Release 2.19q
Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 16 May at 6.00 pm in St Thomas's Hall followed by dupicate bridge at 7.00 pm. All members are encouraged to attend to support the running of the club.

The agenda for the meeting will be published when available, but in the meantime if you have any items for discussion to be added to the agenda please notify our Chairman, Charlie, or Secretary, Carol B by Thursday 25 April at the latest.

The minutes of last years AGM can be found by clicking here 2023 AGM minutes.pdf.pdf


If you need a partner please contact Rosie Shaljean as early as possible. She will try to help.
Phone :  01749 679482

E Mail : 

Wells City Bridge Club Constitution

1. Name

The name of the Club shall be Wells City Bridge Club of Wells in Somerset. 


2. Object The object of the Club shall be to organise the playing of Contract Bridge on a regular basis in a friendly and sociable atmosphere. 


3. Membership

Membership shall be by applications. All applications for membership will be considered by at least two members of the Committee after intending members have attended not less than three sessions as visitors. A decision on membership will be ratified by the full Committee. 


4. Fees and Subscriptions

An annual subscription is payable during April by all members, the actual level being set at the Annual General Meeting. Table Money is payable for each playing session as fixed by the Committee. Visitors intending to become members will not be surcharged for their first three sessions. Visitors not intending to become members will be surcharged at a rate agreed by the Committee. New members will pay an annual subscription at the time of joining except that those joining after 1st October will pay a reduced fee. The Committee shall review Fees and Subscriptions regularly and shall have the power to alter them as necessary. Any alteration shall be ratified by a majority of the members attending at the next General Meeting. 


5. Club Nights

Card play on club nights will usually be informal tournaments on either a partnership or individual basis as designated by the Tournament Director and depending on the number present at 18:55 hrs. A member arriving after this time cannot be guaranteed the right to play on that night unless having previously given notice of intention to be present. Play shall commence at 19:00 hrs. 


6. Control

The day to day business of the Club shall be conducted by the Committee. Any significant change of policy will be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting. All competitions and tournaments will be run by a Tournament Director who will be designated by the Committee. 


7. Officers

The officers of the Club shall be: 

  • The Chairman 
  • The Vice Chairman 
  • The Hon. Treasurer 
  • The Hon. Secretary 

Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and will serve for one year. Officer shall be eligible for re-election to serve two or more terms. 


8. Committee

The Committee shall consist of the Officers and two or more elected members. Two Committee members may be designated as Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary. Members will serve for one year and be eligible for re-election to serve further terms. 


9. Committee Quorum  and Voting

A quorum of the Committee shall consist of not less than 50% of the  Committee membership. The Chairman shall have a second and casting vote when this becomes necessary. 


10. Co-option The Committee shall have the power to co-opt a member to fill any vacancy occurring amongst the Officers or Committee Members until the next Annual General Meeting. 


11. AGM

The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the fourth Tuesday in April to transact the following business: 

  • To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts for the year 
  • To receive and adopt the report of the Club’s activities for that year 
  • To elect Officers in accordance with the rules 
  • To elect Committee Members in accordance with the rules 
  • To appoint Auditors 
  • To make decisions on such business as may be appropriate 

Notice of the AGM shall be given at least fourteen days before the date of the meeting. Nominations for the positions of Officers or Committee Members must be received in writing by the Hon Secretary not less than seven days before the AGM. Notices of Resolutions, including Any Other Business, must be received in writing by the Hon Secretary not less than seven days before the AGM. 


12. Quorum

For all Annual General Meetings a quorum shall be not less than 25% of all members and not less than 50% of all Committee Members. 


13. Voting

Elections of Officers or Committee Members shall be by secret ballot unless the nomination is unopposed. Other Resolutions requiring a vote will normally be by a show of hands, but the Chairman may, at his discretion, direct that a secret ballot be taken. If required, the Chairman shall have a second and casting vote. 


14. SGM

A Special General Meeting may be summoned at any time by the Chairman, or any two members acting together who shall send a written request to the Hon. Secretary. Members’ requests will be laid before the Chairman who will authorise the holding of a Special General Meeting withing twenty one days of the receipt of the request. The business of the Special General Meeting shall be stated in the notice convening the meeting, and at least seven days notice shall be given. 


15. Duties of  Members

In order to maintain the friendly and sociable atmosphere which is part of the  Club’s objective, members should avoid acrimony which can arise in any competitive game. This will best be ensured by members observing the Technical and Ethical Rules laid down by the English Bridge Union, and by calling the Director in any case of difficulty. 


The Committee shall have the power to suspend or require the resignation of any member deemed to have acted in a manner detrimental to the objectives of the Club. Any member suspended or required to resign shall have the right to appeal against the Committee’s decision at the next AGM or at a Special General meeting.  


Private table stakes are not permitted. 


16. Omissions

The Committee shall have the authority to deal with any matter not provided for in these rules. 


17. Alterations

The Club shall have the power to alter these rules. No alteration shall be made except at a General Meeting of the Club, and then only by a majority of not less than two thirds of those present. Notice of the proposed alteration shall be given with the notice convening the meeting. 


18. Authority of the Rules

All members shall be bound by these rules and by an amendment properly notified by a General Meeting of the Club. 


19. President

The founder and first Chairman, Mr. Owen Herbert, is to be President for the duration of his membership. The President shall be invited to all Committee Meetings, but not as a voting member.