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Stirling and Union Bridge Club
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News Letter
Newsletter No.10

NEWSLETTER  10                        FEBRUARY 2019

SECURITY OF PRE DEALT HANDS                                                         HEALTH                                             

Many members may be  aware  of  a                                     Les Wilson has seriously  hurt his 

Very  difficult  situation which  has                                        back due  to a fall  and has been

developed  at a  Glasgow Bridge Club,                                   unable  to attend the club for a few

Ivan, Jim Brown,Iain  Taylor have been                                   weeks.

asked to investigate our proceedures                                    A gift  of chocolats were  given to

for pre-dealt hands   .                                                                 les  . flowers were also given

Harry Smith will look into alternative                                    To Pat .

Dealing systems and equipment ,this                                     WE WISH LES A SPEEDY RECOVERY.

will form part of our overall review

of our computer   systems                                            Constitution                              .

Keep bridge alive campaign                                     Several amendments have been

                                                                                        Proposed for changes to the

This campaign is to promote the                             constitution .

The game of bridge .                                                   These proposals will be put in

Patricia  has  liaised  with organisers                        writing and issued to all S&UBC                   Also  attended along with other                               Members .Then will be discussed

Members the Keep Bridge Alive                               at  our A.G.M  in May.

Opening evening held at  the                                       

University .                                                                    Valentine Pairs

A request  for a donation towards                            

The cost of running the campaign                           Two heats were held  for this event

Was  made to Stirling.                                                 To raise money in support of the

The board decided on a donation                             Scottish woman playing in China

Of £150                                                                           in the World Championship teams.

                                                                                         The board decided on a donation                                                                                       

GDPR  ( Data )                                                                Of £200

It would be  appreciated if you have                        National Bridge  News

Any  changes such as phone numbers                       

Or your address to complete the                               District pairs final.

Required form for this purpose                                  3rd  Iain Taylor/Andrew Symons

Sometimes scraps of paper written                               =   59.28%

On get mislaid !                                                              4th. Harry Smith/Roy Bennet

                                                                                                =   58.98% 

EVENTS                                                                             Junior Camrose

Firth of Clyde congress teams                                     2nd ; Ronan Valentine                      1st  George/Gill Roberts                                                         Liam   O’Brian

        Trish Martin/ David Campbell                                       Jun Nakanura-Kinger

  Firth of Clyde  Pairs Final                                                      Stewart Pinkerton                                                                                                       

  1st Winnie McCallum/Alan Hutton                             SBU Mixed Pairs.  

                                                                                           1st Stephen Peterkin/Sam Punch

Psyche  Bidding 

All members are reminded about the                          Perth  Bridge Club

Rules,notices on the board and the                               

recording book; all applicable for                                  Stirling have received an invitation

psyche bids.                                                                         From Perth Bridge Cub for Sunday

There have been a number of                                         30th June 2019

Instances recently, verbally  reported                          16 players are invited for lunch

to me, also I have personally experienced                   and an afternoon of social bridge

this . Third in hand light bids should be                        

Alerted to the opposition .                                                Although not until June I have

                                                                                                Put  a flier on the notice board

 Promotion  for bridge                                                       So please put your name up and

                                                                                                enjoy a day out at PBC.

We bridge players are on the decline!                                          

Lessons  ..we are looking  into this .                                    

Flyers  have been  made up  promoting                        Perth Bridge Club

Our club and  are being distributed.             

Andrew Robson has allowed  our secretary                 Another forth coming event

Susan to say a few words at his bridge                          to put into your diares.

Lunch in Stirling  in March                                                 This year its Stirlings turn to

Please,  we welcome any suggestions.                            Host Perth Bridge club for

                                                                                                 Lunch and bridge.

  Suggestions                                                                         The date will be on a Sunday  

 Please  we need   hear your views or                             During the month of July                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

 Or  your disagreements                                                     We will keep you posted .

We are all part of  our club and need feedback

On all sort of things .

Duty  list,  I am  making a list of all our  volunteers which I might need some help

Composing  ,so many of you do jobs that we are not aware of happening .