Tewkesbury Bridge Club
Release 2.19q
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10th Sep 2024 13:33 BST
President's Cup (Individual)
9th Sep 2024 15:58 BST
Competition Dates 2024
25th Jun 2024 12:45 BST
Good Manners at Bridge
13th Jun 2024 11:26 BST
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If members change their contact details (email address, telephone, postal address) please inform the Club Secretary.

We know that some people like to keep in touch with former members. Please contact the Secretary or Chairman if you would like their contact details.  We can only provide details where we have consent from the former members.

General Information



6 September:         President's Cup (Individual)

4 October:             Peter Thompson Cup (Handicap Pairs)

15 November:        Children in Need (Sim Pairs)

22 November:        Ladies' and Men's Pairs

21 March:             Rose Trophy  (Pairs)

9 May:                 Avon Cup (Draw for Partners)

13 June:               AGM

Spring:                 Gwen Magness Trophy (Teams)











Last updated : 7th Jul 2017 11:46 GMT