Release 2.19r
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22nd Sep 2024 14:22 BST
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Check out the Sunday Night 'Hand Review Session'.  See the main information box for more details

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If you would like to leave a message on this web site, please enter it below. You do not need to enter your contact details.

Messages appear in date submission order below; the most recent at the top. The webmaster will delete inappropriate or offensive messages or as they age or become obsolete, or on request.

You can use this to help you look for partners, or to comment or leave a question about any bridge related topic, particularly hands played in the club recently.

Please note that messages may be read or written by anyone in the world, and that any information such as Email and Telephone numbers will be viewable by all.

The messages on this board are not automatically sent to the club or its webmaster. Their contacts are elsewhere on the website.