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Live Bridge

Our live Bridge every Friday in Luttrellstown Community Centre from 11.00 to 2.00 is very popular and enjoyable.  Visitors are welcome. Please contact Yvonne at 0868592638 or


Contact Tony  on

085 8113688

Main Panel

Welcome to the home of the The Vue Bridge Club.

The with a


The Vue Bridge Club is one of West Dublins Bridge Clubs.


A club with an appealing balance of friendly, helpful membership and competitive play.


The club strives to offer its members a night of friendly and informative card play

in a relaxed and welcoming environment.


Last updated : 25th Jan 2022 08:55 GMT
Laws of Duplicate Bridge
Privacy Policy
CBAI Regulations

CBAI Regulations Sept 1st 2018

 Doubles:   All Doubles on the 1st or 2nd round of bidding of a 1 or 2 level suit bid are

deemed to be TAKE OUT DOUBLE.   All other bids are deemed to be

PENALTY DOUBLES. Any variations must be ALERTED.

Announcements:   You should announce your partners bid in 3 specific cases

    1.If partner opens a non forcing 1C or 1D that can be made with 0,1,2, or 3 cards 

      in the suit, you say “could be 0,1,2, or 3” as appropriate.

  1.   If Partner opens 1NT – you state the range eg – 12-14 or 15-17 as appropriate
  2.  If  you open 1NT and partner makes a transfer bid,  you announce “Transfer to Hearts”  etc


A forcing 1C opening bid must be alerted.

No alert or announcement is required for:

  (1) a 5 card Major suit opening,  

(2) a strong  Acol 2C opening,  

(3) Stayman 2C response to 1NT opening.

You should not alert any call above 3NT that occurs on or after the openers rebid.  

Instead the declaring side alerts such calls after the final pass but before the

opening lead has been selected while the defending side alerts such calls after the

opening lead has been selected but before it has been faced.    

1NT - 4C ( alert gerber);   1NT-4D ( alert Texas)   

but 1C-1D-1NT (by opener) - 4C (Gerber but not alertable)

Last updated : 25th Jan 2022 09:00 GMT


The meaning of Double – as the name suggest –

is to raise the stakes. If you Double an opposing

contract, you win more Points if they fail, but

you concede more points if they succeed.

When Bridge began over a 100 years ago,

double was limited to those occasions where

you expected the opponents to fail in their bid.

However, it was realised that you would be

most unlikely to be confident enough to double

a low-level suit bid, when partner had not yet spoken.

And that if the opponents happened to have bid,

a suit in which you were very strong, it was far

better not to tip them off: rather to keep quiet and

wait for them to get into deeper trouble.

In 1912 New Yorker Major Charles Patten and

Bryant McCambell independently invented an

alternative meaning for the “Double” –

the “take-out double”. It is believed that this

was the first convention in the game (although it is

now so universal that it is rarely thought of as such).

The take-out double – “partner, please take out my

double into another suit” shows an opening hand or

better with no other convenient bid: 

no suit to overcall, and an inability to bid notrumps.

To learn more on doubling  contact your local Bridge Teacher

or Coach, or get a copy of

Bridge Lessons (Double) by ANDREW ROBSON,

( The above extract is from this book.

Last updated : 25th Jan 2022 09:01 GMT
Live Bridge

Good afternoon,

I am delighted to announce that our live Bridge at Luttrellstown Community Centre on Friday mornings from 11.00 to 2.00 is very popular and enjoyable. This facility can accomodate 12 tables , so if anyone would like to book in advance, please do.






Last updated : 30th May 2022 19:46 BST
Live Bridge

We have now a venue in Luttrellstown Community Centre. This is a brand new facility and we are located upstairs in the dance studio.  We play on Friday morning from 11.00 to 2.00. we also  have live Bridge in the Springfield in Leixlip on Tuesday mornings from 9.15 to 12.15 and in the Church of Ireland Parish Centre in Castleknock on Thursday evenings from 7.15 to 10.15. New members are welcome.

Social Media

Friday Morning
Director: Yvonne Dalton
Scorer: Yvonne Dalton
Thursday Evening
Director: Yvonne Dalton
Scorer: Yvonne Dalton
Director: Yvonne Dalton
Scorer: Yvonne Dalton
Friday Morning
Director: Yvonne Dalton
Scorer: Yvonne Dalton
Thursday Evening
Director: Yvonne Dalton
Scorer: Yvonne Dalton
Director: Yvonne Dalton
Scorer: Yvonne Dalton
24th Sep 2024
26th Sep 2024
Thursday Evening
27th Sep 2024
Friday Morning