SpadeHeart  DiamondClub
Release 2.19o
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70% + since 2012
21st Aug 2024 15:05 BST
Teams Ladder 24/25
13th Aug 2024 08:27 BST
TaraStan XImps Ladder 24/25
13th Aug 2024 08:26 BST
Top Scores 24/25
6th Aug 2024 12:21 BST
Club Competition Rules

Annual Club Championships


  1. Teams Championship
  2. Pairs Championship
  3. Individual Championship
  4. Roy Seaman Trophy
  5. TaraStan Trophy


Players must be members of the club before their scores can count towards any of the Championships.


All qualifying scores between April 1st and 31st March of the following year are to be included.


All Ladders are calculated on Master Points won at local level.  Where MPs are awarded to players for County(x2) or National(x3) competitions, they are adjusted accordingly.


Qualifying scores


Teams Championship

A team consists of four players.  All four scores will count towards the team total.

If on occasion one player is substituted then the team will score the total of the three remaining players.

If two players are substituted on a single occasion then there will be no score for the team.

In the event of a winning team having more than four members, the names of the 4 members contributing the most points to the team total are taken. Where this is indecisive, the member(s) first playing in the competition should appear on the trophy.


Pairs Championship

The Championship will be based on the total Master Points earned in Pairs events, including Swiss & X-IMP but excluding the Christmas Party.

Both members of the Pair must be Members of the Club for the socre to count.


Individual Championship


This competition is for the individual player who scores the most Master Points and is calculated by adding up the total of the four best scores with each partner he/she has played with throughout the year. 

Both players must be Members for the points to count.



Roy Seaman Trophy

This competition is for the individual player who scores the most Master Points throughout the year, and who has not won any of the other Championships. 

Scores from teams, pairs, and individual competitions, all count except the Christmas Party.


TaraStan Trophy

This competiton is for the individual player who scores the highest aggregate X-IMPS on Teams nights through out the year

The top seven scores achieved are used, lower scores are dicarded

At least five events must be played to qualify

Both players must be Members for the scores to count