Release 2.19q
Annual General Meeting


If you need a partner please contact Rosie Shaljean as early as possible. She will try to help.
Phone :  01749 679482

E Mail : 



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Historical Club Honours

Club Pairs' Championship for the Owen Herbert Trophy

This event was first held during 2008-9 and is played over eight club evenings with the winners being the pair with the highest average score of their best five performances.

Current holders 2018-19  Caroline Macpherson and Gina Howard

2017-18  Caroline Macpherson and Gina Howard
2016-17  Graham Heal and David Howard
2015-16  Wendy Miller and Sheena Lanham
2014-15  Wendy Miller and Sheena Lanham
2013-14 Anne & Gordon McBride
2012-13 Gina Howard and Caroline Macpherson
2011-12 Gina Howard and Caroline McPherson


The Wells City Cup

Presented by David Wing and competed for for the first time on May 22nd 2012.

Current holders  2019 Gillian Toogood and Gordon McBride

2018 Eric Cummings & Ceri Pierce
2017 Eric Cummings & Ceri Pierce
2016 Gillian Toogood & Gordon McBride
2015 Wendy Miller & Anne Skinner
2014  Not played
2013 Eric Cummings & Gillian Toogod
2012 Anne & Gordon McBride


Ladies' Pairs

This event is handicapped according to players' annual percentage scores.

Current holders 2018-19 Caroline Northcott and Rosie Shaljean

2017-18 Gina Howard & Sheena Lanham
2016-17 Caroline MacPherson and Katrina Foote
2015-16  Susan Gudgeon and Wendy Miller
2014-15 Jeanne King and Joan Murray
2013-14 Barbara Biggin and Anne Skinner
2012-13 Jean Wright and Heather Vale
2011-12 Glenys Foster and Rosie Shaljean


Men's Pairs

This event is handicapped according to players' annual percentage scores.

Current holders 2018-19 Les Botting and Simon Brooke

2017-18 Geoff Davies & Paul St Quinton
2016-17 Mike Smith and Andy Ridgers
2015-16 Alan Atkinson and John Staite
2014-15 Derek Essen and Phil Batt
2013-14 Norman Bishop and John Brown
2012-13 Mike Smith and Tony Hall
2011-12 Mike Smith and Mike Readman


Mixed Pairs

This event is handicapped according to players' annual percentage scores.

Current holders 2018-19 Geoff Davies and Wendy Miller

2017-18 Paul St Quinton & Susan Burrett
2016-17 Geoff Davies and Wendy Miller
2015-16 Caroline Macpherson and Michael Martin
2014-15 Andy Ridgers & Sheena Lanham
2013-14 Helen and Phil Batt
2012-13 Anne McIlroy and Tony Pink
2011-12 Joan Murray and Richard Gales


Annual Percentage

This trophy is awarded to the player with the highest average percentage over the season having played a minimum of 28 times.

Current holders 2018-19 Gina Howard

2017-18 Eric Cummings and Ceri Pierce (tied)
2016-17 Gina Howard
2015-16 Gina Howard
2014-15 David Howard
2013-14 Andy Ridgers
2012-13  Sheena Lanham
2011-12 Sheena Lanham


Anne McBride Trophy

Awarded to the winners of the club's open teams of four event, held for the first time in 2011.

Current holders 2018-19 Mike Smith, Andy Ridgers, Wendy Miller and Caroline Ladd

2017-18 David & Gina Howard, Caroline MacPherson and Katrina Foote
2016-17 David & Gina Howard, Caroline MacPherson and Katrina Foote
2015-16  Alan Atkinson, John Staite, Michael Martin and Tony Woods
2014-15 Andy Ridgers, Sheena Lanham, Barbara Biggin & Wendy Miller
2013-14 Mike Smith, Anne Skinner, Anne & Gordon McBride
2012-13 Anne Skinner, Barbara Biggin, Anne & Gordon Mcbride
2011-12 Sheena Lanham, Tony Russ, Andy Ridgers and Bill Rowe


The Ken Pye Trophy

To be awarded to the highest placed pair in the Chairman's Cup with both members below the rank of Regional Master.

Current holders 2018-19 Diana Sturt and Vivienne Dalby-Welsh

2017-18 Norman Bishop and John Brown
2016-17 Malcolm Scard and Susan Gudgeon
2015-16 Caroline Northcott & Rosie Shaljean
2014-15  Simon & Sheena Loveday
2013-14  Alan Atkinson & Mike Readman
2012-13  Simon & Sheena Loveday
2011-12  Jean Wright and Heather Vale


The Chairman's Cup

To be awarded to the winners of a one off pairs' event.

Current holders 2018-19 Sheena Lanham and Andy Ridgers

2017-18 Les Botting and Gordon McBride
2016-17 Anne Skinner and Barbara Biggin
2015-16 David & Gina Howard
2014-15 Eric Cunmings & Gillian Toopgood
2013-14 Di Askwith & Paul St Quintin
2012-13 winners Mike Smith and Wendy Miller
2011-12 winners: Gina & David Howard

The Individual Handicap Tankard

Current holder 2018-19 Katrina Foote

2017-18 Susan Burrett
2016-17 Vivienne Dalby-Welsh
2015-16 Paul St. Quintin
2014-15  Ros Beach

The Charity Handicap Pairs

No trophy is associated with this one off handicapped pairs event but £200 is donated to a charity or charities chosen by the winning pair.

Current holders 2018-19 Diana Sturt and Vivienne Dalby-Welsh

2017-18 Mike Smith and Geoff Davies


Thursday Partnership

This is awarded to the partnership which achieves the best average result having played on at least 50% of the Thursdays on which duplicate pairs were played in the year.

Current Holders 2018-19 Charlie Sutton and Mary Loakes

2017-18 Charlie Sutton and Mary Loakes
2016-17 John Marriott and Anne Herring
2015-16 Charlie Sutton and Mary Loakes


The Simon Loveday Award

This is awarded to the person who has made who has made a special contribution to the Thursday group over the previous12 months.

Current Holders:  2022-2023 Carole Hamblin and Loucie Smithson

2018-19 Paul & Janet Hole
2017-18 Dick Crane
2016-17 Denise Denis and Norah Lunnon

Thursday Handicap Pairs

This was a one-off event in 2018-19 but will be played on the first Thursday of each month in future.

Current Holders
Not held in 2022 - 2023.  Award to Rosie Cutbill closest to 50% average

2018-19 Francis Floyd and Richard Holmes

Last updated : 28th Apr 2024 22:18 BST