Victor Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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26th Sep 2024 20:16 BST
Arriving in time
31st Aug 2024 19:20 BST
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Arriving in time

We would appreciate if members could arrive at bridge in plenty of time to allow us to set up the computer with the correct number of tables and we could all be sitting to play at 7.30


Welcome to Victor Bridge Club
Welcome to the Victor Bridge Club Homepage
Welcome to the Victor Bridge Club Homepage

Welcome to the Victor Bridge Bridge Club Bridgewebs page.

We are a friendly bridge club located in St. Joseph's Parish Centre, Glasthule, County Dublin.

We play on Wednesday evenings at 7.30 pm.

From September to May play is limited to members only (though guests are welcome to play with a member once a month).


Committee Members 24-25

President:           Conac Breslin

Hon Secretary:  Elsa Ball

Hon Treasurer:  Jacinta Maxwell & John Thornhill   

Hon recruitment:  John Thornhill

Hon Auditor:    Any volunteers

Committee:        Sheila O Kiersey

                        Sandra Lowther

                         Siobhan Boyle

                        Jackie Flynn


2nd October 2024
Victor Bridge Club
Bridge in Glashule
9th October 2024
Victor Bridge Club
Bridge in Glashule
16th October 2024
Victor Bridge Club
Bridge in Glashule
Victor Bridge Club
Scorer: Conac Breslin
Victor Bridge Club - Ted Miliffe
Scorer: Conac Breslin
Victor Bridge Club
Scorer: Conac Breslin