Release 2.19q

Tilligerry Bridge Club welcomes back all members. If you are not feeling well, please do not come. If you want to wear a mask, feel free to do so. Sanitiser is available at all tables

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Pages viewed in 2024
Club Championships

During each year, the club holds five competitions for various grades of players; the results for each of these competitions are shown below.

Novice Pairs - Graduate Master and below.
2005: Fae Skelton and Mary Kay
2006: Jack and Beryl Pittard
2007: Phillip and Jan Carter
2008: Helen Beamish and Geoff Kay
2009: Helen Beamish and Anne Stephenson
Novice Pairs - Club Master and below
2010: Ruth Smyrk and Jan Alterator
2011: Patricia and Colin Gratwick
2012: Connie and Ray Beaumont
2013: Glen Bott and Helen Beamish
2014: Ray and Connie Beaumont
2015: Carole Lord and Glen Bott
2016: Zelma Pociask and Val Bray
2017: Beth Magick and Elaine Jones


Novice Pairs Local * and below

2018: Beth Magick and Elaine Jones

2019: Zelma Pociask and Val Bray

2020: Zelma Pociask and Val Bray

Restricted Pairs - below Regional Master
2005: Pat and Bruce Mortensen
2006: Pat and Bruce Mortensen
2007: Marty Watz and Mildred Stubbs
2008: Jill Mogford-Jensen and Trevor Saunders
2009: Sue Maher and Liz Brown
2010: Sandra Dean and Barry Greene
2011: Ruth Smyrk and Jan Alterator
Restricted Pairs - *State Master and below
2012: Sandra Dean & Irene Gover
013: Sue Maher and Sandra Dean
2014: Trish and Colin Gratwick
2015: Phillip and Jan Carter
2016: Jan Alterator and John Sharp
2017: Jan Alterator and Elaine Jones
2018: Elaine Jones and Liz Brown
2019: Trish and Colin Gratwick
2020: No competition due to Covid
2023 Elaine Jones and Beth Magick

President's Cup - Open competition
2007: Janet and Peter Kieran
2008: Janet and Peter Kieran
2009: Janet and Peter Kieran
2010: Margaret Sylow and Evon Williams
2011: Lesley Phillips and Michael Skelton
2012: Janet and Peter Kieran
2013: Evon Williams and Margaret Sylow
2014: Colin and Trish Gratwick
2015: Kath Young and Sandra Dean
2016: Michael Skelton and Paul Rooms
2017Janet and Peter Kieran
2018: Paul Rooms and Christine Blackledge
2019: Paul Rooms and Bill Rayner
2020: No competition due to Covid
2023 Mary Kay and Pat Healey
Monday Handicap Trophy

2019: Kerrie Middleton and Robyn Brennan

20220; Sandra Dean and Kath Rados

2021: Robyn Brennan and Carol Motley

2022: Jan Alterator and Bev Laing

2023: Kerrie Middleton and Robyn Brennan


Wednesday Handicap Trophy

2019: Beth Magick and Elaine Jones

2020: Connie Beaumont and Ray Beaumont 

2021: Mary Kay and Pat Healey

2022: Bev Cleary and Joan Ball

2023:  Jan Alterator and Sandra Dean