Sutton Highfield Bridge Club
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Welcome to our webpage. This has been set up so members can easily access news and results for the club.

Welcome to Sutton Highfield Bridge Club
Sutton Highfields Bridge Club Welcomes New Members
Sutton Highfields Bridge Club Welcomes New Members

We would like to welcome you to our friendly bridge club which meets every Tuesday evening, throughout the year, between 7.30pm and 11pm, to play Chicago Bridge.

The cost of yearly membership is £5 and table money for the Tuesday evening session is £2.00, which includes the provision of tea/coffee and biscuits.

Visitors or Guests may attend as agreed by the Committee at a current cost of £2.50 per session.

During the evening, at the start of the 4 hands of play, every player puts 5p in the kitty and the pair whose aggregate score for the 4 hands is highest, wins a grand total of 10p each. 

On the last Tuesday of each month a duplicate bridge session is arranged where members match up with a partner and enter their names on a list which, due to space restrictions, is limited to the first 12 pairs to sign up. The cost is £2.50 and the top prize is 50p x number of members attending, which is shared between the winning pair. Please ask one of the club officials if you wish to find a partner.

Finally, please be assured that we are keen to attract new members but if too many apply, you may be placed on a waiting list to join. Meanwhile, new members will be given a separate sheet with the names and contact details of club officials.  If you have any questions or issues about club matters, please feel free to contact one of them.


Mayfield Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM2 5DU           

Dated: May 2019

Important Information
Important Information

We hope you will enjoy the sessions and, with this in mind, we have listed below a few points which we ask you to please note:-

  • The AGM is normally held in April/May.
  • You only need a partner if you wish to compete in the monthly duplicate session - the rest of the time you can turn up on your own.
  • A new Chicago Bridge Competition takes place over two months with a prize of £10 to the winner.
  • A few social events are organised for bridge club members - dates, times and costs are displayed in advance on the Bridge Notice Board and in the Yellow Folder, which is available in the Clubhouse.
  • As this is a busy club there are occasions when members may have to sit out to await their turn. To clarify who leaves the table at the end of each set please note that for the first change; each player selects a card and the 1st or 2nd LOWEST leave to sit out. At the end of the next set, where two players have joined the table, the two players originally sitting at the table leave to sit out.
  • At the weekly sessions, any pair fortunate enough to bid a Grand Slam must tell the Chairman or other official before the lead is played. If successful in making the slam, the winning pair will be paid £2.50 each.
  • Excessive noise can affect players’ concentration, so please try to keep noise levels down.
  • When you have refreshments it does help if you wash the crockery/cutlery you use. If you are particularly kindly disposed, please feel free to wash up any other cups, etc, which need washing.
Interested in Joining?

We would love to hear from you! Please contact one of our Committee members for more information.

Scorer: Martin Rose
Scorer: Keith Fowler
Scorer: Alan Walker