Sutton Highfield Bridge Club
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Welcome to our webpage. This has been set up so members can easily access news and results for the club.

  Updated Constitution and Rules for the year 2015 onwards
  1. The Club named as Sutton Highfield Bridge Club was formed in 1987 as a Members Club and the original constitution was adopted by members at a General Meeting held on Tuesday April 28th 1987.
  2. The original objective of the Club was to provide facilities for the playing of Partnership Rubber Bridge and such other activities as decided by the committee from time to time. A decision was subsequently made to play Chicago Bridge rather than Rubber Bridge.
  3. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held on the third Tuesday in April, or as soon as possible thereafter. The meeting shall receive reports, elect officers, Committee or other officials as required. It shall also receive the Audited Accounts and deal with other matters on the Agenda.
  4. The officers of the Club shall be a Chairman, an Honorary Treasurer and an Honorary Secretary, who will hold office for one year from one AGM until the next AGM, and may offer themselves for re-election.
  5. The business of the Club shall be conducted by the Committee comprising the three officers and two other members duly elected at an AGM. This committee shall have entire control of the Club and shall at their discretion deal with any matter not provided for in these Rules. Members of the Committee may offer themselves for re-election at the AGM.
  6. Alterations may only be made to the Constitution by a General Meeting of the Members and notice of such a meeting must provide details of the proposed alterations (Notice of Motion).
  7. The Annual Subscription shall be proposed by the Committee and ratified by members at an AGM. Any alterations to annual subscriptions or table money agreed by the Committee and members at the AGM will be notified to all members and displayed on the Bridge Club Notice Board in the Club House.
  8. The Honorary Treasurer is authorised to open an interest bearing account at an approved Bank or Building Society and to put monies in and out on behalf of the Club. The Accounts of the Club shall be made up for the period from April 1st to March 31st the following year and be presented by the Honorary Treasurer at the AGM.
  9. The accounts shall be audited by a member of the Club who is not a member of the Committee and who shall be appointed at an AGM.
  10. Only fully paid up members of the Club shall be entitled to attend and vote at any General Meetings.
  11. All decisions of the Committee and at an AGM shall be by simple Majority Vote. In the event of a Tie, the Chairman will be entitled to cast a second vote.
  12. Visitors or Guests may play at the Club on a limited number of occasions in any one year as determined by the Committee. The Committee will also, from time to time, determine the fee for attending as a visitor or guest.
  13. In the event of the Club being dissolved without any successor, Club property and surplus funds shall, after meeting all debts, be transferred to the Sutton Tennis Club or disposed of as decided by the Committee holding office at the time.


Approved at the AGM on 21 April 2015