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The Club shall be known as Warrenpoint Golf Club Bridge Club and herein after shall be referred to as the Bridge Club.



To provide the Bridge Club Members with facilities for playing bridge.

To work with the Northern Ireland Bridge Union (NIBU), The Irish Bridge Union (IBU), local bridge clubs and bridge clubs across the island of Ireland to promote and enjoy the playing of bridge

To ensure that the Bridge Club and its members are committed to equal opportunities, non-discriminatory procedures and practices.

1. The Bridge Club will ensure that all members and visitors are treated equally regardless of age, gender, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or disability and make clear to all that any bullying or harassment is totally unacceptable.

2. The Bridge Club Constitution and the names of office bearers and committee will be visible on the website.

3. Members and visitors will be aware that they should raise any concerns with the Club Secretary.

To provide bridge classes for new and existing members to encourage the playing of bridge and the raising of standards

To sustain and grow the membership of this long established Club by welcoming and encouraging new members.

To develop a strategy that will maximise the number of members playing at each session.

To play bridge throughout the twelve months of each year. There are two seasons the winter season and the summer season.

1. The winter season runs from September each year until the end of May in the following year. Membership is required for the winter season.

2. The summer season runs from June until August this is an open season with no membership required.

To work in partnership with public and voluntary organisations to improve the health and wellbeing of members through social integration and activities.


The Membership shall be the legislative body of the Bridge Club and shall be composed of all fee-paying members.

Members must hold one of the following types of membership for Warrenpoint Golf Club:

1. Full Member Warrenpoint Golf Club

2. 5 day Member Warrenpoint Golf Club

3. House Member Warrenpoint Golf Club (share holder)

4. Pavilion Member Warrenpoint Golf Club

5. Bridge Member Warrenpoint Golf Club Bridge Club

Membership type 1, 2, 3, and 4 above are members of the Golf Club and type 5 are members of the Bridge Club only.

Members are required to pay the current annual NIBU subscription.

Membership fees are invoiced by the Golf Club and paid to the Golf Club.

If Membership fees are not paid within two months of the due date the individuals membership of the Bridge Club will cease.

A past Bridge Club Member whose membership has lapsed within the last three years and who wishes to rejoin the Bridge Club, at any point during the winter season, will be required to pay the full Bridge Club annual subscription. After membership has lapsed for three years individuals wishing to join will be considered as new members.

Persons, who join the Bridge Club, for the first time during the months September to December, may be allowed a part year Bridge Club membership fee for one year only.


Members ( type 1, 2, 3, and 4) who have not played bridge in the Bridge Club in the previous year, and therefore have not paid the NIBU subscription fee, will be moved to an inactive membership list.

All Members must adhere to the rules of bridge and practice bridge etiquette at all times. Members and visitors should raise any concerns with the Club Secretary


Members are encouraged to welcome visitors at all times.

Visitors may attend any Bridge Club Session.

The following rules apply for the Winter Season:

1. Any Bridge Club Member may bring a guest as a partner, to any event, an individual guest may attend on two occasions during each winter season (September to end of May).

2. Visiting partnerships may play on two occasions, in a bridge winter season, if they play on more than two occasions they will be required to pay a Bridge Club membership fee.

3. Visitors either playing with a Bridge Club Member or as a visiting partnership will not be eligible to win a Bridge Club Prize.

4. Table money rate for visitors will be reviewed, by the committee, on an annual basis.

The Summer Season is open to all bridge players (June until end of August).


The Bridge Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) normally in the months of April or May.

All Bridge Club Members will be given at least 14 days notice of the date and time of the AGM meeting.

All Bridge Club Members who attend the AGM will have full voting rights.

The business of the AGM shall include:

1. Report on activities of the group over the year

2. Report on Bridge Club finances

3. Election of Committee

4. Any other business

Members may submit agenda items, to the Secretary, 14 days prior to the AGM, for consideration for the AGM agenda by the committee.

Members are expected to participate in the running of the Bridge Club through participation on committee, holding the offices of President/ Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer or by undertaking specify tasks as agreed by the Bridge Club Committee.


The Bridge Club Committee shall be elected at the AGM.

The Committee shall manage the activities of the Bridge Club on behalf of Bridge Club Members and work as a team to achieve the Bridge Club objectives.

The Bridge Club Committee shall comprise of a President/Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and six other members.

The Committee, including the three office bearers listed above, shall include at least:

1 Full or 5 Day Golf Club Member

1 Tournament Director

1 former President or Secretary

2 Members of previous years committee

1 Member who manages the computer system and dealing of cards.


The Office Bearers shall work as a team with the committee to achieve the objectives of the Bridge Club. There will normally be three officer bearers President/Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. In the event that one of these roles is vacant the remaining two officers will undertake responsibilities for the duties, some of which maybe delegated to other Bridge Club Committee Members.


The main duties of individual officers are as follows:

President/ Chairperson

To chair Bridge Club meetings

To regulate discussion at meetings and summarise discussion on each agenda item to ensure a clear understanding on decisions reached.

To provide leadership in planning Bridge Club activities

To sign notes of meetings as a true record on behalf of committee.

To ensure open communication with Bridge Club Members.

To lead the Committee and Bridge Club Members in developing a plan of action that ensures the objectives of the Bridge Club are met.

To work in partnership with the Secretary and Treasurer to ensure the smooth running of the Bridge Club.

To work in partnership with other bridge and community organisations to enhance the Bridge Club. Some of these organisations include NIBU, IBU, Heath and Social Care Trusts, local bridge clubs and bridge clubs in County Louth.

To encourage discussion with and feedback from Bridge Club Members in order to improve communication.

To act as spokesperson for the Bridge Club.

To provide direction to the committee and Bridge Club members.

To work in partnership with the Bridge Club Secretary and Treasurer in the organisation of Bridge Club social activities.

To act as a figure head and represent the Club as the need arises.


To prepare in consultation with the Chairperson the agenda for meetings of the Bridge Club Committee.

To deal with correspondence.

To take and keep accurate record of all meetings.

To collect and circulate any relevant information within the Bridge Club.

To work in partnership with other bridge and community organisations to enhance the Bridge Club. Some of these organisations include NIBU, IBU, Heath and Social Care Trusts, local bridge clubs and bridge clubs in County Louth.

To work with the Treasurer and the administration of Warrenpoint Golf Club to ensure that the membership list is current and that all subscriptions are up to date.

To notify the Bridge Club results to the local paper on a weekly basis and involve the media in prize presentation events.

To arrange printing of club diary.

To order stationary and maintain the smooth running of the computer system.

To make applications for government grants to support the Bridge Club.

To work in partnership with the Bridge Club President/Chairperson and Treasurer in the organisation of Bridge Club social activities.


To collect weekly table money and to keep proper records that show all monies received and paid out by the Bridge Club.

To deposit club funds in Bridge Club bank accounts.

To ensure that all outstanding Bridge Club expenses are paid promptly.

To ensure that an accurate up to date record of the Bridge Club finances are available for Bridge Club meetings.

To provide a financial report as required in respect of grants awarded to the Bridge Club by public organisations.

To work in partnership with the President/ Chairperson, Secretary and committee in achieving the objectives of the Bridge Club.

To ensure that all cheques issued on behalf of the Bridge Club are signed by the Treasurer and another nominated Bridge Club Member.

To ensure that all cash transfers between current and deposit accounts are signed by the Treasurer and another nominated Bridge Club Member.

To work with the Bridge Club Secretary and the administration of Warrenpoint Golf Club to ensure that the membership list is current and that all membership subscriptions invoiced are up to date.

To work in partnership with other bridge and community organisations to enhance the Bridge Club. Some of these organisations include NIBU, IBU, Heath and Social Care Trusts, local bridge clubs and bridge clubs in County Louth.

To work in partnership with the Bridge Club President/Chairman and Secretary in the organisation of Bridge Club social activities.


The committee will nominate a Tournament Director (TD) for each month of the year.

All queries, complaints or objections must be made to the TD whose decision will be final except in the event that an issue involves the TD

In the event that an issue involves the TD a second person (with experience of TD) should be available to ensure independent decision making.

The TD should nominate a second person at the beginning of each session to act as their support and meet the requirements of the point above.

The TD will be in complete charge of the sessions.

The TD will be responsible for the number of games, tables, movements etc.


The constitution cannot be altered, added to or taken from in any form whatsoever, except by notice of motion to the AGM or if an Emergency General Meeting (EGM) is called to consider the constitution.

Notice of motion, signed by the members who propose and second the motion must be in the hands of the Secretary fourteen clear days before the AGM or EGM.

EGM can be called by the committee or by notice of motion to the Secretary, and signed by fifteen members of the Bridge Club. Notice of motion must be in the hands of the Secretary fourteen days before the date of the meeting.


A quorum of Bridge Club members must be present at meetings for decisions to be made on behalf of the Bridge Club.

The following will be considered a quorum:

One quarter of Bridge Club Members at an AGM and EGM.

Half the Bridge Club Members at Bridge Club Committee meetings.




In the event that The Warrenpoint Golf Club Bridge Club should be dissolved all assets

shall be disposed of using one or more of the following methods:

Assets transferred to another bridge club with similar objectives.

Assets transferred to Warrenpoint Golf Club.

Assets transferred to a local charity.

The Bridge Club Committee shall be responsible for all decisions regarding disposal of assets should the Bridge Club be dissolved.

Constitution updated at AGM 14/04/2015







