Taunton Bridge Club
Release 2.19r

New Venue 1st December

Friday Evenings - 7pm start

Brittons Ash Community Hall


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Please register for our Members Only Area and keep your self up to date with important club information, and keep in touch! I'm not going to advertise the Member Registration Number here - for obvious reasons! But  it's numbers first and upper case. 
If you haven't heard the number, ask any committee member or regular player at the club.
It is now more important than ever to be registered within our members area, as due to the scam danger that has arisen, Lesley will only rarely be sending out group emails. We do not want to put Members and their computers at this risk! Our Member's Only Area is now up and running very successfully! This completely private section of our web-site will only be accessible with your own password. It will be used as our communication to you as members, and you may use it to find a partner (don't forget to press save!)
A reminder - In order to register for the first time, you will need to remember the Member Registration Number, which has been announced at the club, and because it needs to be confidential to our members, will never appear anywhere. It must only be passed on by word of mouth, so that our private area remains inaccessible to the world outside! You can then choose your own password which is all you will require after your first registration as a member of our club. It's your choice whether you include your telephone number or email address on the form. We all have a printed membership list with telephone numbers etc. so contact with others shouldn't be a problem. 
So, wish to register or need a partner? Go to Members Area at the top of the right hand side of The Home PageRegister using the Membership Registration Number, set your own password and click 'Register'. Then look and see if anyone needs a partner, or click on the date you need someone, or.....just read the messages! Next time, you only need to 'login' with your password. Don't forget to press 'save' and then 'log off'!
AND please don't all choose 7NoTrumps as your password!

Our club now has a mobile phone which will be switched on between 6.30pm. and 10.30pm. on club night only. This is to give people a chance to contact the director if there is an emergency for such things as delay caused by road accidents, flooding etc. Families may also use it to make contact if there is an emergency at home, as they realise your own phone will be switched off.

The number is - 07762 838399