Release 2.19q

 Bridge at Stansfield

Wednesdays 1.45pm for 2pm Learn & Play Village Hall

Thursdays 6.45pm for 7pm at the Village Hall

Save The Date!!

Members Summer Party - Thursday 4th July 5.45pm for 6pm

Sign up form will appear soon but do put this in your diary!


Finding a club member as a partner has been made much easier. Click on PLAY and then hover your mouse over the session you would like to play in  and click the Partner Required symbol. If you are new to the area we would love to hear from you please click INFORMATION for more details, and contact information.



Thursday Pairs
Director: Jackie
Scorer: Peter
Thursday Pairs
Director: Paddy
Scorer: Peter
Thursday Pairs
Director: Paddy
Scorer: Peter
Thursday Pairs
Director: Jackie
Scorer: Paddy
Thursday Pairs
Director: Dave
Scorer: Paddy
Thursday Pairs
Director: Jackie
Scorer: Peter
Thursday Pairs
Director: Jackie
Scorer: Dave
Thursday Pairs
Director: Paddy
Scorer: Peter
Thursday Pairs
Director: Jackie
Scorer: Peter
Thursday Pairs
Director: Dave
Scorer: Peter
0 0 0 0 0 0
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Contact Us
If you would like to contact the club, enter your details and click [Send]
Most partnerships found 4 without too much difficulty, and the obvious lead by East is the singleton club. Win the with Ace in dummy and quickly draw trumps.
Declarer is always going to lose a spade but can the diamonds be played for just one loser?
The key is to lead the Q from declarer's hand with the intention of running it (throw away the 7). If East plays the A, get back into declarer's hand when you regain the lead and play a small diamond towards the 10. If east plays the J, take it with the King. Either way, you end up losing only one diamond - and make 11 tricks.