Tewkesbury Bridge Club
Release 2.19r
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Home Page
23rd Sep 2024 12:27 BST
President's Cup (Individual)
9th Sep 2024 15:58 BST
Competition Dates 2024
25th Jun 2024 12:45 BST
Good Manners at Bridge
13th Jun 2024 11:26 BST
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Pages viewed in 2024

If members change their contact details (email address, telephone, postal address) please inform the Club Secretary.

We know that some people like to keep in touch with former members. Please contact the Secretary or Chairman if you would like their contact details.  We can only provide details where we have consent from the former members.

Welcome to all our members and friends
Visitors Welcome
Visitors Welcome



Visitors welcome

Contact Us

tewkesburybridgeclub @


Some sad news received today.  Daniel Bouvet has died this week, following several years of ill health. His funeral will be held at Cheltenham Crematorium, Willow Chapel, on Wednesday 2 October, at 11.30.  All friends are welcome to attend and the service will be followed by refreshments at Ashchurch View Care Home, where he and Lena had moved in July.  Although he hadn't played at Tewkesbury for several years, many of us have lots of happy memories of a larger-than-life friend.  Older members will remember his rendition of Maurice Chevalier singing "Thank Heaven for Little Girls", complete with straw boater and cane at the Christmas Party.


EBU Festival of Bridge

TBC donations towards Cancer Research UK on 11th September amounted to £37.80. A contribution of £105.80 has been sent to the EBU who's target of £60,000 has been exceeded.

Club Duplicate
Director: Peter Jones
Scorer: Jeff Smithson
Club Duplicate
Director: Nick Bridges
Scorer: Jeff Smithson
Club Duplicate - EBU Festival of Bridge
Director: Phil Rattenbury
Scorer: Ann Bruckshaw
2nd October 2024
Peter Thompson Trophy (Raw Results)
 More Info
9th October 2024
Club Duplicate
Partner Finding

If you need a partner, please contact Roger Gamage, either by telephone (01684 292356) or by email (, and he will do his best to find someone.