Tournament Director and three other members, all of whom shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting.  These officers and committee will control the affairs of the Club.  Four members of the committee will form a quorum.  The Committee shall have the power to co-opt other members for special or general purpose and to fill any vacancies, any such appointment to be confirmed at the next General Meeting.

6.  Annual General Meeting.  The AGM shall not be later than the 30th April of any year.  The financial statement shall be received by the meeting which will also elect officers and transact any other business of which at least 14 days notice has been given.

7.  Extraordinary General Meeting.  An extraordinary general meeting shall be called at the request of the committee or written application of at least ten members.  At least fourteen days notice shall be given and such notice shall state the purpose for which the meeting is called.  Ten members shall form a quorum.

8.  Accounts.  These should be audited annually if feasible but definitely upon changing Treasurer.  The monies of the club shall be deposited at a bank in the name of the club.  Cheques shall be signed by two members of the committee.  Accounts shall be made up to 31st December and the Treasurer shall be required to produce a balance sheet for the Annual General Meeting.

9.  Elections.  All officers and committee shall retire at the end of the year but are eligible for re-election.  In the interests of the long-term health of the club and to avoid club officers and committee members feeling "put upon", a regular turnover of club officers and committee members is desirable.  Three years should be considered the "norm" with six years towards the maximum (but subject to the wishes of members and the officers/committee members themselves).  No newly proposed member shall be elected to any office or as a member of committee unless they have already signified willingness to do so.  All nominations must be proposed and seconded and received by the committee in writing three days before the Annual General Meeting.

10.  Assets.  The property and/or assets of the club shall be vested in the committee.  The club indemnifies the Committee against all claims and losses incurred in the management of the club's affairs, and the committee shall ensure that adequate insurance is maintained for this purpose.

11.  Alteration to rules.  Any alterations or deletions to the club rules shall be agreed by a majority vote at either an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting.  In either event the Secretary shall inform all members in writing of the proposed change at least fourteen days before any such meeting.

12.  Dissolution.  The club may be dissolved on a resolution passed by a two thirds majority at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose and of which 14 days notice shall be given.  In the event of dissolution all property and money belonging to the club shall be disposed of as the meeting for that purpose decides.

13.  Visitors.  Visitors are normally welcome but may be excluded at Committee discretion.  Visitors (including when playing with a member) shall normally be expected to sit E/W.  A visitor shall not normally play more than 6 times.  By then the visitor shall normally have joined, been added to the waiting list, or asked not to come again.  But this approach may be varied at Committee discretion.

14.  Cutting for N/S or E/W.  Every endeavour should be made to accommodate any player (whether member or not) who has significant difficulty in moving.  Also, the Director on the day should normally be static.  But, otherwise, members are entitled to cut for choice of who plays N/S and are entitled to expect visitors to play E/W if they wish.

15.  The Committee shall have the power to decide the interpretation of the club constitution/rules or any issue arising therefrom and its decision shall be final.

28th April 2016