Release 2.19q
2023 Level 4 changes and 2022 Announcing/ Alerting Rules

See David's 2023 summary of Level 4 2023 changes, see complete revised Blue Book.

Some changes in the EBU announcing/alerting September 2022. David drew up a summary of the 2022 changes for directors.

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Pages viewed in 2024
Friday Evening Bridge

Players are welcome to come on a Friday Evening without a partner but it would be very helpful if you could let Ann know beforehand so she can attempt to have a partner for everyone when the session starts.


If you know of any member of the club who is unwell please let either Pat Martin or a member of the committee know so that appropriate wishes can be sent on behalf of all members.
The quickest response will be to tell either Pat Martin or any member of the committee at the bridge session then a card can be signed & posted immediately. Alternatively, you can email the secretary.

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2024 EBU Master Point Promotions

Advanced Master (7,500 MPs)

  • B Metcalf

County Master (2,500 MPs)

  • D Nelson

Local Master (100 MPs)

  • Jeanette Gillen

For information source see EBU website.  See also the county overall board and SSCBA members ranks and  current NGS scores.

Treasurer's Report 2009/10
Treasurer's Report 2009/10

Treasurer’s Report                                     2009/2010

Over the year we have made a deficit of £394.04 as compared to a surplus of £520.13 in 2008/9, a difference of £914.17.  This change is almost entirely accounted for by the reduction in bank interest down from £1,120.34 to £235.87, a difference of  £884.47.

The bad weather in January caused a number of sessions (about 7) to be cancelled and the Monday sessions were not running from June until end of October (June, July, August, September, October) primarily because no director was regularly available during this period.  The total number of sessions was down by 18 over the year as compared with the previous year that is from 235 to 217.  Attendance over the year was down by 189 but seen in the context of the reduced number of sessions that would be expected.  Average attendances were about the same as the previous year, Tuesday and Friday evening figures slightly distorted with the pupils included

Membership was slightly up during 2009/10 at 119 on the number in the previous year of 116.  This present year (2010/11) membership is only 97 so far, a drop of 18.5%.  There are two or three members who have not yet been to the club since April 1st who may yet renew their membership.  Have members friends they would like to introduce?  Sadly we lost a number of familiar faces over the year and the young prefer computer games!  Doug has been running lessons over the winter but so far the pupils have expressed little or no interest to join the club.

Ongoing problem with the electricity but the monthly direct debit has been reduced from £211 to £150 as from March 2010 so hopefully things will improve.  (£61 x 12 =£732). A number of investigations have been carried out to see why the bill is so high.  Poor roof insulation may be a contributing factor and the occasion when one or more radiators are left on another.  Investigations are being made to see if an automatic timing system could be introduced.  There is an area of confusion regarding the meter readings that may also be contributing to the high cost.

Issues for the coming year:

  • Insurance premium looks high and that should be investigated before the renewal date in the autumn.
  • Could the club get a better return on their investments?
  • During 2010/11 pay to play will cost about £115 per month as compared with average master points cost of under £17 per month in 2009/10.  That is to say P2P will bring an approximate additional cost to the club of £100 per month. A side issue is the “perks” that the various sessions offer the players, now that all sessions qualify for master points and club funds for Christmas parties should all sessions now qualify for “winners vouchers” where sufficient tables are playing? 
  • Ongoing issue of the electricity charges.  Reduce the usage (insulation, timer switches) and ensure meter readings taken correctly.

Our primary concern going into 2010/2011 is to increase the membership, at least back to 2009/10 levels, and to promote the evening sessions to encourage higher attendance.  The Wednesday afternoon sessions continue as popular as ever with an average of 6½ tables per session over the year. Could the evening sessions, where the overall average is about 4½ tables per session, be made as attractive as the Wednesday afternoon sessions?

Accounts and graphs showing attendance are on the club notice board.