St Clements Bridge Club
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Christmas Cup Winners 2023

Congratulations to Jane Phelps and Gillian Little for being the first winners of our Christmas Cup. There was some strong competition and thank you to our wonderful members who all contributed to a fantastic day.






Club rules




Note - The 'Rules' serve to remind members and guide new members and
guests concerning some basic rules governing the conduct of duplicate bridge sessions
held by the Club. 

1.  Arrival - Members are asked to arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled start
     time. The Director will strive to accommodate late arrivals, but they cannot always be guaranteed a game. Table money should be
     made available for collection before the start of play.

2.  Responsibilities - The player sitting north, is the host at the table and is
     responsible for recording the Names, positions and Pair Numbers on the traveller.
     This information should be shown to and checked by East who is jointly responsible
     with North for ensuring this is accurate.

     North is also responsible for ensuring that any activity at the table, whether spoken
     or physical, is conducted as quietly as possible.

3. If all 4 players pass a hand the first time it is played in an evening, the cards may be shuffled and re-dealt.

4. All "unnatural" bids, or whatever level, should be alterted.

5.  Before Play starts - On arrival at a new table and before play starts, North and
     East should check they are sitting at the right table and in the correct compass
     position with the correct boards. North is also responsible for moving the Boards to
     the table at which they are next to be played. Boards are always played in
     chronological sequence unless the Director has ruled otherwise.

6.  Convention Cards - Players should make available at the table their convention
     cards showing the bidding conventions in use by their partnership. Partners' cards
     must contain the same information.

7.  Bidding Boxes - Calls, including passes, are laid on the table from left to right in
     such a way that all bids can be seen at the end of bidding. The bidding should not
     be removed from the table until the opening lead has been made, face down and
     any questions have been asked and answered appropriately.

8.  Scoring - At the end of the play of each Board, North records the score on the
     traveller and East is responsible for checking that the Contract, score and pair
     numbers are correct. After an arrow-switch, the player sitting in the North position
     hands over this responsibility to the moving East player and should take no further
     part in the procedure. Arrow-switch failures and errors on the travellers may be
     penalised by the deduction of percentage points.

9.  Irregularities - If a player is not sure whether there has been a play or bidding
     irregularity or is worried about any aspect of the bidding or play, the Director must
     be called. The Director is there to help in any way he/she can.
     PLEASE NOTE no rulings may be made at the table without the Director
     being present.

10.  End of Play - At the end of play, players should remain seated until advised by
     the Director. North is responsible for delivering the boards, travellers and table
     card to the Director. The other players are expected to assist in clearing away
     (removing the cloth, packing up the bidding boxes, putting away tables, chairs etc.

11.  Unplayed boards - If, for any reason, a table has been held up through slow play
     and is unable to finish its boards on time, such unplayed board will, at the discretion of the Director,
 be awarded average scores on unplayed boards.

12. Any suggestions or complaints regarding the arrangements of "The Club" shall be submitted in writing.

13. "The Club" accepts no responsibility whatever for the property or belongings of any member or visitor whilst on the premises of "The Club".

14. Always enjoy your bridge and remember this is a social club, and it is only a game!"