Release 2.19r

The Most Up-to-Date
for all VDBC personnel


Education Programs




The Villages Duplicate Bridge Club offers educational programs in order to promote the skill level of its members, recruit new players of the game, and keep our club both vibrant and growing. To that end, there are four tabs to the left of this introduction that you may want to utilize. 

Class Schedule lists all of the classes that we offer both currently and in the near future. Click on this tab to find a topic that suits your needs. It will give you the date,  time, location, teacher, cost, and pre-registration requirements (if any). 

Mentor/Novice Program describes our unique program where more experienced duplicate bridge players partner with newer players for bi-weekly play. The novice learns from the advice of their more seasoned partner. The mentor benefits from reviewing basic bidding and playing techniques, as well as from knowing that they are helping another player blossom. 

Teaching Games describes those in-person games that are limited to players with fewer than 50 ACBL points and include an abbreviated class on various basic aspects of bridge, including bidding, conventions, defensive strategies, and declarer play.

Educational Articles offers a resource of written materials that instruct on a wide array of matters, including bidding, declarer play, defensive strategies, and technical issues such as the ACBL rules.


Last updated : Feb 14, 2022 13:26 EST