Release 2.19q
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2021 Year in Review


Our Mission Statement

 Our goal is to benefit our community while playing  
  this challenging game of Duplicate Bridge 

Game Reservations

THANK YOU for your support of our Club!  

Reserve for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday Games

If you are not registered with the club and wish to play, or if you need help to sign up, or you need a partner, or need your data modified, contact Tunde Dolan at 520 319-8506

If you are registered with the club use your browser to navigate to:


You should use your browser to bookmark this location.


You can login using the following:


From the TOP BOX select Tucson Charity Bridge Club    tcbc


The SECOND BOX is for your username, insert as described below:

Example:  ErnestHemingway 

(Note the first letter of each name is CAPITALIZED and ONE WORD)



Your old login ID ... or YourName. Example:



You need to become familiar with the screen. On the left you'll find a column of numbers assigned to each player. You will find a number of columns associated with the upcoming games identified by dates.


You will find yourself in one of the Six categories noted below. Find your situation and




  1. You want to play and have a partner
  2. You need to change partners
  3. You are able to play but do not have a partner
  4. You are able to play and are seeking a partner
  5. You are not able to play.
  6. You need to cancel your commitment, or made an error and need to start over


1. If you have a partner. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, go to the partner box, click on the arrow, and highlight your partner (or Guest) then go to the position box, click on the arrow and highlight your desired position (N/S or E/W). If no preference, select none. Then select the column of the date you chose to play, click on the ARROW and select A, then click save changes. You will note a P-XXX-x at your location for that date in that column and also note your assigned partner has P-XXX-x in their location for that date in that column. XXX = players numbers and x = position selected. 


2. If you need to make a change of partnership:  Scroll down to the bottom of the page, go to the partner box, click on the arrow, and select your new partner. go to the position box, click the arrow and select your position, Then go to the column of the date of interest, click on the ARROW  select  C (Change). Then click save changes. You will note a P-XXX-x at your location for that date in that column. Also note your NEW assigned partner has P-XXX-x in their location for that date in that column. XXX = players numbers.


3. If you are able to play, but don't have a partner(or a guest). Scroll down to the bottom of the desired column. Using the ARROW select A(Available), then click save changes. You will note an A(YELLOW) at your location for that date in that column.


4. If you are searching for a partner: Scroll from top to bottom of the column of the date of interest, and if there is an A(YELLOW) that person does not have a partner. You must contact that person and ask them to add you as their partner. Click on the CONTACT INFORMATION at the bottom Left of the screen, a new window will show all the players who have signed up to have their email addressed and phone numbers to be shown to all members. If a players name is underlined, click on their name and their email address will be shown


5. If you are not able to play on a date: Scroll down to the bottom of the desired column. Using the ARROW select N (Not Available), then click save changes. You will note a PURPLE N at your location for that date in the column


6. If you need to delete all information for a date: Scroll down to the column for the date of interest. Using the ARROW, select R (Remove). Then click save changes. You will note all your inputted information for that date has disappeared.


Please use the HELP FUNCTION to learn additional features of this website, THE PLAYERS GUIDE EXPLAINS ALL THE FEATURES

Mike's Friday Play & Learn Reservations

To make reservations for Mike's Play and Learn Friday games, click Mike's Play and Learn Registration

Once you are at the login page, just click the "star" at the end of the browser bar to bookmark the location.

Login by clicking on the top Blue Box and use the down arrow to select:   Mikesbridge

Then follow the same directions (above) for registering for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday games.